From: Shanliang Yin
Subject: OPS5 and clisp
Message-ID: <>
Help! I need OPS5 for class and I'm trying to
build/install on my machine with clisp. However, I keep
getting this error

sly% clisp -q

> (load "compile-ops.lisp")
;; Loading file compile-ops.lisp ...
*** - PARSE-NAMESTRING: argument should be a string, symbol, file stream or pathname, not ("ops-util.lisp  ops-compile.lisp  ops-rhs.lisp  ops-match.lisp  ops-main.lisp  ops-backup.lisp  ops-io.lisp  ops.lisp")
1. Break> 
> (exit)

I got my copy of OPS5 from
Is there somewhere else that I should get OPS5, or should I get
some patches to build it.

Thanks in advance! :)


Shan-liang Yin 
University of Michigan