From: Zdzislaw Meglicki
Subject: declaring CM pvars as classes
Message-ID: <>
I am trying to overload simple arithmetic operators such as +, *, etc
in order to make a certain set of procedures more universal. In particular
I have definitions such as:

(defmacro overload (name op)
     (overload-number-number ,name ,op)
     (overload-vector-vector ,name)
     (overload-vector-number ,name)
     (overload-number-vector ,name)))

where an example of the "overload-number-number" macro may be:

(defmacro overload-number-number (name op)
  `(defmethod ,name ((a1 number) (a2 number) &rest other-args)
     (reduce #',name other-args 
             :initial-value (,op a1 a2))))

This works fine with "number"s and "vector"s since CLOS recognises these
as classes. But I cannot do

(defmethod plus ((a1 pvar) (a2 pvar) &rest other-args)

since CM's "pvar" is not recognised by CLOS as a class. What might be the
best remedy to this problem? What would be the easiest way to define a
class "pvar"?

   Zdzislaw Gustav Meglicki, ······,
   Automated Reasoning Program - CISR, and Plasma Theory Group - RSPhysS,
   The Australian National University, G.P.O. Box 4, Canberra, A.C.T., 2601, 
   Australia, fax: (Australia)-6-249-0747, tel: (Australia)-6-249-0158