From: Kinch Malapitan
Subject: HELP - "alphap" ? for akcl
Message-ID: <>
Does anyone have a routine that returns T if a list is all numbers and returns
NIL if it's not ? For example, >check-num '((2) (3 4) 5))     ==> T
			       >check-num '((2) (3 4) F))     ==> NIL
I've been trying to figure out how to do this for 3 days with no success. I
thought the function would look sonething like this:
     >(check-num (x)
	 (cond ( (alphap) x )
	       ( (atom x) nil )
	       ( t (or (check-num (car x)) (check-num (cdr x))))))
where "alphap" will return T if it finds a character (A-Z), else, return NIL.
If you can help, please email me directly at: ····· by
Tuesday, 11/9/93.
   Your help is GREATLY appreciated !

   = info above is personal: my employer has nothing to do with it =
From: Kinch Malapitan
Subject: Re: HELP - "alphap" ? for akcl
Message-ID: <>
   I finally figured this out ! yeah ! I can't believe it took me four days but

   I think I've just about exhausted every possible combination of functions...

   (now I can finally have some rest...)

   = info above is personal - my employer has nothing to do with it