From: Mark Kantrowitz
Subject: FAQ: Lisp Frequently Asked Questions 1/7 [Monthly posting]
Message-ID: <LISP_1_771490829@CS.CMU.EDU>
Archive-name: lisp-faq/part1
Last-Modified: Fri May 27 14:33:54 1994 by Mark Kantrowitz
Version: 1.46

;;; ****************************************************************
;;; Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Lisp ***************
;;; ****************************************************************
;;; Written by Mark Kantrowitz and Barry Margolin
;;; lisp_1.faq -- 72089 bytes

This post contains Part 1 of the Lisp FAQ.

If you think of questions that are appropriate for this FAQ, or would
like to improve an answer, please send email to us at ········

Note that the lisp-faq mailing list is for discussion of the content
of the FAQ posting only.  It is not the place to ask questions about Lisp;
use either the ··········· mailing list or the
comp.lang.lisp newsgroup for that.  If a question appears frequently
in one of those forums, it will get added to the FAQ list.

*** Copyright:

Copyright (c) 1992-94 by Mark Kantrowitz and Barry Margolin. 
All rights reserved. 

This FAQ may be freely redistributed in its entirety without
modification provided that this copyright notice is not removed.  It
may not be sold for profit or incorporated in commercial documents
(e.g., published for sale on CD-ROM, floppy disks, books, magazines,
or other print form) without the prior written permission of the
copyright holder.  Permission is expressly granted for this document
to be made available for file transfer from installations offering
unrestricted anonymous file transfer on the Internet.

This article is provided AS IS without any express or implied warranty.

*** Topics Covered:

There are currently seven parts to the Lisp FAQ:

   1. Introductory Matter and Bibliography of Introductions and References
   2. General Questions
   3. Common Programming Pitfalls
   4. Lisp Implementations and Mailing Lists
   5. Object-oriented Programming in Lisp
   6. FTP Archives and Resources
   7. Lisp Window Systems and GUIs

All parts are posted to comp.lang.lisp. Part 5 is cross-posted to the
comp.lang.clos newsgroup.  

Topics Covered (Part 1):

  [1-0]   What is the purpose of this newsgroup?
  [1-1]   What is the difference between Scheme and Common Lisp?
  [1-2]   Lisp books, introductions, documentation, periodicals,
          journals, and conference proceedings. 
  [1-3]   How can I improve my Lisp programming style and coding efficiency?
  [1-4]   Where can I learn about implementing Lisp interpreters and compilers?
  [1-5]   What is the "minimal" set of primitives needed for a Lisp
  [1-6]   What does CLOS, PCL, X3J13, CAR, CDR, ... mean? 
  [1-7]   Lisp Job Postings

Topics Covered (Part 2):

  [2-1]   Is there a GNU-Emacs interface to Lisp?
  [2-2]   When should I use a hash table instead of an association list?
  [2-3]   What is the equivalent of EXPLODE and IMPLODE in Common Lisp?
  [2-4]   Is Lisp inherently slower than more conventional languages such as C?
  [2-5]   Why does Common Lisp have "#'"?
  [2-6]   How do I call non-Lisp functions from Lisp?
  [2-7]   Can I call Lisp functions from other languages?
  [2-8]   I want to call a function in a package that might not exist at
          compile time. How do I do this?  
  [2-9]   What is CDR-coding?
  [2-10]  What is garbage collection?
  [2-11]  How do I save an executable image of my loaded Lisp system?
          How do I run a Unix command in my Lisp?
  [2-12]  I'm porting some code from a Symbolics Lisp machine to some
          other platform, and there are strange characters in the code.
          What do they mean?  
  [2-13]  History: Where did Lisp come from?
  [2-14]  How do I find the argument list of a function?
          How do I get the function name from a function object?
  [2-15]  How can I have two Lisp processes communicate via unix sockets?
  [2-16]  How can I create a stream that acts like UNIX's /dev/null
          (i.e., gobbles any output and immediately signals EOF on
          input operations)?
  [2-17]  Read-time conditionalization of code (#+ #- and *features*)
  [2-18]  What reader macro characters are used in major Lisp systems?
  [2-19]  How do I determine if a file is a directory or not? 
          How do I get the current directory name from within a Lisp 
          program? Is there any way to create a directory?
  [2-20]  What is a "Lisp Machine" (LISPM)?

Common Pitfalls (Part 3):

  [3-0]  Why does (READ-FROM-STRING "foobar" :START 3) return FOOBAR
         instead of BAR?  
  [3-1]  Why can't it deduce from (READ-FROM-STRING "foobar" :START 3)
         that the intent is to specify the START keyword parameter
         rather than the EOF-ERROR-P and EOF-VALUE optional parameters?   
  [3-2]  Why can't I apply #'AND and #'OR?
  [3-3]  I used a destructive function (e.g. DELETE, SORT), but it
         didn't seem to work.  Why? 
  [3-4]  After I NREVERSE a list, it's only one element long.  After I
         SORT a list, it's missing things.  What happened? 
  [3-5]  Why does (READ-LINE) return "" immediately instead of waiting
         for me to type a line?  
  [3-6]  I typed a form to the read-eval-print loop, but nothing happened. Why?
  [3-7]  DEFMACRO doesn't seem to work.
         When I compile my file, LISP warns me that my macros are undefined
         functions, or complains "Attempt to call <function> which is 
         defined as a macro.
  [3-8]  Name conflict errors are driving me crazy! (EXPORT, packages)
  [3-9]  Closures don't seem to work properly when referring to the
         iteration variable in DOLIST, DOTIMES, DO and LOOP.
  [3-10] What is the difference between FUNCALL and APPLY?
  [3-11] Miscellaneous things to consider when debugging code.
  [3-12] When is it right to use EVAL?
  [3-13] Why does my program's behavior change each time I use it?
  [3-14] When producing formatted output in Lisp, where should you put the
         newlines (e.g., before or after the line, FRESH-LINE vs TERPRI,
         ~& vs ~% in FORMAT)?
  [3-15] I'm using DO to do some iteration, but it doesn't terminate. 
  [3-16] My program works when interpreted but not when compiled!

Lisp Implementations and Mailing Lists (Part 4):

  [4-0]   Free Common Lisp implementations.
  [4-1]   Commercial Common Lisp implementations.
  [4-1a]  Lisp-to-C translators
  [4-2]   Scheme Implementations
  [4-4]   Free Implementations of Other Lisp Dialects
  [4-5]   Commercial Implementations of Other Lisp Dialects
  [4-6]   What is Dylan?
  [4-7]   What is Pearl Common Lisp?
  [4-9]   What Lisp-related discussion groups and mailing lists exist?
  [4-10]  ANSI Common Lisp -- Where can I get a copy of the draft standard?

Object-oriented Programming in Lisp (Part 5):

  [5-0]   What is CLOS (PCL) and where can I get it?
          How do you pronounce CLOS? What is the Meta-Object Protocol (MOP)?
  [5-1]   What documentation is available about object-oriented
          programming in Lisp?  
  [5-2]   How do I write a function that can access defstruct slots by
          name?  I would like to write something like 
          (STRUCTURE-SLOT <object> '<slot-name>).   
  [5-3]   How can I list all the CLOS instances in a class?
  [5-4]   How can I store data and CLOS instances (with possibly circular
          references) on disk so that they may be retrieved at some later
          time? (Persistent Object Storage)
  [5-5]   Given the name of a class, how can I get the names of its slots?
  [5-6]   Free CLOS software.

FTP Resources (Part 6):

  [6-0] General information about FTP Resources for Lisp
  [6-1] Repositories of Lisp Software
  [6-3] Publicly Redistributable Lisp Software
  [6-6] Formatting code in LaTeX (WEB and other literate programming tools)
  [6-7] Where can I get an implementation of Prolog in Lisp?
  [6-8] World-Wide Web (WWW) Resources

Lisp Window Systems and GUIs (Part 7):
  [7-1] How can I use the X Window System or other GUIs from Lisp?
  [7-2] What Graphers/Browsers are available?

Search for \[#\] to get to question number # quickly.

*** Recent Changes:

;;; 1.44:
;;; 14-MAR-94 mk    CMU CL version 17e released.
;;; 23-MAR-94 mk    Updated SchemeWeb entry.
;;; 12-APR-94 mk    This FAQ is now available by WWW. See below for details.
;;; 12-APR-94 mk    Changed/updated many ftp references to enable them to
;;;                 appear as links in the WWW version of the FAQ. E-mail
;;;                 about references that weren't converted and/or other WWW
;;;                 resources is welcome.
;;; 1.45:
;;; 14-APR-94 mk    Deleted duplicate Graham/Grahm entry in [1-2].
;;; 22-APR-94 mk    Updated ftp information for
;;; 29-APR-94 mk    ························ now defunct.
;;;  5-MAY-94 mk    Added ALU home page to [6-4].
;;;  5-MAY-94 mk    Added entry on the Pratt/Doerpmund implementation of the
;;;                 Paris/Vencovska model of belief (defeasible reasoning) to
;;;                 the list of ftpable systems.
;;; 12-MAY-94 mk    Added info on Edebug to [2-1].
;;; 12-MAY-94 mk    Added entry on Jeff Dalton's port of Franz Lisp to 386/486
;;;                 systems running NetBSD to [4-4].
;;; 12-MAY-94 mk    Added Gwydion WWW page and email address to the entry in
;;;                 [4-6].
;;; 1.46:
;;; 27-MAY-94 mk    Because of the demise of UCBVAX, the official archive site
;;;                 for Franz Lisp (public domain version) is now the CMU AI
;;;                 Repository. Added an entry to [4-4] reflecting this.
;;; 27-MAY-94 mk    AKCL 1-625 and above no longer depend on kcl.tar and is
;;;                 covered by the GNU GPL. Added separate entry in part 4, 
;;;                 and changed the KCL text slightly. Now known as
;;;                 GNU Common Lisp (GCL).
;;; 10-JUN-94 mk    Added note about the Screamer Tools Repository to [6-3].
;;; 10-JUN-94 mk    Added description of AllegroStore and PCLOS to [5-4]
;;;                 (Persistent Object Storage Systems).
;;; 10-JUN-94 mk    Allegro-CL, Franz-Friends, and Franz-Composers lists now
;;; 12-JUN-94 mk    Updated WINTERP entry in [7-1]. Version 2.01 for X11r6.

*** Introduction:

Certain questions and topics come up frequently in the various network
discussion groups devoted to and related to Lisp.  This file/article is
an attempt to gather these questions and their answers into a convenient
reference for Lisp programmers.  It (or a reference to it) is posted
periodically.  The hope is that this will cut down on the user time and
network bandwidth used to post, read and respond to the same questions
over and over, as well as providing education by answering questions
some readers may not even have thought to ask.

This is not a Lisp tutorial, nor is it an exhaustive list of all Lisp
intricacies.  Lisp is a very powerful and expressive language, but with
that power comes many complexities.  This list attempts to address the
ones that average Lisp programmers are likely to encounter.  If you are
new to Lisp, see the answer to the question "How can I learn Lisp?".

The latest version of this FAQ is available via anonymous FTP from CMU
and Thinking Machines: 

   To obtain the files from CMU, connect by anonymous FTP to  []
   using username "anonymous" and password ·····@host" (substitute your
   email address) or via AFS in the Andrew File System directory
   and get the files lisp_1.faq, lisp_2.faq, lisp_3.faq, lisp_4.faq,
   lisp_5.faq, lisp_6.faq and lisp_7.faq.

   To obtain the files from Thinking Machines, connect by anonymous FTP to
   The file faq.text contains all the parts of the FAQ in one file. In
   addition, specific versions of the FAQ are available as faq-<version>.text.

You can also obtain a copy of the FAQ by sending a message to
········ with 
   Send Lisp FAQ
in the message body.

The FAQ postings are also archived in the periodic posting archive on []
If you do not have anonymous ftp access, you can access the archive by
mail server as well.  Send an E-mail message to
··········· with "help" and "index" in the body on
separate lines for more information.

An automatically generated HTML version of the Lisp FAQ is accessible by
WWW as part of the AI-related FAQs Mosaic page. The URL for this
resource is
The direct URL for the Lisp FAQ is

Unless otherwise specified, the Lisp dialect referred to is Common Lisp,
as defined by "Common Lisp: the Language" (aka "CLtL1") as well as
corrections (but not enhancements) from "Common Lisp: the Language, 2nd
Edition" (aka "CLtL2"), both by Guy L. Steele, Jr. and published by
Digital Press. Note that CLtL2 is NOT an official specification for
the language; ANSI Committee X3J13 is preparing such a specification.
See question [4-10] for information on the status of the ANSI
specification for Common Lisp. Enhancements such as CLOS, conditions,
and the LOOP macro will be referred to separately.

