From: Bryan S. So
Subject: copy-array?
Message-ID: <>
This is almost the first time I seriously use arrays
in Common Lisp.  Now, how come there is no intrinsic
function to make a copy of an array?

The only algorithm I have is to make a new array then
assign the elements one by one.  Is there an easier/
more efficient method to do this?


Bryan So (··

From: Frank Yellin
Subject: Re: copy-array?
Message-ID: <>
In article <··················> ··@CS.WISC.EDU (Bryan S. So) writes:

>   This is almost the first time I seriously use arrays
>   in Common Lisp.  Now, how come there is no intrinsic
>   function to make a copy of an array?

It's called #'copy-seq

-- Frank Yellin
From: Barry Margolin
Subject: Re: copy-array?
Message-ID: <>
In article <··················> ··@CS.WISC.EDU (Bryan S. So) writes:
>This is almost the first time I seriously use arrays
>in Common Lisp.  Now, how come there is no intrinsic
>function to make a copy of an array?

There was a proposal in X3J13 to extend some of the sequence functions to
work on multidimensional arrays, but it was voted down.  That would have
enabled COPY-SEQ to do what you want.

It's kind of a shame that a multidimensional array can't be used as the
:INITIAL-CONTENTS argument for MAKE-ARRAY, even when it matches the
dimensionality of the array being built.  Then you could do:

(make-array ... :initial-contents old-array)

>The only algorithm I have is to make a new array then
>assign the elements one by one.  Is there an easier/
>more efficient method to do this?

You can do it using displaced arrays and MAP-INTO:

(defun copy-array (old-array)
  (let* ((type (array-element-type old-array))
	 (size (array-total-size old-array))
	 (new-array (make-array (array-dimensions old-array)
			:element-type type))
	 (old-vector (make-array size :element-type type :displaced-to old-array))
	 (new-vector (make-array size :element-type type :displaced-to new-array)))
    (copy-into new-vector #'identity old-vector)

A possibly more efficient way to implement this is:

(defun copy-array (old-array)
  (let* ((type (array-element-type old-array))
	 (size (array-total-size old-array))
	 (old-vector (make-array size :element-type type :displaced-to old-array))
	 (new-vector (copy-seq old-vector)))
    (make-array (array-dimensions old-array) :element-type type
	:displaced-to new-vector)))

However, this has the misfeature that the resulting array is likely to be
more expensive to access, because it's displaced.
Barry Margolin
System Manager, Thinking Machines Corp.

······          {uunet,harvard}!think!barmar
From: Scott McKay
Subject: Re: copy-array?
Message-ID: <19920915145558.5.SWM@SUMMER.SCRC.Symbolics.COM>
    Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1992 19:01 EDT
    From: Barry Margolin <······>

    In article <··················> ··@CS.WISC.EDU (Bryan S. So) writes:
    >This is almost the first time I seriously use arrays
    >in Common Lisp.  Now, how come there is no intrinsic
    >function to make a copy of an array?

    There was a proposal in X3J13 to extend some of the sequence functions to
    work on multidimensional arrays, but it was voted down.  That would have
    enabled COPY-SEQ to do what you want.

    It's kind of a shame that a multidimensional array can't be used as the
    :INITIAL-CONTENTS argument for MAKE-ARRAY, even when it matches the
    dimensionality of the array being built.  Then you could do:

A "shame" is an understatement.  I think that, at the very least, this
correction to MAKE-ARRAY should be proposed during the dpANS public
review period.  (Note that I do not consider this a true correction of
an error of omission, not simply an extension.)

    (make-array ... :initial-contents old-array)

    >The only algorithm I have is to make a new array then
    >assign the elements one by one.  Is there an easier/
    >more efficient method to do this?

    You can do it using displaced arrays and MAP-INTO:

    (defun copy-array (old-array)
      (let* ((type (array-element-type old-array))
	     (size (array-total-size old-array))
	     (new-array (make-array (array-dimensions old-array)
			    :element-type type))
	     (old-vector (make-array size :element-type type :displaced-to old-array))
	     (new-vector (make-array size :element-type type :displaced-to new-array)))
	(copy-into new-vector #'identity old-vector)

    A possibly more efficient way to implement this is:

    (defun copy-array (old-array)
      (let* ((type (array-element-type old-array))
	     (size (array-total-size old-array))
	     (old-vector (make-array size :element-type type :displaced-to old-array))
	     (new-vector (copy-seq old-vector)))
	(make-array (array-dimensions old-array) :element-type type
	    :displaced-to new-vector)))

    However, this has the misfeature that the resulting array is likely to be
    more expensive to access, because it's displaced.
    Barry Margolin
    System Manager, Thinking Machines Corp.

