From: Matthew Huntbach
Subject: Re: forth/fifth generation languages?
Message-ID: <>
>Actually there's an excellent new logic programming language called
>"Goedel" which is strongly typed and has a module system, which does a
>reasonably good job with data abstraction.  Furthermore many current
>Prolog implementations have module systems and the upcoming ISO Prolog
>standard will include a module system.  [I don't think any of these had
>much to do with the Japanese 5G project, but even if _they_ didn't do
>it, other people have.]
>Fergus Henderson                     ยทยทยท

On the other hand, Goedel does have an Ada-ish "kitchen sink"
feel to it. It seems to have been designed by throwing in
any feature that ever appeared in any logic programming language.

Matthew Huntbach