From: Bill Burcham
Subject: Compiler Compilers
Message-ID: <>
I am looking for alternatives to Lex/YACC.  I am interested in any/all
combinations of source/target language.  In fact I am interested in
generators for non LALR(1) grammars as well as LALR(1) ones.

I am particularly interested in any solution that provides the
programmer the ability to modularize (componentize) a language or
languages.  For example, say I have a small piece of a language (say a
type system) that is useful in two larger languages.  In YACC, the
only way to accomplish the code sharing is through textual inclusion a
la m4(1) or somesuch.  Another example of a kind of modularity I want
is: I would like to be able to have both language recognizers
mentioned above working in a single executable, and to be able to call
either/both repeatedly (without having to restart the program).

I seem to remember hearing about a set of tools from Berlin U. last
year some time.  It was for some more difficult class of languages
(than LALR(1)).

Yes, I have gopher'd (I searched for "parser or grammar or yacc or
compiler"), and archie'd similarly, but didn't find anything
interesting.  Please feel free to FAQ me or flame me -- I _love_ it.

Please email me at ····· (that's right
sunquest.sunquest -- the name so nice, I used it twice) and I'll

        Bill Burcham         | "C++ is the anti-Scheme"
Sunquest Information Systems |
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