From: Tim Moore
Subject: Re: (setf (symbol-function)
Message-ID: <>
> From: ········ (David Schulenburg)
> Subject: Re: (setf (symbol-function)

> also, from the dpANS:
> "Defines a new function named function-name in the global environment."
> (p. 5-15)
> from CLTL2:
> "X3J13 voted in March 1989 <50> to clarify that, while defining forms
> normally appear at top level, it is meaningful to place them in
> non-top-level contexts; defun must define the function within the
> enclosing lexical environment, not within the null lexical environment."
> (p. 84)
> these last two quotations seem to be at odds with one another.  isn't
> the dpANS in error here?

No.  The function name is in the global environment, but the function
body is defined within the enclosing lexical environment.  Silly

(let ((c 0))
  (defun counter ()
    (prog1 c
      (incf c))))

DEFUN defines COUNTER in the normal way, as a global function, but C
in the body of COUNTER refers to C in the enclosing environment.

> david
Tim Moore                    ····· {bellcore,hplabs}!utah-cs!moore
"Wind in my hair - Shifting and drifting - Mechanical music - Adrenaline surge"
	- Rush