From: ·······
Subject: lisp <-> math
Message-ID: <2o3jio$>
Does anybody know if there's any existing code for translating from
Lisp to mathematical notation and vice versa ?

e.g.  (+ a b) -> "a + b"

Any kind and source of information is welcome.

Thanks, Nummi
From: Hans-Martin Adorf
Subject: Re: lisp <-> math
Message-ID: <>
In article <··········>,
······· wrote:

> Does anybody know if there's any existing code for translating from
> Lisp to mathematical notation and vice versa ?
> e.g.  (+ a b) -> "a + b"
> Any kind and source of information is welcome.
> Thanks, Nummi
> ----------------------
> ·······

There is definitively code around, e.g. look in Winston & Horn's Lisp book,
possibly not in the most recent edition, though.

Have a llok at the appended code, which I found on my disk from earlier

Hans-Martin Adorf
Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2
D-85748 Garching b. Muenchen
Tel: +49-89-32006-261
Fax: +49-89-32006-480
Internet: ·····

========================= cut here ====================
;;;; -*- Package: CL-User; Mode: Lisp; Base: 10 -*-
;;;;    fortran-to-lisp.lisp
;;;;    Processes a FORTRAN file towards LISP
;;;;    Winston & Horn

; (require "UTILITIES" "lispm:utilities;utilities.lisp")

;;;; Global variables
(defvar *unary-operators*
	'((+ . +)
	  (- . -)
  "Translation table for unary prefix operators.")

(defvar *special-operators*
	'((/ 1 /)
	  (1+ 1 +)
	  (1- -1 +)
	  (-1+ -1 +)
  "Translation table for special prefix operators.")

(defvar *binary-operators*
       '((setq . =)
	 (psetq . =)
	 (let . =)
	 (let* . =)
	 (rem . rem)
	 (expt . ^)
  "Translation table for binary prefix operators.")

(defvar *n-ary-operators*
       '((+ . +)
	 (- . -)
	 (* . *)
	 (/ . /)
  "Translation table for n-ary prefix operators.")

(defvar *functions*
	'((sqrt . sqrt)
	  (square . square)			;Private
	  (exp . exp)
	  (sin . sin)
	  (cos . cos)
	  (tan . tan)
	  (sinh . sinh)
	  (cosh . cosh)
	  (tanh . tanh)
  "Translation table for unary prefix operators.")

(defvar *fortran-operators*
  '("+" "-" "*" "/" "=" 
    ".EQ." ".GT." ".LT." ".GE." ".LE." 
    "IF" "THEN" "ELSE" "ENDIF"))

(defvar *fortran-declarations*

;;;; Interface to files.
(defun process-fortran-file (input-file &optional (output-file nil))
  (with-open-file (input-stream input-file :direction :input)
    (if output-file
      (with-open-file (output-stream output-file :direction :output 
                                     :if-exists :supersede)
        (process-fortran-stream input-stream output-stream))
      (process-fortran-stream input-stream t))))
(process-fortran-file "lispm:utilities;mirpos.for" 

(defun process-fortran-stream (input-stream &optional (output-stream t))
  (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable)))
    (set-macro-characters)         ; redefine dangerous characters
    (process-fortran-strings input-stream output-stream)))

(defun process-fortran-text (text)
  (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable)))
    (set-macro-characters)         ; redefine dangerous characters
    (with-input-from-string (input-stream text)
      (process-fortran-strings input-stream t))))

(defun process-fortran-strings (input-stream output-stream &aux statement)
    (cond ((setf statement (read-line input-stream nil nil))
           ;; (format t "~&~A" statement)
           (format output-stream
                   "~A" (string-downcase 
                         (process-fortran-statement statement))))
          (t (return 'ok)))))
     "dayl  = 0.0
      years = 0.0
      iyear = 1990
      rleap = 0.0
      iend  = 0")
(defun process-fortran-statement (string)
  (let ((fortran-list (read-from-string 
                       (preprocess-fortran-statement string))))
    (cond ((assignmentp fortran-list)
           (process-fortran-assignment fortran-list))
          ((commentp fortran-list)
           (process-fortran-comment fortran-list))
          ((declarationp fortran-list)
           (process-fortran-other fortran-list))
          (t (process-fortran-other fortran-list)))))
;; (process-fortran-statement "z=a+b")
;; (process-fortran-statement "C This is a test")

