From: Brian Neil Levine
Subject: Passing an array to a C program for graphics
Message-ID: <>
Hi all.  I have a problem that I hope someone can solve....

I am working on a project that uses bit-arrays for black&white graphics.  I am
using KCL on a sparc classic.  I would like to use the CLX package to produce
the graphics, but my University had a lot problems installing it.  Right now
I run the program on VAX LISP (which has CLX) and then display the graphics on
my SUN.  My entire university uses the VAX, where as the SUNs are regulated to one user at a time.


I'd like to have the SUN do the graphics itself.  So I think the best solution
would be for me to pass the Array to a C program.  I am told there is a command
in (KCL) LISP to do this, does anyone know to do this? 

Thank you,


Brian Neil Levine		"THIS LIFE IS A TEST, this is only a test. 
SUNY Albany			 if this had been an actual life you would
				 have received official instructions on where
······		 to go and what to do." :)