From: Marty Hall
Subject: Common CLOS Blunders (Reprise)
Message-ID: <>
I'm teaching a one-week course on CLOS to Lisp developers at the
Hopkins Applied Physics Lab in August. I've been putting together
a short list of common errors. Here's the second edition; thanks
to everyone who gave suggestions/corrections/additions to the first
						- Marty
(proclaim '(inline skates))
Common CLOS blunders by the beginner and advanced beginner:
(A) Omitting parens in arglist in DEFMETHOD.

(defmethod Area (Sq Square) ...)

instead of

(defmethod ((Sq Square)) ...)

Lisp will accept the former, and think that you have two unspecialized
arguments instead of one argument specialized as a Square.
(B) Missing parens around slot definition list in DEFCLASS.

(defclass Rectangle (Polygon)
  (Width ...)
  (Height ...)) 
instead of

(defclass Rectangle (Polygon)
  ((Width ...)
   (Height ...)))

Lisp will not accept the former, but the error message is not
necessarily clear.
(C) Forgetting empty slot definition list if you don't define local
slots in DEFCLASS. Writing 

(defclass Square (Rectangle)) 

instead of

(defclass Square (Rectangle) ())

Lisp will not accept the former.
(D) Referring to class name instead of instance variable in DEFMETHOD.

(defmethod Area ((Sq Square)) 
  (* (Width Square) (Width Square))) 

instead of

(defmethod Area ((Sq Square)) 
  (* (Width Sq) (Width Sq)))

Lisp may give a warning about an unknown free variable, but probably
won't even do that if you type the DEFMETHOD directly into the Lisp
Listener (Lucid doesn't). So you might not get an error until
(E) Confusion about doc strings in DEFMETHOD. People often do

(defmethod Area ((Rect Rectangle))
  "WIDTH times HEIGHT of the rectangle"
  (* (Width Rect) (Height Rect)))

without clearly thinking about what that might mean. Some people think
it will make a doc string on the *generic* function that
(documentation 'Area 'function) or the equivalent emacs keystrokes
will retrieve. Others vaguely expect it to make a doc string on each
separate method, and that the emacs doc-string retrieving keystroke
(which just calls DOCUMENTATION) will somehow automagically be able to
figure out which method it applies to. In fact, Lisp will accept this,
but put the documentation on the method *object*, which beginners
probably know nothing about. Use the :documentation entry in
DEFGENERIC to put a doc string on the generic function.
(F) Invalid :initargs are accepted by MAKE-INSTANCE. On Sparc
machines, both Lucid Common Lisp 4.1.1 (both the production and
development compilers) and Harlequin LispWorks 3.1.0 accept unknown
:initarg's without complaint, even at the highest SAFETY settings.

(defclass Foo ()
  ((Slot-1 :accessor Slot-1 :initarg :Slot-1 :initform 5)))

(setq Test (make-instance 'Foo :Slot1 10)) ; typo: `SLOT1'
[No error message]

(Slot-1 Test) ==> 5

This is a bug in the implementation; all implementations are
supposed to flag this as an error.
(G) Putting the new value last instead of first in a SETF method.

(defmethod (setf Area) ((Sq Square) (New-Area number))
  (setf (Width Sq) (sqrt New-Area))) 

instead of

(defmethod (setf Area) ((New-Area number) (Sq Square))
  (setf (Width Sq) (sqrt New-Area)))

Lisp will accept the former, and then users are puzzled as to
why (setf (Area Square-1) 10) doesn't work.
(H) Putting the new value last instead of first in a call to a :writer
method. E.g given

(defclass Circle () 
  ((Radius :reader Radius :writer Set-Radius :initform 5)))

(setq Circle-1 (make-instance 'Circle))


(Set-Radius Circle-1 10)

instead of

(Set-Radius 10 Circle-1)

(I) Forgetting accessors are functions and thus could conflict with
builtin function names. E.g. writing

(defclass Graphical-Object ()
  ((Position :accessor Position)))

Lisp will not accept this since you cannot redefine the builtin
POSITION function.
(J) The class has to exist before any method that specializes on it.
Lisp programmers are used to being able to define functions in any
order, where even if FOO calls BAR, FOO can be defined first. But

(defmethod Area ((Rect Rectangle)) ...)

(defclass Rectangle (Polygon) ...)

is illegal. You have to define the class first.
(K) Changing a method to apply to a more general class does not
supersede previous method. E.g. a user writes

(defmethod Half-Area ((Rect Filled-Rectangle))
  (/ (Area Rect) 2))

Then they notice that this functionality could apply to all
Rectangles, not just Filled-Rectangles. So they change the class,
with their intuition being that they are *replacing* the old
definition, when in fact they are *adding* a new, less-specific method.
They then later add a call to FLOAT to avoid getting a ratio back.

(defmethod Half-Area ((Rect Rectangle))
  (float (/ (Area Rect) 2)))

Then they are puzzled as to why their new definition appears not to
have taken effect, since they are testing it on an instance of
Filled-Rectangle, which still gets the old, more-specific definition.