From: Congres wsa [rauzy]
Subject: WSA92 Workshop on Static Analysis, Bordeaux, Sept 92
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Please register quickly, so we can make the hotel reservations for you...
SVP inscrivez-vous rapidement pour que nous puissions reserver dans
les hotels...
Merci - Thank you.



                    Workshop on Static Analysis
                   LaBRI - Universite de Bordeaux I
                        23-25 September 92

                        Preliminary Program
                         Registration Form


--------------------- Wednesday September 23 ---------------------

09:00 Opening Session

09:30 Invited Talk
      Constructing hierarchies of semantics by abstract interpretation
      P. Cousot
      Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France

10:30 Coffee Break

11:00 Thunks (continued)
      O. Danvy, D. Hatcliff
      Kansas State University, USA

11:30 Transformation of Gamma Programs
      C. Hankin, D. Le Metayer, D. Sands
      Imperial College of Science, London UK

12:00 Value Transforming Style
      C. Queinnec
      INRIA Rocquencourt and Ecole Polytechnique, France

12:30 Lunch

14:00 Automatic Generation of Valid Linear Measures for CLP(Q) Programs
      F. Mesnard, M. Morillon
      Universite de la Reunion, France

14:30 Efficient Analysis of Reactive Properties of
      Concurrent Constraint Logic Programs
      M. Codish, M. Falaschi, K. Mariott, Winsborough
      Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

15:00 Static Analysis of CLP programs over numeric domains
      R. Bagnara, R. Giacobazzi, G. Levi
      Universita di Pisa, Italy

15:30 Abstract Interpretation of Prolog Programs by means of
      Mu-calculus over finite domains
      M.M. Corsini, K. Musumbu, A. Rauzy
      CNRS-Universite Bordeaux I, France

16:00 Coffee Break

16:30 Minimal Function graphs are not instrumented
      A. Mycroft, M. Rosendhal
      Cambridge University, UK

17:00 Sharing Analysis of Lazy First-Order Functional Programs
      G.W. Hamilton
      University of Stirling, UK

17:30 Approximations d'Evaluateurs Fonctionnels
      B.P. Serpette
      INRIA Rocquencourt, France

18:00 Order-of-Demand Analysis for Lazy Languages
      Y. Park, University of Windsor, Canada
      B. Goldberg, University of New-York, USA

18:30 Abstract Interpretation of Prolog Programs with Cut and Built-ins
      G. File, A. Cortesi, S.Rossi
      University of Padova, Italy

19:00 Cheese and Wine

--------------------- Thursday September 24 ---------------------

08:30 Partial Evaluation in an Industrial Context:
      Compiling for Endomorphic Machines
      E. Saint-James
      BULL, France

09:00 Partial Evaluation applied to Symbolic Pattern Matching 
      with Intelligent Backtrack
      C. Queinnec, P. Geffroy
      INRIA-Rocquencourt and Ecole Polytechnique, France

09:30 Invited Talk
      Effectiveness of Combined Sharing and Freeness Analysis using
      Abstract Interpretation
      M. Hermenegildo
      Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain

10:30 Coffee Break

11:00 Efficient Closure Analysis with Reachability
      A.E. Ayers
      Laboratory for Computer Science, MIT, USA

11:30 Program Transformation in nonmonotonic reasoning system
      Tadashi Araragi
      NTT Communication Science Laboratories, Japan 

12:00 Axiomatising Uniform Properties of Recursive Data Structures
      P. Jensen
      Imperial College, London, UK

12:30 Lunch

14:00 Invited Talk
      Abstract Interpretations of Prolog Programs with Cut and Builtins
      G. File
      University of Padova (Italia)

15:00 Speeding up parallelism detection for attribute grammars
      M. Kuiper
      Utrecht University, The Netherlands

15:30 Weighted Systems of Equations Revisited
      P. Devienne, P. Lebegue, J.C. Routier
      Universite de Lille I, France

16:00 Coffee Break

16:30 Analysis of Concurrent Transactions in a Functional Database
      Programming System
      G. Amato, F. Giannotti, G. Mainetto
      CNUCE, Pisa, Italia

17:00 Inferer rapidement la geometrie des collections
      J-L. Giavitto, J-P. Sansonnet, O. Michel
      Universite ParisXI-Orsay, France

17:30 Using Abstract Interpretation for Gate splitting in lotos Specifications
      F. Giannotti, D. Latella
      CNUCE, Pisa, Italia

