From: Scott McKay
Subject: Question about arguments and optional
Message-ID: <19930802164334.9.SWM@SUMMER.SCRC.Symbolics.COM>
    Date: Mon, 2 Aug 1993 11:37 EDT
    From: Michael T Ruane Sr <·····>

	    I'm having trouble interpreting the ANSI document for Common Lisp.

	    Given a lambda list as follows:

		    (x y &optional z &key d e)

	    If I call it like this:

		    (func 1 2 :d 3 :e 4)

	    is z nil or :d  ?

Most Lisp implementations will signal an error.  If you want Z to be
NIL, do this: (func 1 2 NIL :d 3 :e 4)

This is why many experienced CL programmers avoid mixing &OPTIONAL and
&KEY arguments in the same functions.

	    I don't have access to a cl interpreter to try this.

		    Please send responces to ····
