From: Judi Ayers
Subject: Closure around defun
Message-ID: <2jokkk$>
I am having some difficulty understanding the behavior of the following:
(let ((*my-print-length* 10))
  (defun foo ()
    (let ((*print-length* *my-print-length*))
      (print *print-length*)

(let ((*print-length* 10)
      (*my-print-length* 8))
  (defun bar ()
    (print *print-length*)
    (print *my-print-length*)

Assuming *print-length* is NIL at the top level. Within #'foo 
*print-length* is 10 (inside the let of course). Within #'bar 
*print-length* is NIL. I expected *print-length* to be 10 inside both.
Could someone explain why this happens? Thank you.

Side note: This started as trying to have a special readtable that 
affected only one function. Wrapping a defun with a let seemed like 
a slicker way to accomplish that than binding *readtable* to a global
*my-readtable* within the function (ala #'foo). After investigation 
I noticed that any LISP special variable I tried showed the same 
property as exhibited above by *print-length*.

Once again thanks a lot for your help.
Hope you have a very nice day. :-)

Judi Achtenberg Ayers          e-mail: ······
Hamline University             St. Paul, MN  USA