From: peleg eyal
Subject: Re: help with macro / packages
Message-ID: <>
In article <····> ···· (Tom Almy) writes:
>Can't tell for sure what is going on, but I would be suspicious of the
>evals in your macro. eval uses the global bindings, and thus would not
>see the local binding of tempstate. It would have been helpful if you
>used baktrace so we could see where the error occured.
>Tom Almy
>Standard Disclaimers Apply
 i would write directly to you but our machine does not recognize, (do you know your IP addr ?),
 any way, to the problem:
 what kind of information should i get you ?
 what sould i write when i get the error ???
 assuming the problem is as you said it is : what should i do about it ?
 make tempstate global ?? use something else insteed of eval ??

eyal peleg