From: Jeff Dalton
Subject: Re: select in Lisp (Re: The New Lisp Machine)
Message-ID: <>
In article <···················> ····· (Harley Davis) writes:
>In article <···········> ············ (Cyber Surfer) writes:
>   (Jeff Dalton) writes:
>   > Wait a minute.  That fact that something is _now_ a feature
>   > of Unix is no reason to say it _cannot_ be part of a language.
>   > That simply doesn't follow.
>   I've never used Unix, and I don't expect to, the way the market
>   looks just now. I have no experience with Unix, but plenty
>   with Microsoft Windows. No C compiler for this platform uses

It's a library function.  The compiler doesn't have to know
anything about it.

>   > In any case, select is a well-defined operation that could be 
>   > included in a language.  A basic select is no more suspect that 
>   Since I don't know what it does, I can't be sure SELECT won't
>   ever be supported under Microsoft Windows 3.x, 

SELECT doesn't have to be supplied directly by the operating system or
the C compiler; it might be implemented some other way.  You seem to
think that because it's built into Unix (in a sense) that it has to be
built into some compiler or OS before it could be used in Lisp.  But
that isn't so; it might be implemented in some other way.  

>   however, since
>   I/O support is largely compiler dependant for this platform,
>   as it only provides very crude functions thru to the DOS layer,

And this kind of platform is winning over Unix?  There's a lesson
for us in there somewhere, no doubt.

>   it's a vendor problem. Someone else will have to comment on
>   this, as I don't do that kind of I/O under this platform.
>   My point is that the name is unknown to me, and that's because
>   it's not available in any compiler I have access to. My 1988 copy
>   of K&R doesn't mention it. Could you please explain SELECT in
>   terms of the WinNT API? Then I'd know what we're talking about.
>SELECT basically implements one cycle of the wait-for-message /
>process-message loop which is fundamental to Windows programming.
>Given a set of input channels to an application, it tells you which of
>them have messages waiting to be processed.

A little while back, I described how to implement a version of SELECT
by polling using LISTEN.  Barmar (I think) even posted code.  ...
Yes, here it is:

Common Lisp doesn't have any support for non-blocking output, so I'll give
a simple solution that works only for input streams.  Unfortunately, it
uses polling.

(defun input-select (streams timeout)
  "Wait until any of STREAMS has input available or TIMEOUT seconds elapse.
Returns the list of ready streams or () to indicate a timeout."
  (loop with end-time = (+ (get-universal-time) timeout)
	when (>= (get-universal-time) end-time)
	  return '()
	when (loop for stream in streams
		   when (listen stream)
		     collect stream)
	  return it
	;; don't chew up CPU cycles
	do (sleep 1)))

This isn't how I'd do it if I were writing non-portable code for a
Symbolics system; in that case I'd use PROCESS-WAIT or something like that.

-- jd