From: Sergey Kartaev
Subject: Answer for some qwestions!!!
Message-ID: <32000001@glas>
                        ��������� �������!!!
                        Uvazhaemye Gospoda!!!
                        Ladies and Gentlemen!!!

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         We are thanksful, if you'll give us answers for the next
    six questions.  We are trying to  learn demand on programmers
    products. Results of this quiz will be published on different
    conferences of  GlasNet. At first of  all, this questions are
    intended for users, but for programmers too.
         THANK  YOU  FOR  YOUR  HELP.  Your  answers will be very
    useful in creation of new programs and systems.

                                      Programmers Group.



    1. � ����� ����������� �������� ���� �����������?
    1. V kakom napravlenii rabotaet Vasha organizacija?
    1. In what area does your firm (you) work?

    2. ������ ������ ���������� �� �����������?
    2. Kakogo klassa komp'jutery Vy ispol'zuete?
    2. What kind of computers do you use?

    3. ����� ����������� ����������� �� ����������� � ���
       ����� �����?
    3. Kakoe programmnoe obespechenie Vy ispol'zuete i dlja
       kakikh celej?
    3. What kind of programs do you use and for what purpose?

    4. ����� �� ������������ �������� �� �������������
       ������������� ���� ����������� � � ���?
    4. Kakie iz ispol'zuemykh programm ne udovletvorjajut
       pred"javljaemym Vami trebovanijam i v chem?
    4. Which of them isn't enough for your needs? Why?

    5. ������ ������������ ����������� ��� �� ������� ���
       ����������� ������?
    5. Kakogo programmnogo obespechenija Vam ne khvataet dlja
       polnocennoj raboty?
    5. What kind of programs do you need for complete work?

    6. ��� �������� ��������� ���������� ��� ������� ������������
    6. Chto   javljaetsja   osnovnymi   kriterijami  pri  pokupki
       programmnogo produkta?
    6. What is the main factor, when you're buying any programs?

    =      Write your answers between strings in the file.      =
    =         Send it to E-Mail: ·······@GLAS.APC.ORG           =