From: Pierre Vachon
Subject: Clos question
Message-ID: <>

Here's a CLOS question for 'ya:

I need to define many methods that all use accessors to slots, and wish to use
the (with-slots (slot1 slot2 ...) instance {body}*) nomenclature to do so.
(this would prevent me from doing a with-slots for each function, and also
speed up the code accordingly (unless with-slots binds at compile-time...))

I've tried the following:

(defun setup ()

   (defmethod method1 ()

   (defmethod method2 ()

Is this a valid way to do things? I guess this is a form of closure, but the
compiler (Lucid) says:

  SETUP has a non-empty lexical environment.
  References to this environment will not be compiled correctly.
  Do you wish to try compiling MAKE-VISUALISATION anyway?  (Y or N): 

When I compile it, it works. I think the reference to 'instance' is as-
sumed to be a global variable, hence the warning. As long as I wait till
'instance' is defined before I call 'setup', this should work, right?

Is there a more elegant way to do this? (I've thought of 'labels', but it's
not right in my situation)


Pierre Vachon             Laboratoire de vision et systemes numeriques
······      Universite Laval, Quebec, CANADA.
From: Patrick Vye
Subject: Re: Clos question
Message-ID: <>