From: Ken Anderson
Subject: Portable Lisp random number generators
Message-ID: <>
Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp
Subject: Random number generator
Distribution: comp.lang.lisp
--text follows this line--

Has anyone got a fast portable Lisp random number generator such as the
Park Miller multiplicative linear congruential algorithm (CACM, Oct '88, p
1192).  It uses 31 bit arithmetic which is not available as fixnums on all
Lisps.  The best i've come up with uses double-floats and conses 40 bytes.
Ideally, i'd like one that use 28 or 29 bits so it would work in fixnums in
most Lisps.

I know that RANDOM is portable, and i've looked at RANDOM-ONE from Chris
McConnell of CMU, but they are 10 and 5 times to slow respectively.

Ken Anderson
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