    ······          {uunet,harvard}!think!barmar
From: Barry Margolin
Subject: Re: copy-array?
Message-ID: <>
In article <····················@SUMMER.SCRC.Symbolics.COM> ··· (Scott McKay) writes:
>A "shame" is an understatement.  I think that, at the very least, this
>correction to MAKE-ARRAY should be proposed during the dpANS public
>review period.  

Please do so.

>		 (Note that I do not consider this a true correction of
>an error of omission, not simply an extension.)

If it's "not ... a ... correction", and "not ... an extension", what is
it?  Or was the first "do not" an error?

I'd consider this an extension.  Our charter was to clarify the language
as specified in CLtL, and add a condition system, iteration facility,
and OO system.  We didn't limit ourselves strictly to this, but we tried
not to go overboard.  I'm not saying that this particular feature is a bad
idea, but since it adds to the language as specified in CLtL, strictly
speaking it's an extension.
Barry Margolin
System Manager, Thinking Machines Corp.

······          {uunet,harvard}!think!barmar
From: Scott McKay
Subject: Re: copy-array?
Message-ID: <19920915183113.0.SWM@SUMMER.SCRC.Symbolics.COM>
    Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1992 13:13 EDT
    From: Barry Margolin <······>

    In article <····················@SUMMER.SCRC.Symbolics.COM> ··· (Scott McKay) writes:
    >A "shame" is an understatement.  I think that, at the very least, this
    >correction to MAKE-ARRAY should be proposed during the dpANS public
    >review period.  

    Please do so.

    >		 (Note that I do not consider this a true correction of
    >an error of omission, not simply an extension.)

    If it's "not ... a ... correction", and "not ... an extension", what is
    it?  Or was the first "do not" an error?

Typo.  Sorry.

    I'd consider this an extension.  Our charter was to clarify the language
    as specified in CLtL, and add a condition system, iteration facility,
    and OO system.  We didn't limit ourselves strictly to this, but we tried
    not to go overboard.  I'm not saying that this particular feature is a bad
    idea, but since it adds to the language as specified in CLtL, strictly
    speaking it's an extension.
    Barry Margolin
    System Manager, Thinking Machines Corp.

    ······          {uunet,harvard}!think!barmar
From: Scott McKay
Subject: Re: copy-array?
Message-ID: <19920915183257.1.SWM@SUMMER.SCRC.Symbolics.COM>
    Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1992 13:13 EDT
    From: Barry Margolin <······>

    In article <····················@SUMMER.SCRC.Symbolics.COM> ··· (Scott McKay) writes:
    >A "shame" is an understatement.  I think that, at the very least, this
    >correction to MAKE-ARRAY should be proposed during the dpANS public
    >review period.  

    Please do so.

To whom to I send such correspondences?

    >		 (Note that I do not consider this a true correction of
    >an error of omission, not simply an extension.)

    If it's "not ... a ... correction", and "not ... an extension", what is
    it?  Or was the first "do not" an error?

    I'd consider this an extension.  Our charter was to clarify the language
    as specified in CLtL, and add a condition system, iteration facility,
    and OO system.  We didn't limit ourselves strictly to this, but we tried
    not to go overboard.  I'm not saying that this particular feature is a bad
    idea, but since it adds to the language as specified in CLtL, strictly
    speaking it's an extension.

Yes, strictly speaking, this is an extension.  But as I said, I consider
it an error of omission, and any correction of an error of omission must
by its nature be an extension "strictly speaking".

I'll submit a correction/request for extension.
From: Russell G. Almond
Subject: Re: copy-array?
Message-ID: <>
In article <············> ······ (Barry Margolin) writes:

   In article <··················> ··@CS.WISC.EDU (Bryan S. So) writes:
   >This is almost the first time I seriously use arrays
   >in Common Lisp.  Now, how come there is no intrinsic
   >function to make a copy of an array?

   There was a proposal in X3J13 to extend some of the sequence functions to
   work on multidimensional arrays, but it was voted down.  That would have
   enabled COPY-SEQ to do what you want.

   It's kind of a shame that a multidimensional array can't be used as the
   :INITIAL-CONTENTS argument for MAKE-ARRAY, even when it matches the
   dimensionality of the array being built.  Then you could do:

   (make-array ... :initial-contents old-array)

   >The only algorithm I have is to make a new array then
   >assign the elements one by one.  Is there an easier/
   >more efficient method to do this?

