From: Daniel Jaliff
Subject: cant' embed CLIPS5.1 in Lucid 4.1 ?
Message-ID: <>
Some time ago I embedded CLIPS5.0 in Lucid4.1 and it works fine -
however, i had to build the foreign function interface from lisp
manually, since most functions could only be identified (by lucid) by
their encoded names (eg, "_RN247" instead of InitializeCLIPS).

I'm now  attempting to embed 5.1, but calling InitializeCLIPS
from the lucid shell sends the process into some non-interruptible
void. (I've tried both creating the foreign function interface manually,
with the appropriate function codes, and also using Lucid's automatic
ffi generator).

1) Does anyone know what the problem is/how to solve it?  

2) The reason I'm trying to embed 5.1 in this particular system is that
I've heard 5.0 is really buggy; but given that I'm only using the
CLIPS for forward chaining on simple assertions (not using COOL at
all), is it really worth the effort of going from 5.0 to 5.1? 

Thanks in advance.

Daniel Jaliff                           | e-mail :  ······
Advanced Computing & Engineering Dept.  |
Alberta Research Council                | phone  :  (403) 297-7558
6815 - 8 St. NE                         |
Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7H7        | fax    :  (403) 297-2339