If you need to cite the FAQ for some reason, use the following format:
   Mark Kantrowitz and Barry Margolin, "Answers to Frequently Asked
   Questions about Lisp", comp.lang.lisp, <month>, <year>,, ········

Subject: [1-0] What is the purpose of this newsgroup?

The newsgroup comp.lang.lisp exists for general discussion of
topics related to the programming language Lisp. For example, possible
topics can include (but are not necessarily limited to):
   announcements of Lisp books and products
   discussion of programs and utilities written in Lisp
   discussion of portability issues
   questions about possible bugs in Lisp implementations
   problems porting an implementation to some architecture
Postings should be of general interest to the Lisp community. See also
question [4-9]. Postings asking for solutions to homework problems are

Every so often, somebody posts an inflammatory message, such as
   My programming language is better than yours (Lisp vs. C/Prolog/Scheme). 
   Loop (or Series) should/shouldn't be part of the language.
These "religious" issues serve no real purpose other than to waste
bandwidth. If you feel the urge to respond to such a post, please do
so through a private e-mail message. 

Questions about object oriented programming in Lisp should be directed
to the newsgroup comp.lang.clos. Similarly, questions about the
programming language Scheme should be directed to the newsgroup
comp.lang.scheme. Discussion of functional programming language issues
should be directed to the newsgroup comp.lang.functional. Discussion
of AI programs implemented in Lisp should sometimes be cross-posted to
the newsgroup

Subject: [1-1] What is the difference between Scheme and Common Lisp?

Scheme is a dialect of Lisp that stresses conceptual elegance and
simplicity. It is specified in R4RS and IEEE standard P1178. (See
the Scheme FAQ for details on standards for Scheme.) Scheme is much
smaller than Common Lisp; the specification is about 50 pages,
compared to Common Lisp's 1300 page draft standard. (See question
[4-10] for details on standards for Common Lisp.) Advocates of Scheme
often find it amusing that the Scheme standard is shorter than the
index to CLtL2. 

Scheme is often used in computer science curricula and programming
language research, due to its ability to represent many programming
abstractions with its simple primitives. Common Lisp is often used for
real world programming because of its large library of utility
functions, a standard object-oriented programming facility (CLOS), and
a sophisticated condition handling system.

See the Scheme FAQ for information about object-oriented programming
in Scheme. 

In Common Lisp, a simple program would look something like the

   (defun fact (n)
     (if (< n 2)
         (* n (fact (1- n)))))

In Scheme, the equivalent program would like like this:

   (define fact
     (lambda (n)
       (if (< n 2)
         (* n (fact (- n 1))))))

Experienced Lisp programmers might write this program as follows in order
to allow it to run in constant space:

   (defun fact (n)
     (labels ((tail-recursive-fact (counter accumulator)
                (if (> counter n)
                    (tail-recursive-fact (1+ counter)
                                         (* counter accumulator)))))
       (tail-recursive-fact 1 1)))

Whereas in Scheme the same computation could be written as follows:

   (define fact
     (lambda (n)
       (letrec ((tail-recursive-fact
                 (lambda (counter accumulator)
                   (if (> counter n)
                     (tail-recursive-fact (+ counter 1)
                                          (* counter accumulator))))))
               (tail-recursive-fact 1 1))))

or perhaps (using IEEE named LETs):

   (define fact
     (lambda (n)
       (let loop ((counter n)
                  (accumulator 1))
            (if (< counter 2)
              (loop (- counter 1)
                    (* accumulator counter))))))

Some Schemes allow one to use the syntax (define (fact n) ...) instead
of (define fact (lambda (n) ...)).

Subject: [1-2] Lisp books, introductions, documentation, periodicals,
               journals, and conference proceedings. 

There are several good Lisp introductions and tutorials:

   1. David S. Touretzky
      "Common Lisp: A Gentle Introduction to Symbolic Computation"
      Benjamin/Cummings Publishers, Redwood City, CA, 1990. 592 pages.
      ISBN 0-8053-0492-4. 
           Perhaps the best tutorial introduction to the language. It has
           clear and correct explanations, and covers some fairly advanced
           topics. The book is an updated Common Lisp version of the 1984
           edition published by Harper and Row Publishers. 

           Three free Lisp educational tools which were used in the book --
           Evaltrace, DTRACE and SDRAW -- are available by anonymous ftp from
 {lisp,evaltrace}. Evaltrace is a
           graphical notation for explaining how evaluation works and is
           described in "Visualizing Evaluation in Applicative Languages" by
           David S. Touretzky and Peter Lee, CACM 45-59, October 1992. DTRACE
           is a "detailed trace" which provides more information than the 
           tracing tools provided with most Common Lisp implementations. SDRAW
           is a read-eval-draw loop that evaluates Lisp expressions
           and draws the result as a cons cell diagram (for both X11 and ascii
           terminals). Also available is PPMX, a tool for pretty printing
           macro expansions.

   2. Robert Wilensky
      "Common LISPcraft"
      W. W. Norton, 1986. 500 pages. ISBN 0-393-95544-3.

   3. Wade L. Hennessey 
      "Common Lisp"
      McGraw-Hill, 1989. 395 pages.
           Fairly good, but jumps back and forth from the simple to the
           complex rather quickly, with no clear progression in difficulty.

   4. Laurent Siklossy
      "Let's Talk LISP"
      Prentice-Hall, NJ, 1976. 237 pages.
           Good introduction, but quite out of date.

   5. Stuart C. Shapiro
      "Common Lisp: An Interactive Approach"
      Computer Science Press/W.H. Freeman, New York, 1992.
      ISBN 0-7167-8218-9
         The errata for the book may be obtained by anonymous ftp from

Other introductions to Lisp include:

   1. A. A. Berk.
      "LISP, The Language of Artificial Intelligence"
      Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1985. 160 pages.

   2. Paul Y. Gloess.
      "An Alfred handy guide to Understanding LISP"
      Alfred Publishers (Sherman Oaks, CA), 1982. 64 pages.

   3. Ward D. Maurer.
      "The Programmer's Introduction to LISP"
      American Elsevier, 1972. 112 pages.

   4. Hank Bromley and Richard Lamson.
      "LISP Lore: A Guide to Programming the LISP Machine"
      Kluwer Academic (Boston), 1987. 337 pages.

   5. Sharam Hekmatpour.
      "Introduction to LISP and Symbol Manipulation"
      Prentice Hall (New York), 1988. 303 pages.

   6. Deborah G. Tatar
      "A programmer's guide to Common Lisp"
      Digital Press, 1987. 327 pages. ISBN 0-932376-87-8.
           Good introduction on Common Lisp for programmers familiar
           with other programming languages, such as FORTRAN, PASCAL, or C.

   7. Timothy Koschmann
      "The Common Lisp Companion"
      John Wiley & Sons, 1990. ISBN 0-471-503-8-8.
           Targeted for those with some programming experience who wish to 
           learn draft-ANSI Common Lisp, including CLOS and the CL condition 
           system. Examples progress incrementally from simple numerical 
           calculation all the way to a logic-programming extension to CL.
More advanced introductions to Lisp and its use in Artificial
Intelligence include:

   1. Peter Norvig.
      "Paradigms of AI Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp"
      Morgan Kaufmann, 1992. 946 pages. ISBN 1-55860-191-0. $49.95.

        Provides an in-depth exposition of advanced AI programming techniques
        and includes large-scale detailed examples. The book is the most
        advanced AI/Common-Lisp programming text and reference currently
        available, and hence is not for the complete novice.  It focuses on the
        programming techniques necessary for building large AI systems,
        including object-oriented programming, and has a strong performance

        The text is marked by its use of "non-toy" examples to illustrate the
        techniques. All of the examples are written in Common Lisp, and copies
        of the source code are available by anonymous ftp from and on disk in Macintosh or DOS format from
        the publisher. Some of the techniques described include rule-based
        pattern matching (GPS, Eliza, a subset of Macsyma, the Emycin expert
        system shell), constraint propagation and backtracking (Waltz
        line-labelling), alpha-beta search (Othello), natural language
        processing (top-down, bottom-up and chart parsing), logic-programming
        (unification and Prolog), interpreters and compilers for Scheme, and
        object-oriented programming (CLOS).

        The examples are also used to illustrate good programming style and
        efficiency. There is a guide to trouble-shooting and debugging Lisp
        programs, a style guide, and a discussion of portability problems.
        Some of the efficiency techniques described include memoization,
        data indexing, compilation, delaying computation, proper use of
        declarations, avoiding garbage collection, and choosing and using the
        correct data structure.

        The book also serves as an advanced introduction to Common Lisp, with
        sections on the Loop macro, CLOS and sequences, and some coverage of 
        error handling, series, and the package facility.

   2. Eugene Charniak, Christopher K. Riesbeck, Drew V. McDermott
      and James R. Meehan.
      "Artificial Intelligence Programming", 2nd edition.
      Lawrence Erlbaum Associates (Hillsdale, NJ), 1987. 533 pages.
           Provides many nice code fragments, all of which are written
           in Common Lisp. The first half of the book covers topics
           like macros, the reader, data structures, control structures,
           and defstructs. The second half of the book describes
           programming techniques specific to AI, such as
           discrimination nets, production systems, deductive database
           retrieval, logic programming, and truth maintenance.

   3. Patrick H. Winston and Berthold K. P. Horn.
      "LISP", 3rd edition.
      Addison-Wesley (Reading, MA), 1989. 611 pages. ISBN 0-201-08319-1
           Covers the basic concepts of the language, but also gives a lot
           of detail about programming AI topics such as rule-based expert
           systems, forward chaining, interpreting transition trees, 
           compiling transition trees, object oriented programming,
           and finding patterns in images. Not a tutorial. Has many
           good examples. Source code for the examples is available by
           anonymous ftp from (The code runs in
           Lucid, Allegro, KCL, GCLisp, MCL, Symbolics Genera. Send mail
           with subject line "help" to ··· for more information.)

   4. John R. Anderson, Albert T. Corbett, and Brian J. Reiser.
      "Essential LISP"
      Addison-Wesley (Reading, MA), 1987. 352 pages.
           Concentrates on how to use Lisp with iteration and recursion.

   5. Robert D. Cameron and Anthony H. Dixon
      "Symbolic Computing with Lisp"
      Prentice-Hall, 1992, 326 pages. ISBN 0-13-877846-9.
           The book is intended primarily as a third-year computer science
           text. In terms of programming techniques, it emphasizes recursion
           and induction, data abstraction, grammar-based definition of Lisp
           data structures and functional programming style. It uses
           two Lisp languages: 
                (1) a purely functional subset of Lisp called Small Lisp and
                (2) Common Lisp.
           An MS-DOS interpreter for Small Lisp (including source) is
           provided with the book.  It considers applications of Lisp
           to formal symbolic data domains: algebraic expressions,
           logical formulas, grammars and programming languages. 

   6. Hasemer and Domingue.
      "Common Lisp Programming for Artificial Intelligence"
      Addison-Wesley, 1989.

   7. Steven Tanimoto
      "The Elements of Artificial Intelligence: An Introduction Using Lisp"
      Computer Science Press, Rockville, MD, 1987, 530 pages.

   8. Patrick R. Harrison
      "Common Lisp and Artificial Intelligence"
      Prentice Hall, Englewood Clifs, NJ, 1990. 244 pages. ISBN 0-13-155243.

   9. Paul Graham
      "On Lisp: Advanced Techniques for Common Lisp"
      Prentice Hall, Englewood Clifs, NJ, 1994. 400 pages, ISBN 0-13-030552-9.
         Emphasizes a bottom-up style of writing programs, which he
         claims is natural in Lisp and has advantages over the
         traditional way of writing programs in C and Pascal.
         Also has in-depth sections on writing macros.

General Lisp reference books include:

   1. Guy L. Steele
      "Common Lisp: The Language" [CLtL1]
      Digital Press, 1984. 465 pages. ISBN 0-932376-41-X.

   2. Guy L. Steele
      "Common Lisp: The Language, 2nd Edition" [CLtL2]
      Digital Press, 1990. 1029 pages. ISBN 1-55558-041-6.

   3. Franz Inc. 
      "Common Lisp: The Reference"
      Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA 1988. ISBN 0-201-11458-5
           Entries on Lisp (CLtL1) functions in alphabetical order.