   You can do it using displaced arrays and MAP-INTO:

   [ ... ]

The problem is a little bit more general than you think.  There are
actually many cases in which you would like to think of an array as a
vector and perform operations on all elements.  S (and S-PLUS) which
are primarily statistics languages do this, and I've found myself
wanting it so much in LISP that I created a specialized structure to
do it, I call a d-array.  It basically supports an array and a vector
displaced to the same location in storage. If you modify the one, it
modified the other.  I haven't had efficiency problems because its

Code follows .sig.

			Russell Almond			   
Statistical Sciences, Inc.		U. Washington
1700 Westlake Ave., N Suite 500		Statistics, GN-22
Seattle, WA  98109			Seattle, WA  98195
(206) 283-8802				
······			······

;;; -*- mode: fi:common-lisp; package: rga-utils -*-

;;; Copyright 1992 Russell G. Almond

;;; This code is in the Public Domain.  Anyone who can get some use
;;; from it is welcome.
;;; This code come with no warentee.

(in-package :rga)

;;;; d-arrays.lisp

;;; This code contains a series of utilities for manipulating arrays.
;;; In particular it sets up a structure called a d-array which is an
;;; array with a vector displaced to its contents.  These are much
;;; easier for certain operations.

;;; First some functions mandated by X3J13 which have not made it into
;;; all versions of Common Lisp

#+:cmu(defun map-into (result funct &rest sequences)
  "When this definition generates an error comment it out!"
  (declare (type Sequence result)
	   (type Function funct))
  (let ((out-length (if (and (vectorp result)
			     (array-has-fill-pointer-p result))
			(array-total-size result)
		      (length result))))
    (if (eql 0 out-length) (return 'map-into result))
    (let* ((in-length (apply #'min out-length
			    (mapcar #'length sequences)))
	   (dummy-variables (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (gensym)) sequences))
	    (mapcan #'(lambda (x x-seq)
			(list 'as x (if (listp x-seq) 'in
		    dummy-variables sequences)))
      (eval `(loop
		for which-el from 0 to ,in-length
		 do (setf (elt ,result which-el)
		      (funcall ,funct ,@dummy-variables))
      (if (array-has-fill-pointer-p result)
	  (setf (fill-pointer result) in-length))
;;; It is unclear what should happen when map-into is called with
;;; result and adjustable array whose total-length is less than the
;;; min length of the other sequences.  We will assume that if this is
;;; the case, iteration terminates when we reach the last function in
;;; the sequence.

(defun row-major-aref (array index)
  (declare (type Array array) (type Fixnum index))
  "Comment this code out if your implementation supports it!"
  (aref (make-array (array-total-size array)
		    :displaced-to array
		    :element-type (array-element-type array))
(defun (setf row-major-aref) (array index value)
  (declare (type Array array) (type Fixnum index) (type T value))
  "Comment this code out if your implementation supports it!"
  (setf (aref (make-array (array-total-size array)
		    :displaced-to array
		    :element-type (array-element-type array))

;;; Common-lisp syntax extension.

;;; These functions deal with setting elements of an array using a
;;; list of the indexies rather than an including the index of the
;;; lists directly.
(declaim (inline elt-array set-elt-array))
(defun elt-array (array indexlist)
  (declare (type Array array) (type List indexlist)
	   (:returns (type T)))
  "Access element marked by <indexlist> in <array>.  Allows
<indexlist> to be treated as a single entity."
  (apply #'aref array indexlist))

(defun set-elt-array (array indexlist value)
  (declare (type Array array) (type List indexlist)
	   (type T value)
	   (:returns (type T value)))
  "Access element marked by <indexlist> in <array>.  Allows
<indexlist> to be treated as a single entity."
  (setf (apply #'aref array indexlist) value))

(defsetf elt-array set-elt-array
    "Access element marked by <indexlist> in <array>.  Allows
<indexlist> to be treated as a single entity."
;(declaim (inline (setf elt-array)))

;;; Floating Point defaults.

(defvar user::*rga-precision* `Double-Float
  "Default precsions for operations.  Should usually be Long-Float or
Double-Float.  Could be set in you init file.")

(deftype Default-Precision ()
  "Default Floating Point Type."

(deftype Default-Array (&rest dims)
  "Default Floating Point Type Array."
  (list* 'array user::*rga-precision* dims))

(deftype Default-Vector (&rest dims)
  "Default Floating Point Type Vector."
  (list* 'array user::*rga-precision* dims))

(defconstant *0* (coerce 0.0 *rga-precision*))
(defconstant *1* (coerce 1.0 *rga-precision*))
(defconstant *-1* (coerce -1.0 *rga-precision*))

;;; Type casting functions to switch between arrays and vectors.

