From: Benjamin B Thomas
Subject: hp48G/GX List Processing Feature
Message-ID: <1vf1pv$rbg@senator-bedfellow.MIT.EDU>
	I thought folks might be interested in knowing about this nifty
feature in the hp48G/GX calclators. The original post came from


Subject: G/GX Auto List Processing Update

In article <··························> ············ (Joseph K. Horn) writes:

                            "List!"  -- Shakespeare
     It's been said that the G/GX handles the new "list processing" ability
     not by adding new entries to every command's Check&Dispatch table, but
     in the error handler.  This still didn't answer the question: How does
     it *know* which functions allow lists and which don't?  I called James
     Donnelly and here's the scoop.
     The Check&Dispatch routine's own error handler, which is only run when
     the object-type table is exhausted without finding any match, has been
     modified (he says it didn't take a lot of code) to see if the function
     is a "control structure" (like DO, FOR or THEN); if so, it immediately
     errors out.  Otherwise it checks if the command takes a varying number
     of things from the stack (like DROPN); if so it errors out.  Otherwise
     lists are accepted as arguments and looped through, placing all of the
     results (if any) into a list.  Since the commands that don't do object
     type verification (like DROP) never error out due to an illegal object
     type, they can't use automatic list processing.
     Notice that automatic list processing practically creates one of those
     things that we were all asking to be in the G/GX: symbolic arrays. For
     example, 7 { 3 X } *  -->  { 21 '7*X' }.  Remember all that looping we
     did between OBJ-> and -> LIST?  No need; now it's all automatic.
     Although the list of commands that have this power is finite, you will
     be able to bequeath that power to anything at all, even your own user-
     defined functions, with the new DOLIST command, which means: "evaluate
     the object on level 1 using as its input the elements from the list(s)
     on the stack above it and return the results (if any) to a list."  For
     example, if I want to run my one-argument user-defined function called
     'UDF' on the elements of a list and return the results to a list, this
     is what the S/SX requires:
                OBJ-> -> n << 1 n START UDF n ROLL NEXT n -> LIST
     But this is how easy it is on the G/GX:
                'UDF' DOLIST
     A lot of commands accept lists even though doing such a thing would be
     stupid. For example, Jim says that a beta tester thought that he found
     a "bug" because when a list was used as the input for the RES command,
     it only seemed to use the list's last element.  Ha!  It really set RES
     to the first element, then the next one, and so on, happily doing just
     what it was told to do.  IMHO this is a good thing, because adding the
     logic (and/or lookup table) required to weed out the "stupid" commands
     would surely slow the machine down.
     I have a powerfully strong hunch that automatic list processing is not
     appreciated because it is so novel (in a handheld).  I hope that a few
     of the LISP experts out there can post some of the tricks of the trade
     that they've learned in that list-oriented language so that we can use
     them in G/GX RPL.
     -Joe Horn-