Lisp periodicals include:
   1. LISP Pointers.
      Published by ACM SIGPLAN six times a year. Volume 1, Number 1
      was April-May 1987. 
      Subscriptions: ACM Members $12; ACM Student Members $7; Non-ACM
      members $25. Mail checks payable to the ACM to ACM Inc., PO Box
      12115, Church Street Station, New York, NY 10249.

   2. LISP and Symbolic Computation, Kluwer Academic Press. Volume 1
      was published in 1989. (··· is the editor).  ISSN 0892-4635.
      Subscriptions: Institutions $169; Individuals $80. Add $8 for
      air mail. Kluwer Academic Publishers, PO Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, 
      The Netherlands, or Kluwer Academic Publishers, PO Box 358, Accord
      Station, Hingham, MA 02018-0358. 

      A full table of contents of all published issues, aims and scope, and
      instructions for authors are available by anonymous ftp from
      as the files lisp.toc and lisp.inf.

   3. Proceedings of the biannual ACM Lisp and Functional Programming
      Conference. (First one was in 1980.)

   4. Proceedings of the annual Lisp Users and Vendors Conference.

Implementation-specific questions:

   1. Lucid. See the wizards.doc file that comes with the Lucid
      release. It describes functions, macros, variables and constants that
      are not official parts of the product and are not supported.
      Constructs described in this file include: the interrupt facility, the
      source file recording facility, the resource facility, multitasking,
      writing your own streams, lisp pipes, i/o buffers, the compiler,
      floating-point functions, memory management, debugger information, the
      window tool kit, extensions to the editor, the foreign function
      interface, clos information, delivery toolkit information, and Lucid
      lisp training classes. The wizards.doc file also covers i/o
      constructs, functions for dealing with DEFSTRUCT, functions and
      constants for dealing with procedure objects, functions and constants
      for dealing with code objects, function for mapping objects,
      additional keyword argument to DISKSAVE, function used in the
      implementation of arrays, function for monitor-specific behavior for a
      process, additional keyword argument to RUN-PROGRAM, and load-time

Many books on Scheme are worth reading even if you use Common Lisp,
because many of the issues are similar. Scheme is a simpler language
to learn, so it is often used in introductory computer science
classes.  See the Scheme FAQ for a list of introductions and
references for Scheme. The two key introductions are Abelson and
Sussman's "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs" and 
Friedman and Felleisen's "The Little LISPer". 

Special Topics:

   Garbage Collection:

      Wilson, Paul R., "Uniprocessor Garbage Collection Techniques"
      Proceedings of the 1992 International Workshop on Memory Management.
      Springer Lecture Notes #637. Surveys garbage collection techniques. 
      Includes an excellent bibliography. Available by anonymous ftp from
      The BibTeX format of the bibliography is also available in this
      directory, along with several other papers. Contact ······
      for more info.

Subject: [1-3] How can I improve my Lisp programming style and 
               coding efficiency?

There are several books about Lisp programming style, including:
   1. Molly M. Miller and Eric Benson
      "Lisp Style and Design"
      Digital Press, 1990. 214 pages. ISBN 1-55558-044-0.
           How to write large Lisp programs and improve Lisp programming 
           style. Uses the development of Lucid CL as an example. 

   2. Robin Jones, Clive Maynard, and Ian Stewart.
      "The Art of Lisp Programming"
      Springer-Verlag, 1989. 169 pages.

   3. W. Richard Stark.
      "LISP, Lore, and Logic: An Algebraic View of LISP
       Programming, Foundations, and Applications"
      Springer-Verlag, 1990. 278 pages. ISBN 0-387-97072-X paper ($42).
           Self-modifying code, self-reproducing programs, etc.

   4. CMU CL User's Manual, Chapter 7, (talks about writing
      efficient code). It is available by anonymous ftp from any CMU CS 
      machine (e.g., []) as the file
      [when getting this file by anonymous ftp, one must cd to 
      the directory in one atomic operation, as some of the superior
      directories on the path are protected from access by anonymous ftp.]

   5. See also Norvig's book, SICP (Abelson & Sussman), SAP
      (Springer and Friedman).

   6. Hallvard Tretteberg's Lisp Style Guide is available by anonymous
      ftp in There is
      a fair bit of overlap between Hallvard's style guide and the notes
      below and in part 3 of this FAQ.

   7. Rajeev Sangal
      "Programming Paradigms in Lisp"
      McGraw-Hill, 1991. ISBN 0-07-054666-5.

   8. Rodney A. Brooks.
      "Programming in Common Lisp"
      John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1985. 303 pages. ISBN 0-471-81888-7.
      Chapter 5 discusses Lisp programming style.

Here are some general suggestions/notes about improving Lisp
programming style, readability, correctness and efficiency:

   General Programming Style Rules:

      - Write short functions, where each function provides a single,
        well-defined operation. Small functions are easier to
        read, write, test, debug, and understand.

      - Use descriptive variable and function names. If it isn't clear
        from the name of a function or variable what its purpose is,
        document it with a documentation string and a comment. In fact,
        even if the purpose is evident from the name, it is still worth
        documenting your code.

      - Don't write Pascal (or C) code in Lisp. Use the appropriate
        predefined functions -- look in the index to CLtL2, or use the
        APROPOS and DESCRIBE functions. Don't put a close parenthesis
        on a line by itself -- this can really aggravate programmers
        who grew up on Lisp. Lisp-oriented text editors include tools
        for ensuring balanced parentheses and for moving across 
        pairs of balanced parentheses. You don't need to stick
        comments on close parentheses to mark which expression they close.

      - Use proper indentation -- you should be able to understand
        the structure of your definitions without noticing the parentheses. 
        In general, the way one indents a form is controlled by the
        first symbol of the form. In DEFUNs, for example, one puts the
        symbol DEFUN, the function name, and the argument list all on
        the same line. If the argument list is too long, one can break
        it at one of the lambda keywords. Following the argument list,
        one inserts a carriage return and lists the expressions in the
        body of the definition, with each form starting on its own
        line indented three spaces relative to the open parenthesis of
        the parent (in this case the DEFUN). This general style -- of
        putting all the significant elements of a form on a single
        line, followed by a carriage return and the indented body --
        holds for many Lisp constructs. There are, of course, variations,
        such as keeping the first clause on the same line as the COND
        or CASE symbol, and the rules are relaxed in different ways to
        keep line lengths to a manageable size. If you find yourself having
        trouble fitting everything in even with line breaking and
        relaxing the rules, either your function names are too long or your
        code isn't very modular. You should perceive this as a signal that
        you need to break up your big definitions into smaller chunks, each
        with a clearly defined purpose, and possibly replace long function
        names with concise but apt shorter ones.

      - Use whitespace appropriately. Use whitespace to separate
        semantically distinct code segments, but don't use too much
        whitespace. For example,
              (defun foo (x y)
                (let ((z (+ x y 10)))
                  (* z z)))

              (defun foo(x y)(let((z(+ x y 10)))(* z z)))

              (defun foo ( x  y )
                (let ( ( z (+ x y 10) ) )
                  ( * z z )
         Although the Lisp reader and compiler don't care which you
         use, most experienced Lisp programs find the first example much easier
         to read than the last two.

       - Don't use line lengths greater than 80 characters. People who
         write code using Zmacs on Symbolics Lisp Machines are notoriously
         guilty of violating this rule, because the CPT6 font allows
         one to squeeze a tremendous amount of code on the display,
         especially if one spreads the code out horizontally. This
         makes it more difficult to read when printed out or read on
         an 80x24 xterm window. In fact, use a line length of 72 characters
         because it leaves a strip of white space at the edge of the window.

   The following functions often abused or misunderstood by novices. 
   Think twice before using any of these functions.

      - EVAL. Novices almost always misuse EVAL. When experts use
        EVAL, they often would be better off using APPLY, FUNCALL, or
        SYMBOL-VALUE. Use of EVAL when defining a macro should set off
        a warning bell -- macro definitions are already evaluated
        during expansion. See also the answer to question 3-12.
        The general rule of thumb about EVAL is: if you think you need
        to use EVAL, you're probably wrong.

      - PROGV. PROGV binds dynamic variables and is often misused in
        conjunction with EVAL, which uses the dynamic environment. 
        In general, avoid unnecessary use of special variables.
        PROGV is mainly for writing interpreters for languages embedded
        in Lisp. If you want to bind a list of values to a list of
        lexical variables, use
            (MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND (..) (VALUES-LIST ..) ..)
            (MULTIPLE-VALUE-SETQ (..) (VALUES-LIST ..))
        instead. Most decent compilers can optimize this expression. 
        However, use of this idiom is not to be encouraged unless absolutely

      - CATCH and THROW. Often a named BLOCK and RETURN-FROM are
        more appropriate. Use UNWIND-PROTECT when necessary.

      - Destructive operations, such as NCONC, SORT, DELETE,
        RPLACA, and RPLACD, should be used carefully and sparingly.
        In general, trust the garbage collector: allocate new
        data structures when you need them.

   To improve the readability of your code,

      - Don't use any C{A,D}R functions with more than two
        letters between the C and the R. When nested, they become
        hard to read. If you have complex data structures, you
        are often better off describing them with a DEFSTRUCT,
        even if the type is LIST. The data abstraction afforded by
        DEFSTRUCT makes the code much more readable and its purpose
        clearer. If you must use C{A,D}R, try to use
        DESTRUCTURING-BIND instead, or at least SECOND, THIRD, 
        NTH, NTHCDR, etc.

      - Use COND instead of IF and PROGN. In general, don't use PROGN if
        there is a way to write the code within an implicit
        PROGN. For example, 
           (IF (FOO X)
               (PROGN (PRINT "hi there") 23)
        should be written using COND instead.

      - Never use a 2-argument IF or a 3-argument IF with a second
        argument of NIL unless you want to emphasize the return value;
        use WHEN and UNLESS instead. You will want to emphasize the
        return value when the IF clause is embedded within a SETQ,
        such as (SETQ X (IF (EQ Y Z) 2 NIL)). If the second argument 
        to IF is the same as the first, use OR instead: (OR P Q) rather
        than (IF P P Q). Use UNLESS instead of (WHEN (NOT ..) ..)
        but not instead of (WHEN (NULL ..) ..).

      - Use COND instead of nested IF statements. Be sure to check for
        unreachable cases, and eliminate those cond-clauses.

      - Use backquote, rather than explicit calls to LIST, CONS, and
        APPEND, whenever writing a form which produces a Lisp form, but
        not as a general substitute for LIST, CONS and APPEND. LIST, 
        CONS and APPEND usually allocate new storage, but lists produced
        by backquote may involve destructive modification (e.g., ,.).

      - Make the names of special (global) variables begin and end
        with an asterisk (*): (DEFVAR *GLOBAL-VARIABLE*)   
        Some programmers will mark the beginning and end of an internal
        global variable with a percent (%) or a period (.).
        Make the names of constants begin and end with a plus (+):
        (DEFCONSTANT +E+ 2.7182818)
        This helps distinguish them from lexical variables. Some people
        prefer to use macros to define constants, since this avoids
        the problem of accidentally trying to bind a symbol declared
        with defconstant.

      - If your program is built upon an underlying substrate which is
        implementation-dependent, consider naming those functions and
        macros in a way that visually identifies them, either by placing
        them in their own package, or prepending a character like a %, ., 
        or ! to the function name. Note that many programmers use the
        $ as a macro character for slot access, so it should be avoided
        unless you're using it for that purpose.

      - Don't use property lists. Instead, use an explicit hash table.
        This helps avoid problems caused by the symbol being in the wrong
        package, accidental reuse of property keys from other
        programs, and allows you to customize the structure of the table. 

      - Use the most specific construct that does the job. This lets
        readers of the code see what you intended when writing the code.
        For example, don't use SETF if SETQ will do (e.g., for lexical
        variables). Use the most specific predicate to test your conditions.
        If you intend for a function to be a predicate, have it return T
        for true, not just non-NIL. 

      - When NIL is used as an empty list, use () in your code. When NIL
        is used as a boolean, use NIL. Similarly, use NULL to test for an
        empty list, NOT to test a logical value. Use ENDP to test for the
        end of a list, not NULL.

      - Don't use the &AUX lambda-list keyword. It is always clearer to
        define local variables using LET or LET*.

      - When using RETURN and RETURN-FROM to exit from a block, don't
        use (VALUES ..) when returning only one value, except if you
        are using it to suppress extra multiple values from the first

      - If you want a function to return no values (i.e., equivalent to
        VOID in C), use (VALUES) to return zero values. This signals
        to the reader that the function is used mainly for side-effects.

