From: Rainer Joswig
Subject: Dylan/Eulisp
Message-ID: <>

Maybe I am a bit curious. But...

Let me say first, that I really appreciate what CMU folks
have given to the Lisp community.

But I wonder why they have chosen Dylan for their new project.
Isn't Dylan a language developed by Apple for their
needs (prototyping, development, ...). Apple has surely the most
influence on the language design and they certainly want to 
keep control. So Dylan seems to be a closed language and
its main purpose is commercial.

Wouldn't it be wiser to choose a more open language which
isn't strictly developed for commercial application?
From what I read, Eulisp could be such a language.
Eulisp has enough strengths to make it a good choice
for use in schools, universities and in the commercial
world. (Well, Eulisp has no keyword arguments ;-(.)
