From: Roy Masrani
Subject: need help - faster list manipulation
Message-ID: <>

I need a fast way to combine elements of a large list as follows:

((a (a0 a1 a2))
 (b (b1 b2))
 (a (a4 a1))
 (c nil)
 (b (b4))

((a (a1 a1 a2 a4))
 (b (b1 b2 b4))
 (c nil))

any help would be appreciated.  I am using a rather simple approach of
sorting the input list, and then walking through it combining elements
from the top.  For a 3800 element list, it is taking around 40
seconds.  I expect that there is a faster way.

Here is the code for the function I am using:

(defun combine (l)
  (setq *temp* nil)
  (setf l (sort l #'(lambda (x y)
		      (string< (first x) (first y)))))
  (setq cn (first (first l)))
  (setq *temp* (first l))
  (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
	      (let ((n (first x))
		    (v (second x)))
		(if (equal cn n)
		    (setf (second *temp* (union v (second *temp*))))
		      (setf *temp* (push (list n v) *temp*))
		      (setf cn n)))))

Thanks in advance.

Roy Masrani                       Alberta Research Council                
·······	  Advanced Computing and Engineering Dept.
ph:  (403) 297-2354		  Calgary, Alberta                        
fax: (403) 297-2339		  Canada  T2E 7H7

From: Daniel Nesmith
Subject: Re: need help - faster list manipulation
Message-ID: <>
In article <···················>, ······· (Roy Masrani) writes:

|> Input:
|> ((a (a0 a1 a2))
|>  (b (b1 b2))
|>  (a (a4 a1))
|>  (c nil)
|>  (b (b4))
|>  etc)
|> output:
|> ((a (a1 a1 a2 a4))
|>  (b (b1 b2 b4))
|>  (c nil))
|> any help would be appreciated.  I am using a rather simple approach of
|> sorting the input list, and then walking through it combining elements
|> from the top.  For a 3800 element list, it is taking around 40
|> seconds.  I expect that there is a faster way.

Assuming that the ordering doesn't matter, and that the keys (here a,b,c) are suitable
as keys for a hashtable, then that's what I'd use:

(defun combine (l)
  (flet ((add-to-hash (pair hash)
	   (let ((key (car pair))
		 (newval (cadr pair)))
	     (setf (gethash key hash) 
		   (append (gethash key hash) newval)))))
    (let ((hash (make-hash-table :test #'eq))
	  (result nil))
      (mapc #'(lambda (x) (add-to-hash x hash)) l)
      (maphash #'(lambda (key val) 
		   (push (list key (delete-duplicates val :test #'eq))

Maybe dolist is more efficient than mapc in your lisp.  And of course, this can
probably all be written as one (if not fewer) LOOP form :-)

One tip: in the example you gave, you are using *temp* and cn as local variables.
Bind them with let to avoid interference with any special variables of the same

From: Carl L. Gay
Subject: Re: need help - faster list manipulation
Message-ID: <>
   Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp
   From: ······· (Roy Masrani)
   Date: 6 Apr 93 3:36pm PST

   I need a fast way to combine elements of a large list as follows:

   ((a (a0 a1 a2))
    (b (b1 b2))
    (a (a4 a1))
    (c nil)
    (b (b4))

   ((a (a1 a1 a2 a4))
    (b (b1 b2 b4))
    (c nil))

   any help would be appreciated.  I am using a rather simple approach of
   sorting the input list, and then walking through it combining elements
   from the top.  For a 3800 element list, it is taking around 40
   seconds.  I expect that there is a faster way.

There were some bugs in your code.  Here it is with a few fixes.  It
takes 9 seconds to run in a 3800 element list in MCL 2.0 on a Mac IIsi.
Could you be running the code interpreted???

(defun combine (l)
  (let* ((list (sort l #'string< :key #'car))
         (temp (list (car list)))
         (cn (caar list)))
    (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
                (let ((n (first x))
                      (v (second x)))
                  (if (eq cn n)           ; if cn and n always interned syms, use eq
                    (setf (second (car temp)) (union v (second (car temp))))
                      (push (list n v) temp)  ; could just (push x temp)
                      (setf cn n)))))

Here's a simple hash table version.  It takes 2.8 seconds on the same
list, but conses a tad more.  I'm sure some of the gurus can speed it
up for you even more...

(defun combine2 (l)
  (let ((ht (make-hash-table :size (length l)))
        (result '()))
    (dolist (elt l)
      (let ((item (gethash (car elt) ht)))
        (setf (gethash (car elt) ht)
              (if (null item)
                (cadr elt)
                (union item (cadr elt))))))
    (maphash #'(lambda (key val)
                 (push (list key val) result))

Just so you know what I measured, here's what I used to create the

(defun make-input (m n)
  (loop repeat m
        collect (list (intern (format nil "A~D" (random m)))
                       (loop repeat n
                             collect (intern (format nil "B~D" (random n))))))))

(make-input 3800 5)
From: Mark A. Tapia
Subject: Re: need help - faster list manipulation
Message-ID: <>
In article <···················> you write:
>I need a fast way to combine elements of a large list as follows:
>((a (a0 a1 a2))
> (b (b1 b2))
> (a (a4 a1))
> (c nil)
> (b (b4))
> etc)
>((a (a1 a1 a2 a4))
> (b (b1 b2 b4))
> (c nil))
>Roy Masrani                       Alberta Research Council                
>·······	  Advanced Computing and Engineering Dept.

Here's a solution which uses a nested hash table (a hash table whose
elements are hash tables).  It is trivial to sort the resulting list,
sorting the values associated with the elements and the key:


(defun walk-list (list)
  (loop for (key values) in list
        with table = (make-hash-table :test #'equal :size (length list))
        and stored-value
        finally (return (hash-to-list-key table))
        do (setq stored-value (gethash key table))
        unless stored-value
        do (setf stored-value (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
                 (gethash key table) stored-value)
        do (walk-values stored-value values)))

(defun walk-values (stored-value values)
  (loop for val in values
        do (setf (gethash val stored-value) t)))

(defun hash-to-list-key (table &key sort)
  (when (non-empty-hash-table table)
    (loop for key being the hash-key in table using (hash-value value)
          collect (list key (value-to-list value)))))

(defun value-to-list (table &key sort)
  (loop for key being the hash-key in table
        collect key))
? (walk-list '((a (a0 a1 a2))
               (b (b1 b2))
               (a (a4 a1))
               (c nil)
               (b (b4))))

((C NIL) (A (A0 A2 A4 A1)) (B (B1 B2 B4)))