      - (VALUES (VALUES 1 2 3)) returns only the first value, 1.
        You can use (VALUES (some-multiple-value-function ..)) to suppress
        the extra multiple values from the function. Use MULTIPLE-VALUE-PROG1
        instead of PROG1 when the multiple values are significant.

      - When using MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND and DESTRUCTURING-BIND, don't rely
        on the fact that NIL is used when values are missing. This is
        an error in some implementations of DESTRUCTURING-BIND. Instead,
        make sure that your function always returns the proper number of

      - Type the name of external symbols, functions, and variables
        from the COMMON-LISP package in uppercase. This will allow your
        code to work properly in a case-sensitive version of Common Lisp,
        since the print-names of symbols in the COMMON-LISP package
        are uppercase internally. (However, not everybody feels that
        being nice to case-sensitive Lisps is a requirement, so this
        isn't an absolute style rule, just a suggestion.)

    Lisp Idioms:

      - MAPCAN is used with a function to return a variable number of
        items to be included in an output list. When the function returns zero
        or one items, the function serves as a filter. For example,
           (mapcan #'(lambda (x) (when (and (numberp x) (evenp x)) (list x)))
                   '(1 2 3 4 x 5 y 6 z 7))


      - Comment your code. Use three semicolons in the left margin before
        the definition for major explanations. Use two semicolons that
        float with the code to explain the routine that follows. Two
        semicolons may also be used to explain the following line when the
        comment is too long for the single semicolon treatment. Use
        a single semicolon to the right of the code to explain a particular
        line with a short comment. The number of semicolons used roughly
        corresponds with the length of the comment. Put at least one blank
        line before and after top-level expressions.

      - Include documentation strings in your code. This lets users
        get help while running your program without having to resort to
        the source code or printed documentation. 

   Issues related to macros:

      - Never use a macro instead of a function for efficiency reasons.
        Declaim the function as inline -- for example, 
          (DECLAIM (INLINE ..))
        This is *not* a magic bullet -- be forewarned that inline
        expansions can often increase the code size dramatically. INLINE
        should be used only for short functions where the tradeoff is
        likely to be worthwhile: inner loops, types that the compiler
        might do something smart with, and so on.

      - When defining a macro that provides an implicit PROGN, use the
        &BODY lambda-list keyword instead of &REST.

      - Use gensyms for bindings within a macro, unless the macro lets
        the user explicitly specify the variable. For example:
            (defmacro foo ((iter-var list) body-form &body body)
              (let ((result (gensym "RESULT")))
                `(let ((,result nil))
                   (dolist (,iter-var ,list ,result)
                     (setq ,result ,body-form)
                     (when ,result
        This avoids errors caused by collisions during macro expansion
        between variable names used in the macro definition and in the
        supplied body.

      - Use a DO- prefix in the name of a macro that does some kind of
        iteration, WITH- when the macro establishes bindings, and
        DEFINE- or DEF- when the macro creates some definitions. Don't
        use the prefix MAP- in macro names, only in function names.

      - Don't create a new iteration macro when an existing function
        or macro will do.

      - Don't define a macro where a function definition will work just
        as well -- remember, you can FUNCALL or MAPCAR a function but 
        not a macro.

      - The LOOP and SERIES macros generate efficient code. If you're
        writing a new iteration macro, consider learning to use one
        of them instead.
   File Modularization:

      - If your program involves macros that are used in more than one
        file, it is generally a good idea to put such macros in a separate
        file that gets loaded before the other files. The same things applies
        to primitive functions. If a macro is complicated, the code that
        defines the macro should be put into a file by itself. In general, if
        a set of definitions form a cohesive and "independent" whole, they
        should be put in a file by themselves, and maybe even in their own
        package. It isn't unusual for a large Lisp program to have files named
        "site-dependent-code", "primitives.lisp", and "macros.lisp". If a file
        contains primarily macros, put "-macros" in the name of the file.

   Stylistic preferences:

      - Use (SETF (CAR ..) ..) and (SETF (CDR ..) ..) in preference to
        RPLACA and RPLACD. Likewise (SETF (GET ..) ..) instead of PUT.

      - Use INCF, DECF, PUSH and POP instead instead of the corresponding
        SETF forms.

      - Many programmers religiously avoid using CATCH, THROW, BLOCK,
        PROG, GO and TAGBODY.  Tags and go-forms should only be necessary
        to create extremely unusual and complicated iteration constructs. In
        almost every circumstance, a ready-made iteration construct or
        recursive implementation is more appropriate.

      - Don't use LET* where LET will do. Don't use LABELS where FLET
        will do. Don't use DO* where DO will do.

      - Don't use DO where DOTIMES or DOLIST will do.

      - If you like using MAPCAR instead of DO/DOLIST, use MAPC when
        no result is needed -- it's more efficient, since it doesn't
        cons up a list. If a single cumulative value is required, use
        REDUCE. If you are seeking a particular element, use FIND,
        POSITION, or MEMBER.

      - If using REMOVE and DELETE to filter a sequence, don't use the
        :test-not keyword or the REMOVE-IF-NOT or DELETE-IF-NOT functions.
        Use COMPLEMENT to complement the predicate and the REMOVE-IF
        or DELETE-IF functions instead.

      - Use complex numbers to represent points in a plane.

      - Don't use lists where vectors are more appropriate. Accessing the
        nth element of a vector is faster than finding the nth element
        of a list, since the latter requires pointer chasing while the
        former requires simple addition. Vectors also take up less space
        than lists. Use adjustable vectors with fill-pointers to
        implement a stack, instead of a list -- using a list continually
        conses and then throws away the conses.

      - When adding an entry to an association list, use ACONS, not
        two calls to CONS. This makes it clear that you're using an alist.

      - If your association list has more than about 10 entries in it,
        consider using a hash table. Hash tables are often more efficient.
        (See also [2-2].)

      - When you don't need the full power of CLOS, consider using
        structures instead. They are often faster, take up less space, and
        easier to use.

      - Use PRINT-UNREADABLE-OBJECT when writing a print-function.

      - Use WITH-OPEN-FILE instead of OPEN and CLOSE.

      - When a HANDLER-CASE clause is executed, the stack has already
        unwound, so dynamic bindings that existed when the error
        occured may no longer exist when the handler is run. Use
        HANDLER-BIND if you need this. 

      - When using CASE and TYPECASE forms, if you intend for the form
        to return NIL when all cases fail, include an explicit OTHERWISE
        clause. If it would be an error to return NIL when all cases
        fail, use ECASE, CCASE, ETYPECASE or CTYPECASE instead.

      - Use local variables in preference to global variables whenever
        possible. Do not use global variables in lieu of parameter passing.
        Global variables can be used in the following circumstances:
          *  When one function needs to affect the operation of
             another, but the second function isn't called by the first.
             (For example, *load-pathname* and *break-on-warnings*.)
          *  When a called function needs to affect the current or future
             operation of the caller, but it doesn't make sense to accomplish
             this by returning multiple values.
          *  To provide hooks into the mechanisms of the program.
             (For example, *evalhook*, *, /, and +.)
          *  Parameters which, when their value is changed, represent a
             major change to the program.
             (For example, *print-level* and *print-readably*.)
          *  For state that persists between invocations of the program.
             Also, for state which is used by more than one major program.
             (For example, *package*, *readtable*, *gensym-counter*.)
          *  To provide convenient information to the user.
             (For example, *version* and *features*.)
          *  To provide customizable defaults. 
             (For example, *default-pathname-defaults*.)
          *  When a value affects major portions of a program, and passing
             this value around would be extremely awkward. (The example
             here is output and input streams for a program. Even when
             the program passes the stream around as an argument, if you
             want to redirect all output from the program to a different
             stream, it is much easier to just rebind the global variable.)

      - Beginning students, especially ones accustomed to programming
        in C, Pascal, or Fortran, tend to use global variables to hold or pass
        information in their programs. This style is considered ugly by
        experienced Lisp programmers. Although assignment statements can't
        always be avoided in production code, good programmers take advantage
        of Lisp's functional programming style before resorting to SETF and
        SETQ. For example, they will nest function calls instead of using a
        temporary variable and use the stack to pass multiple values. When
        first learning to program in Lisp, try to avoid SETF/SETQ and their
        cousins as much as possible. And if a temporary variable is necessary,
        bind it to its first value in a LET statement, instead of letting it
        become a global variable by default. (If you see lots of compiler
        warnings about declaring variables to be special, you're probably
        making this mistake. If you intend a variable to be global, it should
        be defined with a DEFVAR or DEFPARAMETER statement, not left to the
        compiler to fix.)

   Correctness and efficiency issues:

      - In CLtL2, IN-PACKAGE does not evaluate its argument. Use defpackage
        to define a package and declare the external (exported)
        symbols from the package. 

      - The ARRAY-TOTAL-SIZE-LIMIT may be as small as 1024, and the
        CALL-ARGUMENTS-LIMIT may be as small as 50. 

      - Novices often mistakenly quote the conditions of a CASE form.
        For example, (case x ('a 3) ..) is incorrect. It would return
        3 if x were the symbol QUOTE. Use (case x (a 3) ..) instead.

      - Avoid using APPLY to flatten lists. Although 
           (apply #'append list-of-lists)
        may look like a call with only two arguments, it becomes a 
        function call to APPEND, with the LIST-OF-LISTS spread into actual
        arguments. As a result it will have as many arguments as there are
        elements in LIST-OF-LISTS, and hence may run into problems with the
           (reduce #'append list-of-lists :from-end t)
           (mapcan #'copy-list list-of-lists)
        The second will often be more efficient (see note below about choosing
        the right algorithm). Beware of calls like (apply f (mapcar ..)).

      - NTH must cdr down the list to reach the elements you are
        interested in. If you don't need the structural flexibility of
        lists, try using vectors and the ELT function instead.

      - CASE statements can be vectorized if the keys are consecutive
        numbers. Such CASE statements can still have OTHERWISE clauses.
        To take advantage of this without losing readability, use #. with 
        symbolic constants:

            (eval-when (compile load eval)
               (defconstant RED 1)
               (defconstant GREEN 2)
               (defconstant BLUE 3))

            (case color
              (#.RED   ...)
              (#.GREEN ...)
              (#.BLUE  ...)

      - Don't use quoted constants where you might later destructively
        modify them. For example, instead of writing '(c d) in
           (defun foo ()
             (let ((var '(c d)))
        write (list 'c 'd) instead. Using a quote here can lead to
        unexpected results later. If you later destructively modify the 
        value of var, this is self-modifying code! Some Lisp compilers
        will complain about this, since they like to make constants
        read-only. Modifying constants has undefined results in ANSI CL.
        See also the answer to question [3-13].

        Similarly, beware of shared list structure arising from the use
        of backquote. Any sublist in a backquoted expression that doesn't
        contain any commas can share with the original source structure.

      - Don't proclaim unsafe optimizations, such as
           (proclaim '(optimize (safety 0) (speed 3) (space 1))) 
        since this yields a global effect. Instead, add the
        optimizations as local declarations to small pieces of
        well-tested, performance-critical code:
           (defun well-tested-function ()
              (declare (optimize (safety 0) (speed 3) (space 1)))
        Such optimizations can remove run-time type-checking; type-checking
        is necessary unless you've very carefully checked your code
        and added all the appropriate type declarations.

      - Some programmers feel that you shouldn't add declarations to
        code until it is fully debugged, because incorrect
        declarations can be an annoying source of errors. They recommend
        using CHECK-TYPE liberally instead while you are developing the code.
        On the other hand, if you add declarations to tell the
        compiler what you think your code is doing, the compiler can
        then tell you when your assumptions are incorrect.
        Declarations also make it easier for another programmer to read
        your code. 

      - Declaring the type of variables to be FIXNUM does not
        necessarily mean that the results of arithmetic involving the 
        fixnums will be a fixnum; it could be a BIGNUM. For example,
           (declare (type fixnum x y))
           (setq z (+ (* x x) (* y y)))
        could result in z being a BIGNUM. If you know the limits of your
        numbers, use a declaration like
           (declare (type (integer 0 100) x y))
        instead, since most compilers can then do the appropriate type
        inference, leading to much faster code.

      - Don't change the compiler optimization with an OPTIMIZE
        proclamation or declaration until the code is fully debugged
        and profiled.  When first writing code you should say 
        (declare (optimize (safety 3))) regardless of the speed setting.

      - Depending on the optimization level of the compiler, type
        declarations are interpreted either as (1) a guarantee from
        you that the variable is always bound to values of that type,
        or (2) a desire that the compiler check that the variable is
        always bound to values of that type. Use CHECK-TYPE if (2) is
        your intention.

