From: Randy Sargent
Subject: Any implementation of "macroexpand-all"?
Message-ID: <>
I need to find, or write, a function which macroexpands a form and all it's
subforms.  This of course requires knowing about lots of special forms and
forms that locally modify the macro environment (like macrolet and

It looks like the macro expansion environment functionality described in
CLTL 2 will go a long way in helping the implementation.

I've found "mapforms" by Moon to be most of the way there (from the /afs
directory mentioned in the c.l.l FAQ part 6).  The version online is from 1983
years old, written before symbol-macrolet.

Does anyone have either their own version of "macroexpand-all" or have an
updated version of mapforms by Moon?

Thanks for any help!

-- Randy Sargent

PS.  sorry if this is a FAQ