From: Stefan Bernemann
Subject: creating a new directory (in Lucid lisp)
Message-ID: <318dne$>
Hi everyone,

I know there is no portable way of creating a 
directory from lisp, but I thought there might
be non-portable ways...
However, I cant find out how to do it in Lucid.

Currently, I have a Unix-Command (mkdir) run from
Lisp, but I want to get the error status and the
diagnostics back to lisp. So I let the error-output go
to a temp-file and read that back in when the
error-status is not equal 0. (Lucid does
not allow me to communicate via pipes if I call
the other Unix process synchronously, if I call it
asynchronously I cant get the error-status, as far
as my simple mind understood...

Is there any easier way of doing this????
(In fact, this experiece was like an earth quake
to my strong beliefs of Lisp being a good choice for
writing real world applications...)

Stefan Bernemann                     Tel.: +49-231-9743-139
FhG IML                              Fax:  +49-213-9743-234
Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Str. 2-4       email: ·····
D44227 Dortmund
From: David Gadbois
Subject: Re: creating a new directory (in Lucid lisp)
Message-ID: <3197ol$>
Stefan Bernemann  <·····> wrote:
>I know there is no portable way of creating a 
>directory from lisp, but I thought there might
>be non-portable ways...
>However, I cant find out how to do it in Lucid.

The almost-accepted ANS CL spec has a function
ENSURE-DIRECTORIES-EXIST that does what you want.  Most implementation
do not support it yet, though.  I have included my versions of it for
Lucid and Genera; perhaps other folks can add ones for other CLs.

--David Gadbois

#+(and Lucid UNIX)
(defun my-lisp:ensure-directories-exist (pathspec &key verbose)
  (let ((pathname (pathname pathspec)))
    (when (eq (car (pathname-directory pathname)) :relative)
      (setf pathname (merge-pathnames pathname)))
    (when (typep pathname 'logical-pathname)
      (setf pathname (translate-logical-pathname pathname)))
    (setf pathname (make-pathname :defaults pathname
				  :name nil
				  :type nil
				  :version nil))
    (let* ((directories (pathname-directory pathname))
	   (length      (length directories))
	   (created-p   nil))
      (loop for i from (- length 2) downto 0
	    as parents = (butlast directories i)
	    as directory = (make-pathname :defaults pathname
					  :directory parents)
	(unless (probe-file directory)
	  (multiple-value-bind (stdio stderr status pid)
	      (lcl:run-program "/bin/mkdir"
			       :input #P"/dev/null"
			       :output #P"/dev/null"
			       :if-output-exists :overwrite
			       :error-output #P"/dev/null"
			       :if-error-output-exists :overwrite
			       :arguments (list (format nil "/~{~A~^/~}" (cdr parents))))
	    (declare (ignore stdio stderr pid))
	    (if (zerop status)
		  (setf created-p t)
		  (when verbose
		    (format t "~&~A created.~%" directory)))
		(error 'file-error :pathname directory)))))
      (values pathspec created-p))))

(defun my-lisp:ensure-directories-exist (pathspec &key verbose)
  (let ((pathname (pathname pathspec)))
    (when (eq (car (pathname-directory pathname)) :relative)
      (setf pathname (merge-pathnames pathname)))
    (when (typep pathname 'logical-pathname)
      (setf pathname (translate-logical-pathname pathname)))
    (let* ((directories (pathname-directory pathname))
	   (length      (length directories))
	   (created-p   nil))
      (loop for i from (- length 2) downto 0
	    as parent = (make-pathname :defaults pathname
				       :directory (butlast directories i))
	    as directory = (scl:send parent :directory-pathname-as-file) do
	(unless (probe-file directory)
	  (scl:send parent :create-directory)
	  (setf created-p t)
	  (when verbose
	    (format t "~&~A created.~%" directory))))
    (values pathspec created-p))))