      - If you get warnings about unused variables, add IGNORE
        declarations if appropriate or fix the problem. Letting such
        warnings stand is a sloppy coding practice.

   To produce efficient code,

      - choose the right algorithm. For example, consider seven possible
        implementations of COPY-LIST:

           (defun copy-list (list)
             (let ((result nil))
               (dolist (item list result)
                 (setf result (append result (list item))))))

           (defun copy-list (list)
             (let ((result nil))
               (dolist (item list (nreverse result))
                 (push item result))))

           (defun copy-list (list)
             (mapcar #'identity list))

           (defun copy-list (list)
             (let ((result (make-list (length list))))
               (do ((original list (cdr original))
                    (new result (cdr new)))
                   ((null original) result)
                 (setf (car new) (car original)))))

           (defun copy-list (list)
             (when list
               (let* ((result (list (car list)))
                      (tail-ptr result))
                 (dolist (item (cdr list) result)
                   (setf (cdr tail-ptr) (list item))
                   (setf tail-ptr (cdr tail-ptr))))))
            (defun copy-list (list)
              (loop for item in list collect item))

            (defun copy-list (list)
              (if (consp list) 
                  (cons (car list)
                        (copy-list (cdr list)))

        The first uses APPEND to tack the elements onto the end of the list.
        Since APPEND must traverse the entire partial list at each step, this
        yields a quadratic running time for the algorithm.  The second
        implementation improves on this by iterating down the list twice; once
        to build up the list in reverse order, and the second time to reverse
        it. The efficiency of the third depends on the Lisp implementation,
        but it is usually similar to the second, as is the fourth.  The fifth
        algorithm, however, iterates down the list only once. It avoids the
        extra work by keeping a pointer (reference) to the last cons of the 
        list and RPLACDing onto the end of that. Use of the fifth algorithm 
        may yield a speedup. Note that this contradicts the earlier dictum to
        avoid destructive functions. To make more efficient code one might
        selectively introduce destructive operations in critical sections of
        code. Nevertheless, the fifth implementation may be less efficient in
        Lisps with cdr-coding, since it is more expensive to RPLACD cdr-coded
        lists. Depending on the implementation of nreverse, however,
        the fifth and second implementations may be doing the same
        amount of work. The sixth example uses the Loop macro, which usually
        expands into code similar to the third. The seventh example copies
        dotted lists, and runs in linear time, but isn't tail-recursive. 

      - use type declarations liberally in time-critical code, but
        only if you are a seasoned Lisp programmer. Appropriate type
        declarations help the compiler generate more specific and
        optimized code. It also lets the reader know what assumptions
        were made. For example, if you only use fixnum arithmetic,
        adding declarations can lead to a significant speedup. If you
        are a novice Lisp programmer, you should use type declarations
        sparingly, as there may be no checking to see if the
        declarations are correct, and optimized code can be harder to
        debug. Wrong declarations can lead to errors in otherwise
        correct code, and can limit the reuse of code in other
        contexts. Depending on the Lisp compiler, it may also 
        be necessary to declare the type of results using THE, since
        some compilers don't deduce the result type from the inputs.

      - check the code produced by the compiler by using the
        disassemble function

Subject: [1-4] Where can I learn about implementing Lisp interpreters 
               and compilers?

Books about Lisp implementation include:

   1. John Allen
      "Anatomy of Lisp"
      McGraw-Hill, 1978. 446 pages. ISBN 0-07-001115-X
           Discusses some of the fundamental issues involved in
           the implemention of Lisp.  

   2. Samuel Kamin
      "Programming Languages, An Interpreter-Based Approach"
      Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1990. ISBN 0-201-06824-9
           Includes sources to several interpreters for Lisp-like
           languages, and a pointer to sources via anonymous ftp.

   3. Sharam Hekmatpour
      "Lisp: A Portable Implementation"
      Prentice Hall, 1985. ISBN 0-13-537490-X.
           Describes a portable implementation of a small dynamic
           Lisp interpreter (including C source code). 

   4. Peter Henderson
      "Functional Programming: Application and Implementation"
      Prentice-Hall (Englewood Cliffs, NJ), 1980. 355 pages.

   5. Peter M. Kogge
      "The Architecture of Symbolic Computers"
      McGraw-Hill, 1991. ISBN 0-07-035596-7.
           Includes sections on memory management, the SECD and
           Warren Abstract Machines, and overviews of the various
           Lisp Machine architectures.
   6. Daniel P. Friedman, Mitchell Wand, and Christopher T. Haynes
      "Essentials of Programming Languages"
      MIT Press, 1992, 536 pages. ISBN 0-262-06145-7.
           Teaches fundamental concepts of programming language
           design by using small interpreters as examples. Covers
           most of the features of Scheme. Includes a discussion
           of parameter passing techniques, object oriented languages,
           and techniques for transforming interpreters to allow
           their implementation in terms of any low-level language.
           Also discusses scanners, parsers, and the derivation of
           a compiler and virtual machine from an interpreter.
           Source files available by anonymous ftp from 

   7. Peter Lee, editor, "Topics in Advanced Language Implementation",
      The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1991.
           Articles relevant to the implementation of functional
           programming languages.

   8. Also see the proceedings of the biannual ACM Lisp and Functional
      Programming conferences, the implementation notes for CMU Common Lisp,
      Norvig's book, and SICP (Abelson & Sussman).

Subject: [1-5] What is the "minimal" set of primitives needed for a Lisp

Many Lisp functions can be defined in terms of other Lisp functions.
For example, CAAR can be defined in terms of CAR as
   (defun caar (list) (car (car list)))
It is then natural to ask whether there is a "minimal" or smallest set
of primitives necessary to implement the language. 

There is no single "best" minimal set of primitives; it all depends on
the implementation. For example, even something as basic as numbers
need not be primitive, and can be represented as lists. One possible
set of primitives might include CAR, CDR, and CONS for manipulation of
S-expressions, READ and PRINT for the input/output of S-expressions
and APPLY and EVAL for the guts of an interpreter.  But then you might
want to add LAMBDA for functions, EQ for equality, COND for
conditionals, SET for assignment, and DEFUN for definitions. QUOTE
might come in handy as well. If you add more specialized datatypes,
such as integers, floats, arrays, characters, and structures, you'll
need to add primitives to construct and access each.

AWKLisp is a Lisp interpreter written in Lisp, available by anonymous
ftp from It has thirteen
built-in functions: CAR, CDR, CONS, EQ, ATOM, SET, EVAL, ERROR, QUOTE,

A more practical notion of a "minimal" set of primitives might be to
look at the implementation of Scheme. While many Scheme functions can
be derived from others, the language is much smaller than Common Lisp.
See Dybvig's PhD thesis, 
   R. Kent Dybvig, "Three Implementation Models for Scheme", Department
   of Computer Science Technical Report #87-011, University of North
   Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, April 1987.
for a justification of a particularly practical minimal set of
primitives for Scheme.

In a language like Common Lisp, however, there are a lot of low-level
primitive functions that cannot be written in terms of the others,
for starters.  Moreover, real Common Lisp implementations are often
built upon primitives that aren't part of the language, per se, and
certainly not intended to be user-accessible, such as SYS:%POINTER-REF.

Beside the references listed in [1-4], some other relevant references

    McCarthy, John, "Recursive Functions of Symbolic Expressions and
    their Computation by Machine, Part I", CACM 3(4):185-195, April 1960.
       [Defines five elementary functions on s-expressions.]

    McCarthy, John, "A Micro-Manual for Lisp -- not the whole Truth",
    ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 13(8):215-216, August 1978.
       [Defines the Lisp programming language in 10 rules and gives
        a small interpreter (eval) written in this Lisp.]

    McCarthy, John, et al., "LISP 1.5 Programmer's Manual", 2nd edition,
    MIT Press, 1965, ISBN 0-262-13011-4 (paperback).  
       [Gives five basic functions, CAR, CDR, CONS, EQ, and ATOM.
        Using composition, conditional expressions (COND), and
        recursion, LAMBDA, and QUOTE, these basic functions may be used
        to construct the entire class of computable functions of
        S-expressions. Gives the functions EVAL and APPLY in
        M-expression syntax.] 

    Abelson and Sussman's SICP, especially chapters 4 and 5 on the
    implementation of meta-circular and explicit-control evaluators.

    Steele and Gabriel's "The Evolution of LISP".

Subject: [1-6]  What does CLOS, PCL, X3J13, CAR, CDR, ... mean? 

Glossary of acronyms:
   CAR             Originally meant "Contents of Address portion of Register",
                   which is what CAR actually did on the IBM 704.
   CDR             Originally meant "Contents of Decrement portion of 
                   Register", which is what CDR actually did
                   on the IBM 704. Pronounced "Cudder" ·····@r/ (as in "a cow
                   chews its cdr"). The first syllable is pronounced
                   like "could". 
   LISP            Originally from "LISt Processing"
   GUI             Graphical User Interface
   CLOS            Common Lisp Object System. The object oriented
                   programming standard for Common Lisp. Based on
                   Symbolics FLAVORS and Xerox LOOPS, among others.
                   Pronounced either as "See-Loss" or "Closs". See also PCL.
   PCL             Portable Common Loops. A portable CLOS implementation.
                   Available by anonymous ftp from
   LOOPS           Lisp Object Oriented Programming System. A predecessor
                   to CLOS on Xerox Lisp machines.
   X3J13           Subcommittee of the ANSI committee X3 which is
                   working on the ANSI Standardization of Common Lisp.
   ANSI            American National Standards Institute
   dpANS           draft proposed American National Standard (what an ANS
                   is called while it's in the public review stage of
   CL              Common Lisp
   SC22/WG16       The full name is ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22/WG 16. It stands
                   for International Organization for
                   Standardization/International Electronics(?)  
                   Congress(?) Joint Technical Committee 1, Subcommittee 22,
                   Working Group 16.  This long-winded name is the ISO
                   working group working on an international Lisp standard,
                   (i.e., the ISO analogue to X3J13).
   CLtL1           First edition of Guy Steele's book, 
                   "Common Lisp the Language". 
   CLtL2           Second edition of Guy Steele's book,
                   "Common Lisp the Language". 

Subject: [1-7] Lisp Job Postings

The LISP-JOBS mailing list exists to help programmers find Lisp
programming positions, and to help companies with Lisp programming
positions find capable Lisp programmers. (Lisp here means Lisp-like
languages, including Scheme.)

Material appropriate for the list includes Lisp job announcements and
should be sent to ········· Resumes should not be sent to
the list. Administrative requests (e.g., to be added to the list)
should be sent to ·················


;;; *EOF*
From: Mark Kantrowitz
Subject: FAQ: Lisp Frequently Asked Questions 2/7 [Monthly posting]
Message-ID: <LISP_2_771490829@CS.CMU.EDU>
Archive-name: lisp-faq/part2
Last-Modified: Thu May 12 21:32:47 1994 by Mark Kantrowitz
Version: 1.45

;;; ****************************************************************
;;; Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Lisp ***************
;;; ****************************************************************
;;; Written by Mark Kantrowitz and Barry Margolin
;;; lisp_2.faq -- 47146 bytes

This post contains Part 2 of the Lisp FAQ.

If you think of questions that are appropriate for this FAQ, or would
like to improve an answer, please send email to us at ········

Topics Covered (Part 2):

  [2-1]   Is there a GNU-Emacs interface to Lisp?
  [2-2]   When should I use a hash table instead of an association list?
  [2-3]   What is the equivalent of EXPLODE and IMPLODE in Common Lisp?
  [2-4]   Is Lisp inherently slower than more conventional languages such as C?
  [2-5]   Why does Common Lisp have "#'"?
  [2-6]   How do I call non-Lisp functions from Lisp?
  [2-7]   Can I call Lisp functions from other languages?
  [2-8]   I want to call a function in a package that might not exist at
          compile time. How do I do this?  
  [2-9]   What is CDR-coding?
  [2-10]  What is garbage collection?
  [2-11]  How do I save an executable image of my loaded Lisp system?
          How do I run a Unix command in my Lisp?
  [2-12]  I'm porting some code from a Symbolics Lisp machine to some
          other platform, and there are strange characters in the code.
          What do they mean?  
  [2-13]  History: Where did Lisp come from?
  [2-14]  How do I find the argument list of a function?
          How do I get the function name from a function object?
  [2-15]  How can I have two Lisp processes communicate via unix sockets?
  [2-16]  How can I create a stream that acts like UNIX's /dev/null
          (i.e., gobbles any output and immediately signals EOF on
          input operations)?
  [2-17]  Read-time conditionalization of code (#+ #- and *features*)   
  [2-18]  What reader macro characters are used in major Lisp systems?
  [2-19]  How do I determine if a file is a directory or not? 
          How do I get the current directory name from within a Lisp 
          program? Is there any way to create a directory?
  [2-20]  What is a "Lisp Machine" (LISPM)?