18:00 An application of Abstract Intepretation to Floating Point Arithmetic
      Y. Ameur, P. Cros, J-J. Falcon, A. Gomez
      ONERA-CERT-DERI, Toulouse, France

20:00 Official Evening

--------------------- Friday September 25 ---------------------

08:30 On Boolean Feature Types
      P.Y. Gloess, W. Huang, Li, M.O. Hernandez
      Universite Bordeaux I, France

09:00 Relevant Logic and Strictness Analysis
      C. Baker-Finch
      University of Canberra, Australia

09:30 Invited Talk
      "On the Design of Generic  Abstract Interpretation Frameworks"
      B. Le Charlier
      University of Namur, (Belgium)

10:30 Coffee Break

11:00 Inference Systems for Binding Time Analysis
      K. Solberg, H.R. Nielson, F.Nielson
      Odense University, Denmark

11:30 Decompilation is the efficient enumeration of types
      P. Breuer, J. Bowen
      Oxford University, UK

12:00 Fractional Types
      B. Monsuez
      Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France

12:30 Lunch

14:00 Invited Talk
      "Uses of Regular Approximations"
      J. Gallagher
      University of Bristol (UK)

15:00 Towards optimization of Full Prolog Programs guided
      by abstract interpretation
      A. Parrain, P. Devienne, P. Lebegue
      Universite de Lille I, France

15:30 An Abstract Interpretation Algorithm for residuating Logic Programs
      M. Hanus
      Max-Planck-Institut fur Informatik, Saarbrucken, Deushtland

16:00 Coffee Break

16:30 Determinacy induction by means of an abstract OLDT resolution
      P. Lecoutre, P. Devienne, P. Lebegue
      Universite Lille I, France

17:00 Control-Flow Effects for Escape Analysis
      Yan-Mei Tang, P. Jouvelot
      Ecole des Mines de Paris, France

17:30 A polyvariant binding time analysis handling partially known values
      M. Rytz, M. Gengler
      Ecole Polytechnique federale de Lausanne, Suisse

18:00 Evaluation partielle dans les reseaux d'interaction
      D. Bechet
      Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France

18:30 End of the workshop


      Workshop on Static Analysis 92
      (Antoine Rauzy)
      LaBRI -  Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique
      351, Cours de la Liberation
      33405 TALENCE - Cedex
      Tel: (33) 56 84 60 83
      Fax: (33) 56 84 66 69
      e-mail: ·····


Participants wishing to make reservations for hotel accommodations
should complete the booking form and send it as soon as possible
with deposit of one night to the order of : JTASPEFL.

Average rates per room and per night - Room basis only, taxes and service
included (no breakfast included):
  - Single Room (Bathroom, T.V., Phone)          260 FF
  - Twin-bed Room (Bathroom, T.V., Phone)        320 FF


      a) Registration Fees : 200 FF
         These fees cover :
            - attendance at the Conference,
            - copy of the Proceedings,
            - an invitation to the "cheese and wine" evening, 
            - coffee-breaks.
      b) Lunches (3 days) : 200 FF
      c) Official Evening (thursday) : 200 FF


Prospective attendees should complete the enclosed Registration Form
and return it as soon as possible. Registration forms without payment
cannot be taken into account.

All payment should be made in French Currency to "JTASPEFL"
  -  by banker's draft  or Eurocheque
  -  by Bank transfer to:
         Banque Populaire du Sud-Ouest,
         Agence  de Talence , Gironde
         (Account n 10907  00001  02819514523    cle RIB 29)
In any case, please state your name and reference of the Conference.

Cancellation Fees will be returned in full for any written cancellation
received 8 days prior to the Conference. 


Persons who are interested in the demonstration of a software are invited
to forward a proposal (2 pages). This proposal should be a technical note
  - a description of the software and its functions,
  - an information on machines and operating systems where the software
    is implemented,
  - if necessary, the computer needed.

Deadline :  August 15 1992

Name(s)/Surname(s) :
Organisation       :
Full Address       :

e-mail :
Accomodation Form
Please reserve :     single room(s),      double rooms
Arrival date   :                  Leaving date :
  Registration Fees :  200 FF
  Lunches           :  200 FF
  Official Evening  :  200 FF
  Hotel (one night) :      FF
  Total                    FF x        =         FF
Workshop on Static Analysis     :  ·····
23-25 Sep 92 - Bordeaux (France):  phone [A. Rauzy]
LABRI, Universite Bordeaux I    :  fax
33405 Talence  (FRANCE)         :