(defun as-vector (arr &optional (type (array-element-type arr)))
  (declare (type Array arr)
	   (:returns (type vector vec)))
  "Unwraps array <arr> into a vector <vec> of the same element type." 
  (make-array (array-total-size arr) :displaced-to arr
	      :element-type type)) 

(defun as-array (dims vec &optional (type (array-element-type vec)))
  (declare (type Vector vec) (type List dims)
	   (:returns (type Array arr)))
  "Wraps vector <vec> into an array <arr> of the same element type
with dimensions <dims>." 
  (make-array dims :displaced-to vec :element-type type)) 

(defun copy-array (arr)
  "Copies array <arr> yielding a fresh array with same contents as <arr>."
  (declare (type Array arr)
	   (:returns (type Array)))
  (as-array (array-dimensions arr)
	    (copy-seq (as-vector arr))
	    (array-element-type arr)))

;;; linear-comb -- forms the linear combination of serval arrays given
;;; a series of co-efficients.  As this thing use mapcar to do its
;;; basic operation, if the lists are of unequal length the shorter
;;; one is used.  
(defun linear-comb (array-list weight-list
		    &key (result
			  (make-array (array-dimensions (car array-list))
				      (array-element-type (car array-list))
  (declare (type List array-list) (type List weight-list)
	   (type Default-Array result)
	   (:returns (type Array weighted-sum)))
  "Produces a linear cominbation of arrays in <array-list> using
numbers in <weight-list> to do its work."
  (let ((vec-list (mapcar #'as-vector array-list))
	(res-vec (as-vector result)))
    (map-into res-vec #'(lambda (&rest args)
			  (weight-sum weight-list args))

;; weight-sum -- takes a list of weights and then the rest of the
;; arguments are assumed to be things to be summed with the weights
(defun weight-sum (weight-list obj-list)
  (declare (type List weight-list obj-list)
	   (:returns (type Number linear-comb)))
  "Produces a weighted sum of <obj-list> using weights in
  (reduce #'+ (mapcar #'* weight-list obj-list)))

;;; d-arrays

;;; D-arrays have both vector and array specifications.

(defstruct (d-array (:conc-name d-)
	            (:constructor %make-d-array (arr vec))
	            (:copier nil)
	            (:predicate d-array?)
	             (lambda (d-array s k)
		       (if *print-readably*
			   (format s "(as-d-array ~S)"
				   (d-arr d-array))
			 (format s "#<D-array ~S>"
				 (d-arr d-array))))))
  "Provides a convenient-method for refering to an array as either an
array or a vector.  Accessors are #'d-arr and #'d-vec."
  (arr #() :type array :read-only t)
  (vec #() :type vector :read-only t))

#-cmu(defmethod make-load-form ((self D-Array))
       (make-load-form-saving-slots self))

;;; Construction Functions

(defun make-d-array (dims &key (element-type *rga-precision*)
			       (initial-element *0*)
			       (initial-contents nil)
			       (adjustable nil)
			       (displaced-to nil)
			       (displaced-index-offset 0))
  "Creates a D-array using a synatic similar to make-array.  First
array is made using make-array.  Next a vector is made displaced to
that array.  The two are stored in a d-array structure which is
returned. "
  (declare (type List dims)
	   (type T element-type)
	   (type T initial-element)
	   (type Sequence initial-contents)
	   (type T adjustable)
	   (type (or Null Array) displaced-to)
	   (type Integer displaced-index-offset)
	   (:returns (type D-array)))
  (let* ((arr (apply #'make-array dims :element-type element-type
		     :adjustable adjustable :fill-pointer nil
		     (cond (displaced-to
			    (list :displaced-to displaced-to
			    (list :initial-contents initial-contents))
			   (t (list :initial-element initial-element)))))
	 (vec (make-array (array-total-size arr) :element-type element-type
			  :displaced-to arr)))
    (%make-d-array arr vec)))

(defun force-d-array (array)
  "Turns an array into a d-array."
  (declare (type Array array)
	   (:returns (type D-Array)))
  (%make-d-array array (make-array (array-total-size array)
				 :element-type (array-element-type array)
				 :displaced-to array)))

(defun coerce-d-array (dims vector)
  "Turns a vector into a d-array with dimensions <dims>."
  (declare (type List dims)
	   (type Array array)
	   (:returns (type D-Array)))
  (%make-d-array (make-array dims
			     :element-type (array-element-type vector)
			     :displaced-to vector)

