From: Mike Kingzett
Subject: Help with simple lisp
Message-ID: <1t9mq5$>
Everyone reading this will probably laugh, but for those of us who have only 
seen Lisp for a week now, this is some weird stuff.   I have a homework 
assignment due Tues 11:30 am EST.  If you read this afterward, it's too late 
and I have already got my zero.  Yes I should have gone to get help, but my 
other classes had to come first this time :-(.  Also, please reply to my 
account - I hate to waste bandwidth on what is probably a simple request.  
Don't laugh too hard!!

I only can use common Lisp functions, so don't get too detailed.

First, I need a function which will reverse the order of a list.

Second, I need a union function.   It can return duplicate items only if the
items are duplicated in a single list.

Third, I need a removal function.  I.e.: Removal 'A '(B C(A B) A (A B(A A A))) 
returns (B C(B)(B())).

And finally, I need a shuffle function.  Ex: Shuffle '(A B C) '(A B C) returns 
(A A B B C C)

I will probably be working on this all night.  I don't know why, but Lisp is
just not agreeing with me.  I'm much better at pascal :-)

Also, if you answer this soon (look at the time), do a talk session 
to:  ········

If any of you are in Columbus, I'd be happy to treat you to a twelve pack of 
your choice in exchange for help :-)


4-Ever-Student in CIS at THE Ohio State University.