Search for \[#\] to get to question number # quickly.

Subject: [2-1] Is there a GNU-Emacs interface to Lisp?

ILISP is a powerful GNU-Emacs interface to many dialects of Lisp,
including Lucid, Allegro, {A}KCL, IBCL, and CMU. Written by Chris
McConnell <····> and now maintained by Ivan Vazquez
<····>. It is available by anonymous ftp from [] 
as the file ilisp.tar.Z. If you want to be on the ilisp mailing list,
to hear about new releases and patches, send mail to
············· Please send any comments or code to
····· Bugs should be sent to ·········
(or ··········

Franz Inc.'s GNU-Emacs/Lisp interface includes an online Common Lisp
manual. (The manual is available by license from Franz Inc. Contact
···· for more information.) The Emacs-Lisp interface
(without the online Common Lisp reference manual and some
Allegro-specific code) is available free from
and takes advantage of GNU-Emacs 19.X's newest features, including
support for mouse input, pulldown menus, and multifont text. The
interface also supports Epoch 3.2 and 4.2, and LEmacs 19.6 and 19.8.
For discussion of the Franz lisp-emacs interface, join the
·················· mailing list.
(See also [1-2] for a hardcopy version of the Common Lisp reference manual.)

The cl-shell package provides a major mode (cl-shell-mode) for running
Common Lisp (CL) as an Emacs subprocess.  It provides a general
mechanism for communication between CL and Emacs which does not rely
on extra processes, and should therefore be easily portable to any
version of CL.  Features include direct (i.e., not through a temp file)
evaluation and in-package compilation of forms from lisp-mode buffers,
type-ahead and a history mechanism for the cl-shell buffer, and pop-up
help facilities for the CL functions documentation, macroexpand and
describe.  Extensions for Lucid Common Lisp provide pop-up arglists
and source file editing.  Other extensions are provided to allow
editing source files of CLOS or Flavors methods.  Cl-shell is
available on the Lucid tape (in the goodies directory) or via
anonymous ftp from (

Lucid includes some other Emacs-Lisp interfaces in its goodies directory.

Harlequin's LispWorks includes an Emacs-Lisp interface.

Venue's Medley has an optional EMACS Interface.

GNU-Emacs itself is available by anonymous ftp from

Edebug, a debugger for Emacs Lisp, and some utilities for Common Lisp
debugging (Dave Gillespie's version of cl.el) are available by
anonymous ftp from
To join the Edebug mailing list ······ send mail to 
·············· For more information, write to Daniel
LaLiberte <·······>. 

Subject: [2-2] When should I use a hash table instead of an association list?

Both association lists (alists) and hash tables may be used to
represent tabular data. Hash tables have an O(1) running time and
alists an O(n) running time, so hash tables are ultimately more
efficient than alists. However, if the alists are small, they can be
more efficient than hash tables, which have a large initial overhead.

Alists can sometimes be more efficient if the keys are sorted
according to frequency, with the most heavily accessed keys appearing
at the front of the list. But one doesn't always know this kind of
information, and even then the frequency distribution may be flat.

In Allegro CL 4.1 [SPARC; R1], the rule of thumb is that for less than
24 elements, linear search using alists beats hashing.  In Lucid CL
4.0.1 HP 9000/700, the break-even point is at 10 elements. The
break-even points vary in other lisps from as low as 4 elements to as
high as 100 elements. So if you're using alists in your code, using 
hash tables instead may speed up your program. 

A potential problem may occur, however, when the keys of an EQ or EQL
hash table are Lisp objects such as conses or arrays (or other objects
that are identified by their addresses). In most implementations, such
tables must be re-hashed after garbage collection. If your application
causes frequent GCs, this can adversely affect the performance of hash
table lookup. Since EQL-hashing and =-hashing of fixnums generally
don't require rehashing after GC, one way of avoiding this problem is
to include a unique identifier in each key object and hash on that
instead. Another solution is to use an EQUAL hash table if the keys
are conses or an EQUALP hash table if the keys are arrays or other
(non-circular!) structures.

Subject: [2-3] What is the equivalent of EXPLODE and IMPLODE in Common Lisp?

Hopefully, the only reason you need to do this is as part of trying to port
some old MacLisp code to Common Lisp.  These functions predated the
inclusion of strings as a first-class data type in Lisp; symbols were used
as strings, and they ere EXPLODEd to allow the individual characters to be
manipulated in a list.

Probably the best approximations of these are:

   (defun explode (object)
     (loop for char across (prin1-to-string object)
           collect (intern (string char))))

   (defun implode (list)
     (read-from-string (coerce (mapcar #'character list) 'string)))

An alternate definition of EXPLODE which uses MAP instead of LOOP is:

   (defun explode (object)
     (map 'list #'(lambda (char) 
                    (intern (string char)))
          (prin1-to-string object)))

The creation of N conses of garbage to process a string of N
characters is a hideously inefficient way of doing the job.  Rewrite
EXPLODE code with PRIN1-TO-STRING, or better STRING if the arguments
are symbols without funny characters.  For IMPLODE, try to make its
caller use strings and try to make the result usable as a string to
avoid having to call INTERN or READ-FROM-STRING.

Subject: [2-4] Is Lisp inherently slower than more conventional languages
               such as C?

This is a tough question to answer, as you probably expected.  In many
cases, it appears to be.  Lisp does not require the programmer to specify
the data type of variables, so generic arithmetic operators may have to
perform type checking at runtime in order to determine how to proceed.
However, Lisp code can also be denser (i.e.  there is more expressed in a
single line) than many other languages: the Lisp expression (+ A B) is more
powerful than the C expression A+B (the Lisp version supports bignums,
rationals, and complex numbers, while the C version only supports
limited-size integers and floating point); therefore, one may claim that it
is reasonable that the Lisp version take longer than the C version (but
don't expect everyone to accept this rationalization).  Solutions to this
include hardware support (e.g. processors that support type tags in data,
such as SPARC and Symbolics Lisp Machines), declarations, and specialized
variants of functions (e.g. in MacLisp, + accepts and returns only fixnums,
+$ accepts and returns only flonums, and PLUS is generic).

At one time, the MIT PDP-10 MacLisp compiler was compared to DEC's
PDP-10 Fortran compiler.  When appropriate declarations were supplied
in the Lisp code, the performance of compiled Lisp arithmetic rivaled
that of the Fortran code.  It would hardly be fair to compare Lisp
without declarations to Fortran, since the Fortran compiler would have
more information upon which it could base its optimizations. A more
recent test found that numeric code compiled with optimizations using
CMU CL is within the same ballpark as highly optimized Fortran code.
For unoptimized Fortran code, CMU CL was about 4 times faster.
Even the speed of numeric code generated by other Lisp compilers
(AKCL, Allegro, Lucid) was well within an order of magnitude of good
Fortran and C compilers (although slower than CMU CL).  Inspection of
the emitted C code from AKCL doesn't reveal many obvious sources of
inefficiency. (Since AKCL compiles Lisp into C, there are many cases
where KCL code is as fast as hand-written C code.)

See the paper
for a discussion of the speed of Lisp vis a vis Fortran or C.

Since Lisp is a good language for rapid prototyping, it is easy for a
mediocre programmer (or even a good programmer, who isn't being careful) to
generate a large amount of inefficient Lisp code. A good example is the use
of APPEND to link successive lists together, instead of keeping a pointer
to the tail of the list. Often a programmer can obtain significant
speed increases by using a time/space profiler to identify the
functions which waste time (often small functions which are called
frequently) and rewriting those functions.
Subject: [2-5] Why does Common Lisp have "#'"?

#' is a macro-character which expands #'FOO to (FUNCTION FOO).  Symbols in
Lisp have two bindings, one for values and one for functions, allowing them
to represent both variables and functions, depending on context. #'FOO
accesses FOO's lexical function binding in a context where the value
interpretation would normally occur.  #' is also used to create lexical
closures for lambda expressions. A lexical closure is a function which when
invoked executes the body of the lambda-expression in the lexical
environment within which the closure was created.  See pp. 115-117 of CLtL2
for more details.

Subject: [2-6] How do I call non-Lisp functions from Lisp?

Most Lisp implementations for systems where Lisp is not the most common
language provide a "foreign function" interface.  As of now there has been
no significant standardization effort in this area.  They tend to be
similar, but there are enough differences that it would be inappropriate to
try to describe them all here.  In general, one uses an
implementation-dependent macro that defines a Lisp function, but instead of
supplying a body for the function, one supplies the name of a function written
in another language; the argument list portion of the definition is
generally augmented with the data types the foreign function expects and
the data type of the foreign function's return value, and the Lisp
interface function arranges to do any necessary conversions.  There is also
generally a function to "load" an object file or library compiled in a
foreign language, which dynamically links the functions in the file being
loaded into the address space of the Lisp process, and connects the
interface functions to the corresponding foreign functions.

If you need to do this, see the manual for your language implementation for
full details.  In particular, be on the lookout for restrictions on the
data types that may be passed.  You may also need to know details about the
linkage conventions that are used on your system; for instance, many C
implementations prepend an underscore onto the names of C functions when
generating the assembler output (this allows them to use names without
initial underscores internally as labels without worrying about conflicts),
and the foreign function interface may require you to specify this form

Franz Allegro Common Lisp's "Foreign Function Call Facility" is
described in chapter 10 of the documentation. Calling Lisp Functions
from C is treated in section 10.8.2. The foreign function interface in
Macintosh Common Lisp is similar. The foreign function interface for
KCL is described in chapter 10 of the KCL Report. The foreign function
interfaces for Lucid on the Vax and Lucid on the Sun4 are
incompatible. Lucid's interface is described in chapter 5 of the
Advanced User's Guide.

Subject: [2-7] Can I call Lisp functions from other languages?

In implementations that provide a foreign function interface as described
above, there is also usually a "callback" mechanism.  The programmer may
associate a foreign language function name with a Lisp function.  When a
foreign object file or library is loaded into the Lisp address space, it is
linked with these callback functions.  As with foreign functions, the
programmer must supply the argument and result data types so that Lisp may
perform conversions at the interface. Note that in such foreign function
interfaces Lisp is often left "in control" of things like memory
allocation, I/O channels, and startup code (this is a major nuisance
for lots of people).

Subject: [2-8]  I want to call a function in a package that might not exist at
                compile time. How do I do this?

Use (funcall (find-symbol "SYMBOL-NAME" :pkg-name) ...).

Subject: [2-9]  What is CDR-coding?

CDR-coding is a space-saving way to store lists in memory.  It is normally
only used in Lisp implementations that run on processors that are
specialized for Lisp, as it is difficult to implement efficiently
in software.  In normal list structure, each element of the
list is represented as a CONS cell, which is basically two pointers (the
CAR and CDR); the CAR points to the element of the list, while the CDR
points to the next CONS cell in the list or NIL.  CDR-coding takes
advantage of the fact that most CDR cells point to another CONS, and
further that the entire list is often allocated at once (e.g. by a call to
LIST).  Instead of using two pointers to implement each CONS cell, the CAR
cell contains a pointer and a two-bit "CDR code".  The CDR code may contain
one of three values: CDR-NORMAL, CDR-NEXT, and CDR-NIL.  If the code is
CDR-NORMAL, this cell is the first half of an ordinary CONS cell pair, and
the next cell in memory contains the CDR pointer as described above.  If
the CDR code is CDR-NEXT, the next cell in memory contains the next CAR
cell; in other words, the CDR pointer is implicitly thisaddress+1, where
thisaddress is the memory address of the CAR cell.  If the CDR code is
CDR-NIL, then this cell is the last element of the list; the CDR pointer is
implicitly a reference to the object NIL.  When a list is constructed
incrementally using CONS, a chain of ordinary pairs is created; however,
when a list is constructed in one step using LIST or MAKE-LIST, a block of
memory can be allocated for all the CAR cells, and their CDR codes all set
to CDR-NEXT (except the last, which is CDR-NIL), and the list will only
take half as much storage (because all the CDR pointers are implicit).

