From: Bill Birch
Subject: RefLisp 2.67 - Last Update for a While
Message-ID: <>
ANNOUNCEMENT: Version 2.67

RefLisp Version 2.67 will be the last version of RefLisp to 
appear for quite some time. You see, I'm emigrating to Australia, 
and will be off the Internet for the immediate future.

Version 2.67 fixes memory leakage bugs, and a bug introduced 
along with DEFCONSTANT.

In addition there are Lisp modules for lexical scope and for running
indefinite extent Scheme programs. There is also a program

Please contact me at the address below _before_ Friday 12 March
if you require a version email-ed .

Thanks to all the Useneters who have helped me
over this past year, notably Barry Margolin and Jeff Dalton by
responding to my shouts for help, and also Mark Kant for kindly
copying RefLisp to his anon ftp site (

Happy Lisping,

		Bill Birch

;;; ****************************************************************
;;; RefLisp ********************************************************
;;; ****************************************************************

RefLisp is a small Lisp interpreter written by Bill Birch. Versions
exist for MS-DOS and UNIX (AIX). The MS-DOS version supports
CGA/EGA/VGA graphics and the Microsoft Mouse.  The interpreter is a
shallow-binding, reference counting design making it suitable for
experimenting with real-time and graphic user interface programming.
Common Lisp compatibility macros are provided, and most of the
examples in "Lisp" by Winston & Horn have been run on RefLisp.
RefLisp comes with an ASCII manual and many demonstration programs,
including an analogue clock which never stops for garbage collection.
It is written in ANSI C and is in the public domain.

This copy of the distribution was obtained from the Lisp Utilities
Repository by anonymous ftp from in the directory
as the files reflisp1_3, reflisp2_3, reflisp3_3 .

   reflisp1_3 is a shar file containing the C source files and documentation
   reflisp2_3 is a shar file containing demo lisp programs
   reflisp3_3 is a uuencoded file containing a MS-DOS binary executable

For further information, contact the author by writing to Peter
William Birch, 23 Marlins Turn, Gadebridge, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 3LQ,
Great Britian.

;;; *EOF*
 Bill Birch             	|	·······
 Bull Info. Sys. Ltd.   	|       Bull Tel: 773 4770
 Maxted Road,         		|	Bull Mail: HM14 UK03 
 Hemel Hempstead,        	|	Tel: +44 442 884770
 HERTS, HP2 7DZ, U.K.         	|	Fax: +44 442 884570
                Aviate, Navigate, Communicate...