From: Ineluki Seyt-Hamakha - Storm King
Subject: Apology....not really.
Message-ID: <>
   I will not take up too much bandwidth with this...

   Thanks to everyone who made constructive comments about
my IBM PC Interpreter. I shall make a choice based on the
information you have given me. 

   To all of you who thoughtfully pointed out that my question
was answered in the FAQ...I know. I read the FAQ before I posted,
like a good "net-user" does. The FAQ did not answer my question to
my lists several choices, but offers no 
suggestion as to which is better. Since I cannot wait (my class
has homework has started), I do not have the time to
test all of the systems. I post my question to solicit opinions
on the various systems and to get recommendations. If this was
unclear, I apologize.

  I recieved some scathing e-mail, some even calling me names, telling
me to read the FAQ first and to not post if I "don't have a clue".
Thank you all very much for your useful and mature responses to my post

  To those who offered real advice, again I thank you. To those who
didn't, but saw fit to offer me some choice words....well, never mind.

  I will end this thread now. Again, please send all mail and flames
to ·······

-- Andrew Akins
   Iowa State University
   Center for Agricultural and Rural Development