From: Kerry Koitzsch
Subject: Compiled function name in Allegro CL
Message-ID: <>
Hello Allegro CL experts:

Is there a function in ACL 4.1 which extracts the function name
from the function object? (similar to SI:COMPILED-FUNCTION-NAME on
the Symbolics, or SYS:PROCEDURE-REF in Lucid)

e.g. #'car ==> 'car

Thanks, kerry
From: Jeff Dalton
Subject: Re: Compiled function name in Allegro CL
Message-ID: <>
In article <····················> ······ (Russell G. Almond) writes:
>> Is there a function in ACL 4.1 which extracts the function name
>> from the function object? (similar to SI:COMPILED-FUNCTION-NAME on
>> the Symbolics, or SYS:PROCEDURE-REF in Lucid)
>I've tried to write a portable function to do that.  

>BTW, if anybody has any patches for other LISP dialects, I would be
>interested in getting them. 

I don't have patches, but I do have something KCL-specific
that will sometimes work even for functions closes in a non-null
lexical env.  The name "listing" comes from Prolog.

I wrote this years ago, so I don't make any claims for the coding

;;; "Workspace" functions for KCL.

;;; Jeff Dalton, AIAI/PSG, University if Edinburgh

(in-package :util)

(export '(defined listing))

;;; Defined

(defun defined (&optional (package *package*))
  "(DEFINED [package]) prints a table of symbols that are defined 
    and whether they are defined as a function, variable, etc."
  (let ((*print-case* :downcase))
    (dolist (name (interesting-names package))
      (format t "~&~3T~S ~30T~A"
	      name (def-types name)))))

(defun def-types (name)
  (remove-if #'null
    (list (if (boundp name)
	  (if (and (fboundp name)
		   (not (macro-function name))
		   (not (special-form-p name)))
	  (if (macro-function name)
	  (if (special-form-p name)

(defun interesting-names (package &optional (pred #'defined?))
  (let ((names '()))
    (do-symbols (s package)
      (if (funcall pred s)
	  (push s names)))
    (sort names #'string-lessp)))

(defun defined? (name)
  (or (boundp name)
      (fboundp name)))

(defun defined-as-function? (name)
  (and (fboundp name)
       (not (macro-function name))
       (not (special-form-p name))))

;;; Listing

(defun listing (&key (name '() name-p)
		     (package *package*)
		     (to *standard-output*))
  "(LISTING :NAME symbol :PACKAGE package :TO stream)
    Prints a DEFUN for a function (if :NAME is specified) or for
    all the functions in a package (if :PACKAGE is specified).
    :TO can be used to direct outout to a stream other than 
  (if name-p
      (list-function name to)
    (dolist (name (interesting-names package #'defined-as-function?))
      (list-function name to)
      (terpri to))))

(defun list-function (name to)
  (let ((def (symbol-function name)))
    (let ((*print-case* :downcase)
	  (*print-pretty* t)
	  (*print-length* nil)
	  (*print-level* nil)
	  (*print-circle* nil))
      (cond ((compiled-function-p def)
	     (format to "~&;;; ~S is ~S~%" name def))
	    ((consp def)
	     (format to "~&~S~%"
		     (interpreted-function-defun name def)))
	     (format to "~&;;; ~S is not reasonably defined.~%"))))))

(defun interpreted-function-defun (name def)
  (case (car def)
     `(defun . ,(cdr def)))
     (format nil "Can't reconstruct ~S." name))
     (let ((v (variable-bindings def))
	   (d `(defun . ,(closure-def def))))
       (if (other-bindings? def)
	   (format nil "Can't recreate ~S." name)
	 (if (null v)
	   `(let ,(nreverse
		     #'(lambda (bind)
			 (list (car bind)
			       (if (or (numberp (cadr bind))
				       (stringp (cadr bind)))
				   (cadr bind)
				 `',(cadr bind))))
     (format nil "Unknown lambda type ~S for ~S."
	     (car def) name))))

;;; KCL interpreted closures look like this:
;;;   (lambda-block-closure venv ?env ?env name lambda-list . body)
;;;   (lambda-closure       venv ?env ?env      lambda-list . body)

(defun variable-bindings (closure)
  (second closure))

(defun other-bindings? (closure)
  (or (third closure)
      (fourth closure)))

(defun closure-def (closure)
  (nthcdr 4 closure))

Now an example:

Starting xkcl ...
AKCL (Austin Kyoto Common Lisp)  Version(1.505) Thu Jan  3 22:19:53 GMT 1991
Contains Enhancements by W. Schelter

   > (use-package util)

   > (defun f (x) (* x x))

   > (let ((a 1))
       (defun count-up () (incf a)))

   > (count-up)

   > (count-up)

   > (defined)
      count-up                   (function)
      f                          (function)

   > (listing)
   (let ((a 3)) (defun count-up () (incf a)))

Note the 3, rather than 1.

   (defun f (x) (* x x))


Jeff Dalton,                      JANET: ········             
AI Applications Institute,        ARPA:  ·················
Edinburgh University.             UUCP:  ...!ukc!!J.Dalton