From: Ivan Vazquez
Subject: ILISP 5.0 Released
Message-ID: <>
ILISP provides a somewhat lisp-machine like interface to lisp
listeners from Emacs.

ILISP 5.0 has been released.

Bugs to ········· (or ··········

Comments/discussion to ·····

Please send mailing list requests/deletions to ·············

I will eventually be putting it on the elisp archive.

------- README -------

This is version 5.0 of ILISP.  

The major changes from 4.12:

--Now works with emacs-18, fsf emacs-19, and Lucid emacs-19.

--Major file splitting done in an attempt to modularize ILISP.

--Added 'message feature for lisp-no-popper, allows output from ILISP
to be sent to the message window (instead of via the popper or the
inferior lisp buffer) if it is one line long.  Useful for small
arg-lists, etc. Now the default.  

--Made the popper be off by default.  To have the popper on, set
popper-pop-buffers and popper-buffers-to-skip to t in a
popper-load-hook. See the sample in popper.el


+Support for multiple LISP dialects including Lucid, Allegro, KCL,
AKCL, IBCL and CMU on multiple machines even at the same time.

+Dynamically sized pop-up windows that can be buried and scrolled from
any window.

+Packages are properly handled including the distinction between
exported and internal symbols.

+Synchronous, asynchronous or batch eval and compile of files,
regions, definitions and sexps with optional switching and automatic

+Arglist, documentation, describe, and macroexpand.

+Completion of filename components and LISP symbols including partial

+Find source both with and without help from the inferior LISP.
Including CLOS methods, multiple definitions and multiple files.  Also
works for automatically generated functions like defstruct.

+Edit the callers of a function with and without help from the
inferior LISP.

+Trace/untrace a function.

+Esc-q works properly on paragraphs in comments, strings and code.

+Find unbalanced parentheses.

+Super brackets.

+Handles editing, entering and indenting full LISP expressions.

+Next/previous and similar history mechanism compatible with comint.

+Handles LISP errors.

+Result histories are maintained in the inferior LISP.

+Does not create spurious symbols and handles case issues.

+Raw keyboard mode allows interaction with interactive programs
through Emacs.

+Online manuals for ILISP.


   If you do start using the package, please send mail to
··············' so that I can keep a mailing list of

   Please send bugs to ···········'

   Please send questions or suggestions for discussion to

FTP directions

You can anonymously ftp the source files from HALDANE.BU.EDU:

   * Ftp to (

   * login as anonymous, with ····@host as password

   * `cd pub/ilisp'

   * `binary'

   * `get ilisp.tar.Z'

Or get whatever single files you need.

Install* into the appropriate emacs-info directory, or
print out to read the installation instructions.
Please send mailing list requests/deletions to ·············