From: Joerg-Cyril Hoehle
Subject: Documenting LISP code
Message-ID: <2kdj90$>
We have a big application written in LISP and are looking for a good
way to document it. We feel that the documentation should be in the
same file as the LISP source otherwise there will be differences
between the two.

I've looked at the FAQ's description of SLaTeX, SchemeWEB and Lisp2TeX
and it seems to me that they allow me to include code or portions of
code easily in my (La)TeX documents, but I'd prefer it the other way
round : the file should be a Lisp file and the documentation extracted
from it (either from comments or through macros).

GINA provides a set of macros (defginafun, defginamacro, defginamethod
etc.) which provides more places for documenting things than defun and
the other counterparts. The GINA people say that they produce their
documentation automatically through the use of these macros. We may as
well use them but we'd like to know what other people do and what
other mechanisms and Lisp libraries for that purpose are out there. Do
people extract documentation from comments of a special form or do
they use a GINA like method?

Thanks for your help,
 	Joerg Hoehle.