From: Thomas L|fgren
Subject: Help needed to a new lisp-coder with some window- and buffers.
Message-ID: <TDE9104.93Mar3210617@abacus.HGS.SE>
The problem is that I have three buffers and one windows.
With one command I want to get two of the buffers in a split-window
that is like this:
     (setq w (selected-window))
     (setq w2 (split-window w 8))
     (select-window w)
     (set-buffer "SECOND BUFFER")
     (select-window w2)
     (switch-to-buffer "THIRD BUFFER")

Well, now I want to scroll the "SECOND BUFFER" and still have the "THIRD 
BUFFER" current in window w2... I have tested alot of things but some how
the "FIRST BUFFER" get visible when I scroll the "SECOND BUFFER".

Please mail me an solution!

# Name:			Thomas Loefgren (In Swedish L\33fgren)	#
# Login: 		·······@abacus.HGS.SE			#
# Telephone (int):	+46 - 26 - 27 01 23			#
#	    (nat):	026 - 27 01 23				#