If this were all there were to it, it would not be difficult to implement
in software on ordinary processors; it would add a small amount of overhead
to the CDR function, but the reduction in paging might make up for it.  The
problem arises when a program uses RPLACD on a CONS cell that has a CDR
code of CDR-NEXT or CDR-NIL.  Normally RPLACD simply stores into the CDR
cell of a CONS, but in this case there is no CDR cell -- its contents are
implicitly specified by the CDR code, and the word that would normally
contain the CDR pointer contains the next CONS cell (in the CDR-NEXT case)
to which other data structures may have pointers, or the first word of some
other object (in the CDR-NIL case).  When CDR-coding is used, the
implementation must also provide automatic "forwarding pointers"; an
ordinary CONS cell is allocated, the CAR of the original cell is copied
into its CAR, the value being RPLACD'ed is stored into its CDR, and the old
CAR cell is replaced with a forwarding pointer to the new CONS cell.
Whenever CAR or CDR is performed on a CONS, it must check whether the
location contains a forwarding pointer.  This overhead on both CAR and CDR,
coupled with the overhead on CDR to check for CDR codes, is generally
enough that using CDR codes on conventional hardware is infeasible.

There is some evidence that CDR-coding doesn't really save very much
memory, because most lists aren't constructed at once, or RPLACD is done on
them enough that they don't stay contiguous.  At best this technique can
save 50% of the space occupied by CONS cells. However, the savings probably
depends to some extent upon the amount of support the implementation
provides for creating CDR-coded lists.  For instance, many system functions
on Symbolics Lisp Machines that operate on lists have a :LOCALIZE option;
when :LOCALIZE T is specified, the list is first modified and then copied
to a new, CDR-coded block, with all the old cells replaced with forwarding
pointers.  The next time the garbage collector runs, all the forwarding
pointers will be spliced out.  Thus, at a cost of a temporary increase in
memory usage, overall memory usage is generally reduced because more lists
may be CDR-coded. There may also be some benefit in improved paging
performance due to increased locality as well (putting a list into
CDR-coded form makes all the "cells" contiguous). Nevertheless, modern
Lisps tend to use lists much less frequently, with a much heavier
reliance upon code, strings, and vectors (structures).

Subject: [2-10] What is garbage collection?

Garbage Collection (GC) refers to the automatic storage allocation
mechanisms present in many Lisps. There are several kinds of storage
allocation algorithms, but most fall within two main classes:

   1. Stop and Copy. Systems which copy active objects from "old"
      storage to "new" storage and then recycle the old storage.

   2. Mark and Sweep. Systems which link together storage
      used by discarded objects. 

Generational scavenging garbage collection (aka emphemeral GC) is a
variation in which memory is allocated in layers, with tenured
(long-lived) objects in the older layers. Rather than doing a full GC
of all of memory every time more room is needed, only the last few
layers are GCed during an ephemeral GC, taking much less time.
Short-lived objects are quickly recycled, and full GCs are then much
less frequent. It is most often used to improve the performance of
stop and copy garbage collectors.  It is possible to implement
ephemeral GC in mark and sweep systems, just much more difficult.

Stop and copy garbage collection provides simpler storage allocation,
avoids fragmentation of memory (intermixing of free storage with used
storage). Copying, however, consumes more of the address space, since up to
half the space must be kept available for copying all the active objects.
This makes stop and copy GC impractical for systems with a small address
space or without virtual memory.  Also, copying an object requires that you
track down all the pointers to an object and update them to reflect the new
address, while in a non-copying system you need only keep one pointer to an
object, since its location will not change. It is also more difficult to
explicitly return storage to free space in a copying system.

Garbage collection is not part of the Common Lisp standard. Most Lisps
provide a function ROOM which provides human-readable information about the
state of storage usage. In many Lisps, (gc) invokes an ephemeral garbage
collection, and (gc t) a full garbage collection.

Subject: [2-11] How do I save an executable image of my loaded Lisp system?
                How do I run a Unix command in my Lisp?

There is no standard for dumping a Lisp image. Here are the
commands from some lisp implementations:
   Lucid:               DISKSAVE
   Symbolics:           Save World  [CP command]
   CMU CL:              SAVE-LISP
   Franz Allegro:       EXCL:DUMPLISP (documented) 
                        SAVE-IMAGE (undocumented)
   Medley:              IL:SYSOUT or IL:MAKESYS
   MCL:                 SAVE-APPLICATION <pathname>
                          &key :toplevel-function  :creator :excise-compiler
                          :size :resources :init-file :clear-clos-caches
   KCL:                 (si:save-system "saved_kcl")
   LispWorks:		LW:SAVE-IMAGE

There is no standard for running a Unix shell command from Lisp,
especially since not all Lisps run on top of Unix. Here are the
commands from some Lisp implementations:
   Allegro:             EXCL:RUN-SHELL-COMMAND
   Lucid:               RUN-PROGRAM (name 
                                     &key input output
                                          error-output (wait t) arguments
                                          (if-input-does-not-exist :error)
                                          (if-output-exists :error)
                                          (if-error-output-exists :error))
   KCL:                 SYSTEM 
                        For example, (system "ls -l").
                        You can also try RUN-PROCESS and EXCLP, but they
                        don't work with all versions of KCL.
   CMU CL:              RUN-PROGRAM (program args
			   &key (env *environment-list*) (wait t) pty input
			   if-input-does-not-exist output
			   (if-output-exists :error) (error :output) 
			   (if-error-exists :error) status-hook before-execve)

To toggle source file recording and cross-reference annotations, use
   Allegro:             excl:*record-source-file-info*
   LispWorks:           (toggle-source-debugging nil)

Memory management:
   CMU CL:              (bytes-consed-between-gcs)  [this is setfable]
   Lucid:		(change-memory-management 
      			   &key growth-limit expand expand-reserved)
   Allegro:		*tenured-bytes-limit*
   LispWorks:           LW:GET-GC-PARAMETERS
                        (use LW:SET-GC-PARAMETERS to change them)

Subject: [2-12] I'm porting some code from a Symbolics Lisp machine to some
                other platform, and there are strange characters in the code.
                What do they mean?

The Symbolics Zetalisp character set includes the following
characters not present in other Lisps (^ means control):
   ^]      >=      greater than or equal to
   ^\      <=      less than or equal to
   ^Z      !=      not equal to
   ^^      ==      equivalent to 
   ^E      not
   ^G      pi
   ^L      +/-     plus/minus
   ^H      lambda
   ^F      epsilon
   ^W      <-->    left/right arrow
   ^X      <--     left arrow
   ^Y      -->     right arrow
   ^A              down arrow
   ^K              up arrow
   ^D              up caret
   ^_              down caret
   ^T              forall
   ^U              there exists
   ^B              alpha
   ^C              beta
   ^I              gamma
   ^J              delta
   ^O              partial delta  
   ^N              infinity
   ^M              circle +
   ^V              circle x

Other special characters to look out for are the font-change characters,
which are represented as a ^F followed by a digit or asterisk. A digit
means to push font #N onto the stack; an asterisk means to pop the most
recent font from the stack. You can clean up the code by replacing "\^F."
with "". In format statements, ^P and ^Q are used to delimit text to
be printed in a particular character style.
Subject: [2-13] History: Where did Lisp come from?

John McCarthy developed the basics behind Lisp during the 1956 Dartmouth
Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence.  He intended it as an
algebraic LISt Processing (hence the name) language for artificial
intelligence work. Early implementations included the IBM 704, the IBM
7090, the DEC PDP-1, the DEC PDP-6 and the DEC PDP-10. The PDP-6 and
PDP-10 had 18-bit addresses and 36-bit words, allowing a CONS cell to
be stored in one word, with single instructions to extract the CAR and
CDR parts. The early PDP machines had a small address space, which
limited the size of Lisp programs. 

Milestones in the development of Lisp:

   1956            Dartmouth Summer Research Project on AI.

   1960-65         Lisp1.5 is the primary dialect of Lisp.

   1964-           Development of BBNLisp at BBN.

   late 60s        Lisp1.5 diverges into two main dialects:
                   Interlisp (originally BBNLisp) and MacLisp.

   early 70s       Development of special-purpose computers known as Lisp
                   Machines, designed specificly to run Lisp programs. 
                   Xerox D-series Lisp Machines run Interlisp-D. 
                   Early MIT Lisp Machines run Lisp Machine Lisp 
                   (an extension of MacLisp).

   1969            Anthony Hearn and Martin Griss define Standard Lisp to
                   port REDUCE, a symbolic algebra system, to a variety
                   of architectures.  

   late 70s        Macsyma group at MIT developed NIL (New Implementation
                   of Lisp), a Lisp for the VAX.

                   Stanford and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
                   develop S-1 Lisp for the Mark IIA supercomputer.

                   Franz Lisp (dialect of MacLisp) runs on stock-hardware
                   Unix machines.

                   Gerald J. Sussman and Guy L. Steele developed Scheme,
                   a simple dialect of Lisp with lexical scoping and
                   lexical closures, continuations as first-class objects,
                   and a simplified syntax (i.e., only one binding per symbol).

                   Advent of object-oriented programming concepts in Lisp.
                   Flavors was developed at MIT for the Lisp machine,
                   and LOOPS (Lisp Object Oriented Programming System) was
                   developed at Xerox. 

   early 80s       Development of SPICE-Lisp at CMU, a dialect of MacLisp
                   designed to run on the Scientific Personal Integrated
                   Computing Environment (SPICE) workstation.

   1980            First biannual ACM Lisp and Functional Programming Conf.

   1981            PSL (Portable Standard Lisp) runs on a variety of platforms.

   1981+           Lisp Machines from Xerox, LMI (Lisp Machines Inc) 
                   and Symbolics available commercially.

   April 1981      Grass roots definition of Common Lisp as a description
                   of the common aspects of the family of languages (Lisp
                   Machine Lisp, MacLisp, NIL, S-1 Lisp, Spice Lisp, Scheme). 

   1984            Publication of CLtL1. Common Lisp becomes a de facto 

   1986            X3J13 forms to produce a draft for an ANSI Common Lisp

   1987            Lisp Pointers commences publication.

   1990            Steele publishes CLtL2 which offers a snapshot of
                   work in progress by X3J13.  (Unlike CLtL1, CLtL2
                   was NOT an output of the standards process and was
                   not intended to become a de facto standard.  Read
                   the Second Edition Preface for further explanation
                   of this important issue.) Includes CLOS,
                   conditions, pretty printing and iteration facilities. 

   1992            X3J13 creates a draft proposed American National
                   Standard for Common Lisp. This document is the
                   first official successor to CLtL1. 

[Note: This summary is based primarily upon the History section of the
draft ANSI specification. More detail and references can be obtained from
that document. See [4-12] for information on obtaining a copy.]

Gabriel and Steele's "The Evolution of Lisp", which appeared in the
1993 ACM History of Programming Languages conference, is available by
anonymous ftp from	[]

Subject: [2-14]  How do I find the argument list of a function?
                 How do I get the function name from a function object?

There is no standard way to find the argument list of a function,
since implementations are not required to save this information.
However, many implementations do remember argument information, and
usually have a function that returns the lambda list. Here are the
commands from some Lisp implementations:

   Lucid:                               arglist
   Allegro:                             excl::arglist
   Symbolics:                           arglist
   LispWorks:                           lw:function-lambda-list

CMU Common Lisp, new compiler:
   #+(and :CMU :new-compiler)
   (defun arglist (name)
     (let* ((function (symbol-function name))
            (stype (system:%primitive get-vector-subtype function)))
       (when (eql stype system:%function-entry-subtype)
         (cadr (system:%primitive header-ref function

The draft ANSI standard does include FUNCTION-LAMBDA-EXPRESSION and
FUNCTION-KEYWORDS, which can be used to create an ARGLIST function.

If you're interested in the number of required arguments you could use

   (defun required-arguments (name)
     (or (position-if #'(lambda (x) (member x lambda-list-keywords))
                      (arglist name))
         (length (arglist name))))

To extract the function name from the function object, as in
        (function-name #'car) ==> 'car
use the following vendor-dependent functions:

   Symbolics: (si::compiled-function-name <fn>)
	(unless (si:lexical-closure-p <fn>) ...)
   Lucid:     (sys::procedure-ref <fn> SYS:PROCEDURE-SYMBOL)
	(when (sys:procedurep <fn>) ..)
   Allegro:   (xref::object-to-function-name <fn>)
   CMU CL:    (kernel:%function-header-name <fn>)
   AKCL:      (system::compiled-function-name <fn>)
   MCL:       (ccl::function-name <fn>)
   Harlequin: (system::function-name <fn>)

If a vendor-dependent function does not exist, the following
(inefficient) code maps over all symbols looking for one whose
function-cell matches the function object.