(defun declarationp (statement-list)
  (member (first statement-list) *fortran-declarations*) :test

(defun assignmentp (statement-list)
  (eq (second statement-list) '=))

(defun commentp (statement-list)
  (eq (first statement-list) 'C))
(defun process-fortran-assignment (statement-list)
  (format nil "~%~A" (inf-to-pre statement-list)))
;; (process-fortran-assignment '(z = a + b))

(defun process-fortran-comment (statement-list)
  (format nil "~%;; ~{~A~^ ~}" (rest statement-list)))
;; (process-fortran-comment '(C This is a test.))

(defun process-fortran-other (statement-list)
  (format nil "~%;; ~{~A~^ ~}" statement-list))

;;; String preprocessing.
(defun preprocess-fortran-statement (string)
  (concatenate 'string
                (substitute #\" #\' string))
;; (format t "~A" (preprocess-fortran-statement "a='This is a test.'"))

(defun surround-operators-with-spaces (string &optional (operators
  (dolist (op operators string)
    (setf string (surround-operator-with-spaces string op))))
;; (surround-operators-with-spaces "z=a+b*c")

(defun surround-operator-with-spaces 
       (string op &aux (pos 0) (op-length (length op)))
    (if (setf pos (position op string :start pos :test #'string-equal))
      (progn (setf string 
                   (concatenate 'string (subseq string 0 pos) " " op " "
                                (subseq string (+ pos op-length))))
             ;; (print string)
             (incf pos (+ op-length 1)))
      (return string))))
;; (surround-operator-with-spaces "a+b+c" "+")

;;; Old interface to files.
(defun infix-formulae-to-file (input-file output-file)
  (with-open-file (output-stream output-file :direction :output)
    (mapcar #'(lambda (f)
		(pprint f output-stream))
	    (infix-formulae-from-file input-file))))
;; (infix-formulae-to-file "hst-ea: calculators; imaging-etc.lisp" "hst-ea:
calculators; imaging-etc.doc")
;; (infix-formulae-to-file "hst-ea: calculators; spectroscopy-etc.lisp"
"hst-ea: calculators; spectroscopy-etc.doc")

(defun infix-formulae-from-file (input-file)
  (with-open-file (input-stream input-file)
    (infix-formulae-from-stream input-stream)))
;; (infix-formulae-from-file "hst-ea: calculators; imaging-etc.lisp")

(defun infix-formulae-from-stream (input-stream)
  (flet ((defun-p (form)
		  (eq (first form) 'defun)))
    (do ((form nil (read input-stream nil 'eof))
	 (inf nil (if (defun-p form) (pre-to-inf (get-formula (body form)))))
	 (formulae '()))
	((eq form 'eof) (return (nreverse formulae)))
      (when inf
	(terpri) (terpri) (pprint inf)
	(push inf formulae)))))

(defun body (form)
  (body-aux (nthcdr 3 form)))
;; (body '(defun test (arg) (+ 1 2) (+ 3 4)))

(defun body-aux (form)
  (flet ((declarationp (item)
	 (eq (first item) 'declare)))
    (let ((item (first form)))
      (if (or (atom item)
	      (stringp item)
	      (declarationp item))
	  (body-aux (rest form))

(defun get-formula (form)
  (cond ((null form) nil)
	((atom form) nil)
	((eq (first form) 'values) (second form))
	(t (or (get-formula (first form))
	       (get-formula (rest form))))))
;; (get-formula '(formula (/ a b)))

;;; INF-TO-PRE translates infix notation to prefix notation.
(defun inf-to-pre (ae)
  (cond ((atom ae) ae)					;Easy case first
  (t (inf-aux ae nil nil))))				; else stacks empty.
;; (inf-to-pre '(z = 1 + 2))

(defun inf-aux (ae operators operands)
  (inf-iter (cdr ae)					;Work on CDR after
            (cons (inf-to-pre (car ae)) operands)))	; recursion on CAR.

