From: T. V. Raman
Subject: Least Common superclass: How?
Message-ID: <>

Given the following class precedence where < denotes subclass:
C1 <C
C2 < C
C3 < C
        C11 < C1
        C12 < C1
        C13 < C1
        C33 < C3

Given a list L of instances belonging to cij, How do I  find the
ancestor A such that
(type-of O A) is true for all O in L, and there exists no O1< O that
satisfies this property?

Clearly this information has been computed by clos at some time when
computing the class precedence list. Is there some way of accessing
this information?


   T. V. Raman <·····>Tel: (607)255-9202  R 272-3649
                       Office: 4116 Upson Hall,
Department of Computer Science, Cornell University Ithaca NY 14853-6201
                Res: 226 Bryant Avenue Ithaca NY 14850