From: Pete Grant
Subject: CLIM Question - Viewport Pos
Message-ID: <>
Any of you CLIM experts know how to keep an application frame 
pane (type :application) from resetting its viewport back to
the origin upon redisplay?  
I have an ineractive program in which the user can scroll horizontally
to a specific spot, then send a command to draw a graphic image within
the current viewport.  The pane in question has an automatic redisplay
function (:incremental-redisplay t).  After the system processes the
command, the pane is redisplayed incrementally, as expected, but then
resets the viewport position goes to (0,0) -- quite annoying.
I could probably "fix" it by converting the presentation-to-command-
translators to presentation-actions (thereby not invoking the frame's
command loop), but I'd rather not.