From: David Gadbois
Subject: Re: WANTED: Card shuffling algorithm
Message-ID: <2ke696$>
In article <··········>,
Matthew C. Clarke  <·······> wrote:
>One of my post-grad students is doing a computational analysis of the
>game of Solitaire, and is looking for a good card shuffling algorithm.

(defun shuffle (sequence)
  (sort (copy-seq sequence)
	#'(lambda (x y)
	    (declare (ignore x y))
	    (zerop (random 2)))))

--David Gadbois

P.S.: Yes, it is a joke.

From: Carl M Kadie
Subject: Re: WANTED: Card shuffling algorithm
Message-ID: <>
Here is the shuffle code I use. It is linear and, I think, unbiased.
One thing though, when people shuffle, their shuffles are not unbiased
(cards tend to stay together).

- Carl


(defun SHUFFLE (list)
  "   - C.M. Kadie
  Returns a permutation and the length

       (shuffle '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10))
                 ;=> (2 8 5 1 7 3 10 6 4 9) 10;; for example
  (let ((vector (apply #'vector list))
    (dotimes (i (length vector) (values (vector-to-list vector) (length vector)))
      (let ((ith (svref vector i))
	    (j (random (1+ i)))
	(setf (svref vector i) (svref vector j))
	(setf (svref vector j) ith)

Carl Kadie -- I do not represent any organization; this is just me.
 = ····· =
From: Dan Hoey
Subject: Re: WANTED: Card shuffling algorithm
Message-ID: <2km254$>
····· (Carl M Kadie) writes:

>Here is the shuffle code I use....
>(defun SHUFFLE (list)
>  (let ((vector (apply #'vector list))
...              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

That looks like a particularly bad way of making a vector out of a
list, especially if CALL-ARGUMENTS-LIMIT is less than (length list).
C-A-L can be as small as 50.  Besides, that's exactly what
(coerce list 'simple-vector) is for.

>      (let ((ith (svref vector i))
>            (j (random (1+ i)))
>            )
>       (setf (svref vector i) (svref vector j))
>       (setf (svref vector j) ith)
I think clarity is enhanced with

  (let ((j (random (1+ i)))
    (unless (= i j)
      (rotatef (svref vector i) (svref vector j))))

and quite possibly speed, as well.  I can't tell from CLtL2 whether
the test for (= i j) is necessary or not; it's certainly not desirable.

Dan Hoey