(defun function-name (fobject)
   (do-all-symbols (fsymbol)
      (when (and (fboundp fsymbol)
                 (eq (symbol-function fsymbol) fobject))
        (return fsymbol))))

If a vendor supports FUNCTION-LAMBDA-EXPRESSION, the third value is
the name of the function, if available. 

Subject: [2-15] How can I have two Lisp processes communicate via unix sockets?

CLX uses Unix sockets to communicate with the X window server. Look at
the following files from the CLX distribution for a good example of
using Unix sockets from Lisp:
        defsystem.lisp          Lucid, AKCL, IBCL, CMU.
        socket.c, sockcl.lisp   AKCL, IBCL
        excldep.lisp            Franz Allegro CL
You will need the "socket.o" files which come with Lucid and Allegro.
To obtain CLX, see the entry for CLX in the answer to question [7-1].

See the file sockets.tar.gz in the Lisp Utilities repository
described in the answer to question [6-1].

Subject: [2-16]  How can I create a stream that acts like UNIX's /dev/null
                 (i.e., gobbles any output and immediately signals EOF on
                 input operations)?

(defparameter *dev-null*
  (make-two-way-stream (make-concatenated-stream) (make-broadcast-stream))
  ;; Since Lisp Machines have a built-in /dev/null which handles
  ;; additional, non-standard operations, we'll use that instead.
  #+lispm #'system:null-stream)

Subject: [2-17] Read-time conditionalization of code (#+ #- and *features*)

The #+ and #- syntax provides for the read-time conditionalization of
lisp code, depending on the presence or absence of keywords on the
*features* list. The nascent Common Lisp standard does not specify
what keywords an implementation must have on its features list.
Nevertheless, most implementations have features that allow one to
distinguish the implementation from other implementations. This allows
one to write implementation-dependent code that is run only in the
relevant implementations.

Here is a list of the features to use to specify a particular Common
Lisp implementation. Unfortunately, not every vendor has a
unique keyword that distinguishes their family of implementations from
those of other vendors, nor major and minor versions of the implementation.

   :lucid                       Lucid Common Lisp
   :lcl3.0                      Lucid Common Lisp v3.0 and above
   :lcl4.0                      Lucid Common Lisp v4.0 and above
   (and :allegro :franz-inc)    Franz Allegro Common Lisp
   :excl                        Franz Allegro Common Lisp 
   :aclpc                       Franz Allegro Common Lisp\PC.
   :allegro-v3.0                Franz Allegro Common Lisp v3.0 
   :allegro-v3.1                Franz Allegro Common Lisp v3.1 
   :allegro-v4.0                Franz Allegro Common Lisp v4.0 
   :allegro-v4.1                Franz Allegro Common Lisp v4.1 
   :cmu                         CMU Common Lisp
   (and :cmu :new-compiler)     CMU Common Lisp w/Python compiler
   (and :cmu :python)           CMU Common Lisp w/Python compiler
   :cmu17                       CMU Common Lisp v17 and above
   kcl                          Kyoto Common Lisp
   akcl                         Austin KCL
   :ibcl                        Ibuki Common Lisp 
   :mcl                         Macintosh Common Lisp
   :coral                       Coral Lisp; bought by Apple to become
				MACL, then MCL
   :ccl                         Coral Common Lisp
	[Note: Harlequin LispWorks also uses :ccl]
   :ccl-1                       Coral Common Lisp v1
   :ccl-1.3                     Coral Common Lisp v1.3 and higher
   :ccl-2                       present in Macintosh Common Lisp 2.0 and higher
   :harlequin-common-lisp       Harlequin Common Lisp
   :harlequin-unix-lisp         Harlequin on Unix platforms
   :harlequin-PC-lisp           Harlequin on PC platforms
   :lispworks                   Harlequin Lispworks development environment
   :lispworks3                  major release of Harlequin Lispworks
   :lispworks3.1                major and minor release of Harlequin Lispworks
   :harlequin                   All Harlequin products. not always present?
   :clisp                       CLISP Common Lisp
   :symbolics                   Symbolics Genera
   :imach                       Symbolics Genera for Ivory architecture
   :cloe-runtime                Symbolics CLOE
   :cloe                        CLOE 3.1
   :procyon                     Procyon Common Lisp
   (and :procyon :macintosh)    Procyon Common Lisp, Macintosh version
   (and :procyon :os2)          Procyon Common Lisp, OS2 version
   :gclisp                      Golden Common Lisp
   (and dec vax common)         DEC VAXlisp
   :explorer                    TI Explorer Lisp Machine  | used
   :TI                          TI Explorer Lisp Machine  | interchangeably
   :elroy                       TI Explorer release 3 and successors
   :Xerox                       Medley (Venue's CL/InterLisp combo) to rel2.01
   :medley                      Medley releases 3.0 and up
      Use  (IL:UNIX-GETPARM "mach") and (IL:UNIX-GETPARM "arch") to
      distinguish platforms under Medley.
   :ecl                         ECoLisp
   :lispm                       Symbolics, TI, and LMI Lisp machines

   In the cases where a feature is not a keyword, it is almost always
   in the LISP package.

The draft ANSI standard defines some other useful features:

  :cltl1                Compatible with the 1st edition of Steele
  :cltl2                Compatible with the 2nd edition of Steele
  :IEEE-Floating-Point  IEEE floating point support
  :X3J13                conforms to some particular draft of the ANSI
                        CL specification 
  :draft-ANSI-CL        conforms to first full public review draft
  :ANSI-CL              conforms to ANSI CL after its adoption
  :common-lisp          language family "Common Lisp"

Other features used by some Lisps include:

  :clos                 Contains a native CLOS implementation.
  :pcl                  Contains the PCL implementation of CLOS.
  :flavors              Has an implementation of Symbolics Flavors
  :loop                 Contains the :cltl1 version of the Loop macro
  :ansi-loop            Contains the ANSI Loop macro
  :clx or :xlib         Contains CLX
  :clxr4 or :CLX-MIT-R4 Contains CLX for X11R4
  :clxr5 or :CLX-MIT-R5 Contains CLX for X11R5
  :compiler             Contains a compiler  
  :windows              MS Windows version
  :color                Color display
  :monochrome           Monochrome display
  :multiprocessing      Has multiprocessing capabilities.
  :profiler             Has a PC-monitoring based profiler.

Platform-specific features, CPU-dependent features, and
operating-system specific features are also important because they can
indicate changes between different implementations of the same lisp,
such as compiled file extensions (e.g., .sbin, .hbin, etc.).
Unfortunately, not every vendor includes such features, and the naming
conventions are inconsistent. Where there are several names for the
same feature, we've put the preferred name first. Hopefully the
vendors will begin to standardize their use of these features.
CPU-dependent features include :sparc (used in CMU CL, Lucid CL,
Harlequin, and Allegro CL), :mips (used in Allegro CL), :r2000 (used
in Allegro CL even on r4000 machines), :mc68000, and :pa (HP's
9000/800 RISC cpu).  Platform-specific features include :sun (used in
Allegro CL and Lucid), :sun4 (used in CMU CL and Allegro CL), :sgi
(used in Allegro CL), :hp300, :hp400, :hp500, :sun3, :vax, :prime,
:dec, :dec3100, :macintosh (used in Procyon but not MCL), :ibm-pc,
:ibm-rt-pc.  OS-specific features include :unix (used in CMU CL, IBCL,
and Lucid CL), :vms, :sunos (used in CMU CL), :sun-os (used in Lucid),
:sunos4.0 and :sunos4 (used in various Allegro versions independent of
the actual version of SunOS), :mach (used in CMU CL), :hpux, :ultrix,
:os2, and :svr4.


   :allegro alone doesn't suffice to distinguish Franz Allegro Common
   Lisp from Macintosh Allegro Common Lisp (an early version of
   Macintosh Common Lisp). :excl specifies that the EXCL package (a
   set of Allegro extensions to Common Lisp) is present, but this has
   since become synonymous with Franz Allegro Common Lisp.

   Thanks to Vincent Keunen for gathering the information in this list.

Subject: [2-18]  What reader macro characters are used in major Lisp systems?

The draft ANSI standard for Common Lisp leaves many dispatching macro
characters unassigned. Of these, the following are explicitly reserved
for the user and hence will never be defined by Common Lisp:
   #!, #?, #[, #], #{, and #}. 
All other unassigned macro characters are not reserved for the user,
and hence the user has no guarantee that they won't be used by some
Lisp implementation. 

As a result, there is the potential of portability clashes between
systems that use the same macro characters. This question lists the
non-standard macro character usage of major Lisp systems, in an effort
to avoid such conflicts.

   #"		AKCL; pathnames
   #$		Macintosh Common Lisp; traps
   #%		Cyc; references to constants in the representation language
   #%		Harlequin Lispworks; ?
   ·@		Macintosh Common Lisp; Points notation
   ·@ 		Defsystem	
   #I		Portable Infix Package
   #L		Allegro Common Lisp; logical pathnames
   #M		Series
   #T 		Allegro Common Lisp; ?
   #Y		CLISP; ?
   #Z		Series
   #_		Macintosh Common Lisp; traps
   #`		Harlequin Lispworks; ?

There is a proposal in the ANSI draft to have COMPILE-FILE and LOAD
bind *READTABLE*, which would allow one to locally redefine syntax
through private readtables. Unfortunately, this doesn't help with the
Infix Package, where one wants to globally extend syntax.

Subject: [2-19] How do I determine if a file is a directory or not? 
                How do I get the current directory name from within a Lisp 
                program? Is there any way to create a directory?

There is no portable way in Common Lisp of determining whether a file
is a directory or not. Calling DIRECTORY on the pathname will not
always work, since the directory could be empty. For UNIX systems
   (defun DIRECTORY-P (pathname)
      (probe-file (concatenate 'string pathname "/.")))
seems to work fairly reliably. (If "foo" is a directory, then "foo/."
will be a valid filename; if not, it will return NIL.) This won't, of
course, work on the Macintosh, or on other operating systems (e.g.,
MVS, CMS, ITS). On the Macintosh, use DIRECTORYP.

Moreover, some operating systems may not support the concept of
directories, or even of a file system. For example, recent work on
object-oriented technology considers files to be collections of
objects. Each type of collection defines a set of methods for reading
and writing the objects "stored" in the collection. 

There's no standard function for finding the current directory from
within a Lisp program, since not all Lisp environments have the
concept of a current directory. Here are the commands from some Lisp
   Lucid:               WORKING-DIRECTORY (which is also SETFable)
                        PWD and CD also work
   Allegro:             CURRENT-DIRECTORY (use excl:chdir to change it)
   LispWorks:           LW:*CURRENT-WORKING-DIRECTORY* 
                        (use LW:CHANGE-DIRECTORY to change it)

Allegro also uses the variable *default-pathname-defaults* to resolve
relative pathnames, maintaining it as the current working directory.
So evaluating (truename "./") in Allegro (and on certain other
systems) will return a pathname for the current directory. Likewise,
in some VMS systems evaluating (truename "[]") will return a pathname
for the current directory.

There is no portable way of creating a new directory from within a
Lisp program. 

Subject: [2-20] What is a "Lisp Machine" (LISPM)?

A Lisp machine (or LISPM) is a computer which has been optimized to run lisp
efficiently and provide a good environment for programming in it. The
original Lisp machines were implemented at MIT, with spinoffs as LMI (defunct)
and Symbolics (bankrupt). Xerox also had a series of Lisp machines
(Dandylion, Dandytiger), as did Texas Instruments (TI Explorer). The
TI and Symbolics Lisp machines are currently available as cards that
fit into Macintosh computers (the so-called "Lisp on a chip").

Optimizations typical of Lisp machines include:

   - Hardware Type Checking. Special type bits let the type be checked
     efficiently at run-time.

   - Hardware Garbage Collection. 

   - Fast Function Calls. 

   - Efficient Representation of Lists.

   - System Software and Integrated Programming Environments.

For further information, see:

   Paul Graham, "Anatomy of a Lisp Machine", AI Expert, December 1988.

   Pleszkun and Thazhuthaveetil, "The Architecture of Lisp Machines",
   IEEE Computer, March 1987.

   Ditzel, Schuler and Thomas, "A Lisp Machine Profile: Symbolics 3650",
   AI Expert, January 1987.

   Peter M. Kogge, "The Architecture of Symbolic Computers",
   McGraw-Hill 1991. ISBN 0-07-035596-7.

[Derived from a post by Arthur Pendragon <··········>.]

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