From: ken yip
Subject: Non-deterministic lisp (Graham's implementation)
The following is a slight modification of the implementation in Graham's book
"On Lisp."  Question:  How can one define a special form all-values such

	(all-values (find-sum n))

will return all the possible answers, i.e., all positive integer pairs that 
make up n.

----------------- Scheme implementation ----------------
(define *continuation-stack* ())
(define fail ())

(call/cc (lambda (cc)
	   (set! fail
		 (lambda ()
		   (if (null? *continuation-stack*)
		       (cc 'done)
		       ((pop *continuation-stack*)))))))

(defmacro choose choices
  (if (null? choices) 
	 (push *continuation-stack*
	       (lambda () (cc (choose ,@(cdr choices)))))
	 ,(car choices)))))

(define (a-number lo hi)
  (if (= lo hi)
      (choose lo
	      (a-number (1+ lo) hi))))

(define (2-numbers lo hi)
  (list (a-number lo hi) (a-number lo hi)))

(define (find-sum n)
  (let ((numbers (2-numbers 1 n)))
    (if (= (apply + numbers) n)
        `(the sum of ,@numbers is ,n)

SCM Turtlegraphics Copyright (C) 1992 ···, ···
Type `(help-gr)' or `(help-turtlegr)' for a quick reference of
the new primitives.

> (find-sum 6)
(the sum of 1 5 is 6)
> (fail)
(the sum of 2 4 is 6)
> (fail)
(the sum of 3 3 is 6)
> (fail)
(the sum of 4 2 is 6)
> (fail)
(the sum of 5 1 is 6)