From: Carsten Lutz
Subject: CLOS - question
Message-ID: <>
Hi, folx !

I have a question concerning class-variables in CLOS:

I have to build a class with one class-variable in it:

(defclass test ()
  ((cvar :initarg :cvar :initform 0.0 :allocation :class :reader foo)))

Now I want to define a subclass, in which the class-variable cvar
should be set to the value 10.0. One possibility would be to define
the subclass

(defclass test-sub ()

and then set the variable when creating the first instance:

(setf inst (make-instance 'test :cvar 10.0))

but I don't like this very much.

Is there a way to specify the new default-value for the cvar-variable
in the test-sub class directly in the definition of test-sub ?

Thanx in advance for your help. Please answer via mail 'cause I'm not
able to read this group frequently.

		Carsten Lutz

* Carsten Lutz, Rellingen, FRG / ··· ( NeXTmail accepted )  *
*   Voice : +49 4101 512493  Fax: +49 4101 27757  Traily : +49 4101 22306   *
From: Randy Coulman
Subject: Re: CLOS - question
Message-ID: <>
In article <·····················>, ··· (Carsten Lutz) writes:
>Hi, folx !
>I have a question concerning class-variables in CLOS:
>I have to build a class with one class-variable in it:
>(defclass test ()
>  ((cvar :initarg :cvar :initform 0.0 :allocation :class :reader foo)))
>Now I want to define a subclass, in which the class-variable cvar
>should be set to the value 10.0. One possibility would be to define
>the subclass
>(defclass test-sub ()
>	())
>and then set the variable when creating the first instance:
>(setf inst (make-instance 'test :cvar 10.0))
>but I don't like this very much.
>Is there a way to specify the new default-value for the cvar-variable
>in the test-sub class directly in the definition of test-sub ?
>Thanx in advance for your help. Please answer via mail 'cause I'm not
>able to read this group frequently.
>		Carsten Lutz

I don't know if this is any more elegant, but you can try this (I 
haven't tested it, but it should work):

(defclass test ()
  ((cvar :initarg :cvar :allocation :class :reader foo))
  (:default-initargs :cvar 0.0))

(defclass test-sub (test) ()
  (:default-initargs :cvar 10.0))

Randy A. Coulman                    |
Department of Computational Science | 
University of Saskatchewan          | ·······         
Saskatoon, SK   S7N 0W0             | ·······