(defun copy-d-array (old-array &key result)
  "Copies <old-array> into a new location.  If <result> is given it
must be a d-array of the same total-size as <old-array> and of the
same element type."
  (if result
      (if (and (eql (array-element-type (d-arr old-array))
		    (array-element-type (d-arr result)))
	       (eql (array-total-size (d-arr old-array))
		    (array-total-size (d-arr result))))
	  (map-into (d-vec result) #'identity (d-vec old-array))
	(error "~S and ~S do not match on size or element-type.~%"
	       old-array result))
    (setq result
      (coerce-d-array (array-dimensions (d-arr old-array))
		      (copy-seq (d-vec old-array)))))

(defun d-linear-comb (d-array-list weight-list
		      &key (result
			    (make-d-array (array-dimensions
					   (d-arr (car d-array-list)))
					   (d-arr (car d-array-list)))
  (declare (type List d-array-list) (type List weight-list)
	   (type D-Array result)
	   (:returns (type Array weighted-sum)))
  "Produces a linear cominbation of arrays in <array-list> using
numbers in <weight-list> to do its work."
  (let ((vec-list (mapcar #'d-vec d-array-list))
	(res-vec (d-vec result)))
    (apply #'map-into res-vec #'(lambda (&rest args)
				  (weight-sum weight-list args))
From: Danny Brewer
Subject: Re: copy-array?
Message-ID: <>
In article <··················>, ··@CS.WISC.EDU (Bryan
S. So) wrote:
> The only algorithm I have is to make a new array then
> assign the elements one by one.  Is there an easier/
> more efficient method to do this?

That's what I concluded myself.  I wrote the following
function which makes a new array and copies the elements
of the old array into it.  I use two temporary vectors
displaced to the arrays so that I treat the copy like
a sequence.

About a year ago this question of copying arrays came
up and I posted this code.  Someone suggested that I
use REPLACE instead of DOTIMES because it might be
more efficient.  I tried this which resulted in more
than doubling the speed.  If you pass in a copier
function, then the DOTIMES method is used so that
the copier function can process each element.

(DEFUN Copy-Array (array &KEY copierFn)
  "Make a new array which is a copy of the original."
  (LET* (
         (arrayType (ARRAY-ELEMENT-TYPE array))
         (arraySize (ARRAY-TOTAL-SIZE array))
         (newArray (MAKE-ARRAY (ARRAY-DIMENSIONS array)
                               :ELEMENT-TYPE arrayType
                               :ADJUSTABLE (ADJUSTABLE-ARRAY-P array)))
         (source (MAKE-ARRAY arraySize
                             :ELEMENT-TYPE arrayType
                             :DISPLACED-TO array))
         (dest (MAKE-ARRAY arraySize
                           :ELEMENT-TYPE arrayType
                           :DISPLACED-TO newArray))
    (IF copierFn
      (DOTIMES (i arraySize)
        (SETF (ELT dest i) (FUNCALL copierFn (ELT source i))))

      ;; If no copierFn was supplied, then use REPLACE
      ;;  because the compiler might generate much more
      ;;  efficient code for it.
      (REPLACE dest source))

Sorry I didn't use dashes in the variable names, but I
wrote this a long time ago.

Danny Brewer
From: Doug Morgan
Subject: Re: copy-array?
Message-ID: <>
In article <··················> ··@CS.WISC.EDU (Bryan S. So) writes:

   The only algorithm I have is to make a new array then
   assign the elements one by one.  Is there an easier/
   more efficient method to do this?

   Bryan So (··

A lot of the replies used :displaced-to.  Since you seemed concerned
about efficiency: I recall that Lucid only seemed to do a really good
job of optimizing access to arrays when the arrays were simple.
Therefore, to keep from getting (what I thought were tremendous)
performance hits, you should:

O Use simple-array declarations everywhere you can (i.e., don't use
  any :displaced-to vectors if the array you're creating could
  actually be a simple array)
O Meticulously declare the element-type and branch to separately
  written loops for different sized byte, float, and fixnum types
O Declare the fixnum hell out of your indexes (dotimes already does
  that in Lucid)
O Set speed optimization high, and safety low.

Also, if your arrays are at all big, portability is of no importance,
and you're using something like Lucid on a Unix system, it could pay
to turn off interrupts, call a C foreign function with the addresses
of the two data arrays (see your wizard's documentation or do Lisp
reverse engineering), and do a bcopy.  You might also want to
investigate any way of getting your Lisp to not initialize the new
array's elements (that would seem to be a tough trick, but you might
find a way).

The above applies equally well to nearly all array operations that
only do a little processing per element access (e.g., copy, +, -, *,
/, max, avg., FFT, convolution, connected components extraction, ...).

May your copies be swift and your coding not too tedious.

Doug Morgan, ····, (415) 960-7300
Advanced Decision Systems (a division of Booz-Allen & Hamilton Inc.)
1500 Plymouth St., Mountain View, CA 94043-1230