(defun inf-iter (ae operators operands)
  (cond ((and (null ae) (null operators))		;Finished?
         (car operands))
        ((and (not (null ae))
              (or (null operators)
                  (> (weight (car ae))			;Compare weights of
                     (weight (car operators)))))	; operator & list head.
         (inf-aux (cdr ae)
                  (cons (car ae) operators)		;Push operator
                  operands))				; and continue.
        (t (inf-iter ae
                     (cdr operators)			;Pop operator,
                     (cons (list (opcode (car operators))
                                 (cadr operands)
                                 (car operands))
                           (cddr operands))))))		; and pop operands.

(defun weight (operator)				;determine weights
  (cond ((equal operator '=) 0)
        ((equal operator '+) 1)
        ((equal operator '-) 1)
        ((equal operator '*) 2)
        ((equal operator '/) 2)
        ((equal operator '\\) 2)
        ((equal operator '^) 3)
        (t (print `(,operator is not an operator)) 4)))

(defun opcode (operator)				;Get LISP primitive.
  (cond ((equal operator '=) 'setq)
        ((equal operator '+) '+)
        ((equal operator '-) '-)
        ((equal operator '*) '*)
        ((equal operator '/) '/)
        ((equal operator '\\) 'reminder)
        ((equal operator '^) 'expt)
        (t (print `(,operator is not an operator)) operator)))

(defmacro pre-to-inf* (ae)
  `(pre-to-inf ',ae))
;; (pre-to-inf* (+ 1 2))

(defun pre-to-inf (ae)
  "Translate prefix notation to infix notation."
  (cond ((null ae) nil)					;Easy case first
        ((variable-p ae) ae)			        ;Easy case first
	((and (listp ae) (= (length ae) 1) (pre-to-inf (first ae))))
	((setq-p ae) (pre-to-inf-setq ae))
	((let-p ae) (pre-to-inf-let ae))
	((unary-p ae) (pre-to-inf-unary ae))
	((special-p ae) (pre-to-inf-special ae))
	((binary-p ae) (pre-to-inf-binary ae))
	((n-ary-p ae) (pre-to-inf-n-ary ae))
	(t (pre-to-inf-function ae))

(pre-to-inf '(- 1 (+ 2 3) 4 5 6))
(pre-to-inf '(+ (sin (+ x y)) 1))
(pre-to-inf '(sin (+ x y)))
(pre-to-inf '(1+ 2))
(pre-to-inf '(1- 2))
(pre-to-inf '(expt 10 5))
(pre-to-inf '(square 2))
(pre-to-inf '(/ (* (square SNR) (+ RS (* RB (1+ (/ area-ratio))))) (square
(pre-to-inf '(setq v1 (+ 1 2) v2 (* 3 4)))

(defun pre-to-inf-unary (ae)
  (cons (unop (operator ae)) (list (pre-to-inf (first-arg ae)))))
;; (pre-to-inf-unary '(- (* x y)))

(defun pre-to-inf-special (ae)
  (append (unop (operator ae)) (list (pre-to-inf (first-arg ae)))))
;; (pre-to-inf-special '(/ 2)
;; (pre-to-inf-special '(1+ 2))

(defun pre-to-inf-binary (ae)
  (append (list (pre-to-inf (first-arg ae)))
	  (list (binop (operator ae)))
	  (list (pre-to-inf (second-arg ae)))))
;; (pre-to-inf-binary '(+ a b))

(defun pre-to-inf-n-ary (ae)
  (let ((op (n-op (operator ae))))
    (cons (pre-to-inf (first-arg ae))
	  (mapcan #'(lambda (x) (cons op (list (pre-to-inf x))))
		  (further-args ae)))))
;; (pre-to-inf-n-ary '(- a b (* c d)))

(defun pre-to-inf-function (ae)
  (let ((arg (pre-to-inf (first-arg ae))))
    (cons (fn (operator ae))
	  (if (listp arg)
	      (list arg)
	      (list (list arg))))))
;; (pre-to-inf-function '(sin x))
;; (pre-to-inf-function '(sin (+ x y)))

