From: Marty Hall
Subject: Two minor hacks
Message-ID: <>
Following are two small hacks, WITH-FUNCTION-CALL-COUNT (counts how
often specified functions are called in a body of code), and BREAKON
(makes specified function do a BREAK at the beginning). There are plenty of 
good serious metering facilities around; these are just two simple things I
had lying around. But perhaps some people will find them useful. You can
also get this by anonymous FTP from (,
in /pub/Memoization/Simple-Metering.lisp.
						- Marty Hall
(proclaim '(inline skates))
============================== Cut Here ==============================
;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: Common-lisp; Package: User; Base: 10 -*-

(in-package :User)

;;; Three simple tracing/metering utilities:
;;; With-Function-Call-Count: Takes list of function names and a body of code,
;;; ========================  and returns two values: (A) the normal return
;;;                           value of the body of code and (B) a list of the
;;;                           number of times the functions were called during
;;;                           the execution of the Body.
;;; Breakon: Takes a function name and changes the function to enter BREAK on
;;; =======  entry. Like SI:BREAKON on Symbolics.
;;; Unbreakon: Returns a function to state it was in before Breakon was called
;;; =========
;;; 3/93 Marty Hall. ยทยทยทยท, (410) 792-6000 x3440
;;; No restrictions on use of any kind.

;;; Takes a list of function names and a body of code, and returns a list of
;;; the number of times the functions were called during the execution of the
;;; Body. See the doc string for more details. The UNWIND-PROTECT is to make
;;; sure the call-count gets reset even if the Body of code crashes. Also,
;;; this works for either regular or generic functions, but there is no way
;;; to specify that only one particular method of a generic function gets
;;; counted. Also (to risk stating the obvious), this will not work for
;;; counting macros or INLINEd functions. 3/93 Marty Hall.

(defmacro With-Function-Call-Count (Function-Name-List &body Body)
  "Takes a list of function names and a body of code, and returns two values:
   (A) the normal return value of the body of code and (B) a list of the
   number of times the functions were called during the execution of the Body.

   (With-Function-Call-Count (Speed Latitude Longitude)

   returns (867 651 651) as the secondary value, indicating SPEED was called
   867 times, and LATITUDE and LONGITUDE 651 times each during the execution
   of the top-level and MAD displays."
  (let ((Call-Count-Variable (gensym "CALL-COUNT-"))
	(Return-Value (gensym "RETURN-VALUE-")))
    `(let (,Call-Count-Variable ,Return-Value)
	     (mapc #'Make-Function-Countable ',Function-Name-List)
	     (setq ,Return-Value (progn ,@Body))
	     (setq ,Call-Count-Variable
		   (mapcar #'(lambda (Function-Name)
			       (get Function-Name :Call-Count))
	     (values ,Return-Value ,Call-Count-Variable) )
	 (mapc #'Make-Function-Uncountable ',Function-Name-List) ) )

;;; Changes a function from its normal version to one that counts how often it
;;; is called. Should only be used temporarily. Also note this won't work for
;;; recursive routines without the addition of Make-Function-Countable,
;;; because the internal calls go to the non-counting version. 

(defun Countable-Function (Function-Name)
  "Takes a function NAME and returns a function OBJECT that does what #'NAME
   did, except also keeps track of the number of times it has been called"
  (let ((Function (symbol-function Function-Name)))
    (setf (get Function-Name :Call-Count) 0)
    (setf (get Function-Name :Non-Counting-Function) Function)
    #'(lambda (&rest Args)
	(incf (the fixnum (get Function-Name :Call-Count)))
	(apply Function Args)) ))

;;; Makes function countable. 3/93 Marty Hall

(defun Make-Function-Countable (Function-Name)
  "Given a function name changes it into equivalent version that counts
   function calls"
  (setf (symbol-function Function-Name)
	(Countable-Function Function-Name)) )

;;; Undoes the above.  

(defun Make-Function-Uncountable (Function-Name)
  "Returns the function to its original (non-counting) state"
  (let ((Original (get Function-Name :Non-Counting-Function)))
       (setf (symbol-function Function-Name) Original)
       (remf (symbol-plist Function-Name) :Non-Counting-Function)
       (remf (symbol-plist Function-Name) :Call-Count)
       (format nil "~%Function ~S wasn't countable to begin with: unchanged." 

;;; Often useful to find when you want to find out why/where a certain
;;; function is being called. Ie you know FOO is being called, but want to see
;;; who is calling it. Put BREAKOn on FOO then do a backtrace. To risk
;;; stating the obvious, this will not work for macros or INLINEd functions.
;;; Idea from si:breakon on Symbolics. 9/93 Marty Hall

(defun Breakon (Function-Name)
  "Given a function name changes it into an `equivalent' version that BREAKs
  upon entry"
  (setf (symbol-function Function-Name)
	(Function-with-Break Function-Name)) )

;;; Internal routine that returns the new function that does the BREAK. 

(defun Function-with-Break (Function-Name)
  "Takes a function NAME and returns a function OBJECT that does what #'NAME
   did, except that it enters BREAK at the beginning (allowing a backtrace or
   examination of the local variables). Use BREAKON instead of calling this
  (let ((Function (symbol-function Function-Name)))
    (setf (get Function-Name :Non-Breaking-Function) Function)
    #'(lambda (&rest Args)
	(break "`Breakon' specified for function ~S." Function-Name)
	(apply Function Args)) ))

;;; Undoes the above.  9/93 Marty Hall

(defun Unbreakon (Function-Name)
  "Returns the function to its original (non-breaking) state"
  (let ((Original (get Function-Name :Non-Breaking-Function)))
       (setf (symbol-function Function-Name) Original)
       (remf (symbol-plist Function-Name) :Non-Breaking-Function)
       (format nil "~%BREAKON wasn't set for function ~S: unchanged."