(defun pre-to-inf-setq (ae)
  (let ((op (binop (operator ae))))
    (map-subseq 2 #'(lambda (var expr)
		      (let ((expr (pre-to-inf expr)))
			(append (list var)
				(list op)
				(if (listp expr) expr (list expr)))))
		(arguments ae))))
;; (pre-to-inf-setq '(setq v1 (+ a b) v2 (* c d) v3 (/ e f)))

(defun pre-to-inf-let (ae)
    (let ((op (binop (operator ae))))
      (mapcar #'(lambda (pair)
		  (let ((expr (pre-to-inf (second pair))))
		    (append (list (first pair) op)
			    (if (listp expr) expr (list expr)))))
	      (second ae)))
    (pre-to-inf (nthcdr 2 ae))))
;; (pre-to-inf-let '(let ((v1 (+ a b)) (v2 e2)) (setq test (+ v1 v2))))

;;; Predicates
(defun variable-p (ae)
  (atom ae))

(defun unary-p (ae)
  (and (= (length ae) 2)
       (member (operand ae) *unary-operators* :key #'car)))

(defun special-p (ae)
  (and (= (length ae) 2)
       (member (operand ae) *special-operators* :key #'car)))

(defun binary-p (ae)
  (and (= (length ae) 3)
       (member (operand ae) *binary-operators* :key #'car)))

(defun n-ary-p (ae)
  (member (operand ae) *n-ary-operators* :key #'car))

(defun function-p (ae)
  (and (= (length ae) 2)
       (member (operand ae) *functions* :key #'car)))

(defun setq-p (ae)
  (member (operand ae) '(setq psetq)))

(defun let-p (ae)
  (member (operand ae) '(let let*)))

;;; Accessor functions
(defun operand (ae)
  (operator ae))

(defun operator (ae) (car ae))

(defun first-arg (ae) (cadr ae))

(defun second-arg (ae) (caddr ae))

(defun further-args (ae) (nthcdr 2 ae))

(defun arguments (ae) (rest ae))

;;; Translations
(defun unop (op) (or (rest (assoc op *unary-operators*))
		     (rest (assoc op *special-operators*))

(defun binop (op) (or (rest (assoc op *binary-operators*)) op))

(defun n-op (op) (or (rest (assoc op *n-ary-operators*)) op))

(defun fn (op) (or (rest (assoc op *functions*)) op))

;;; Almost original code
(defun pre-to-inf (ae)
  (cond ((null ae) nil)					;Easy case first
        ((atom ae) ae)					;Easy case first
        (t (list (pre-to-inf (cadr ae))			;Translate part
                 (opsymbol (car ae))			;Look up symbol
                 (pre-to-inf (caddr ae))))))

(defun opsymbol (x)				;Get symbol.
  (case x
	(setq '=)
        (+ '+)
        (- '-)
        (* '*)
        (/ '/)
        ('reminder '\\)
        (expt '^)
        (t x)))

;;;; Tools
(defmacro do-forms ((form input-file &optional result-form) &body body)
  (let ((input-stream (gensym)))
    `(with-open-file (,input-stream ,input-file :direction :input)
       (do ((,form nil (read ,input-stream nil 'eof)))
	   ((eq ,form 'eof) ,result-form)
;; (do-forms (form "lispm:calculators;imaging-etc.lisp") (print form))

(defun map-subseq (n function sequence)
  "A mapcar which jumps in steps of n over the given sequence feeding the
function with n items at a time."
  (let ((i-lim (* (floor (length sequence) n) n))
	(funcall-apply (if (stringp sequence) #'funcall #'apply)))
    (do ((i 0 (+ i n))
	 (seq sequence (subseq seq n))
	 (result '() (cons (apply funcall-apply (list function (subseq seq 0 n)))
	((>= i i-lim) (nreverse result))
;;    (format t "~%~a" seq)
;; (map-subseq 2 #'list '(a 1 b 2 c 3))
;; (map-subseq 2 #'identity "aAbBcC")