From: William Fitzgerald
Subject: Re: string-to-symbol conversion
Message-ID: <>
"Mohammed M. Hakim" <·····> writes:
> I am working in Lucid common lisp 4.0 and CLOS on  a research project
> and I need to allow the user to specify the internal names to be
> associated with class definitions.  The only method of user input I am
> implementing returns the specified names as string values.
> I need to convert these user supplied string values into symbols
> (recognizing of course that there would have to be some parsing involved
> as, for instance, a string may have blank space while a symbol may not)
> which can be used to define classes and slots. 
> Can anyone provide me with such a function?
> Gary

You can often use (format nil ...) to create a string, then intern
it.  For example.

(defun get-user-symbol ()
  (format t "~%  Name it: ")	
  (intern (string-upcase 
    (format nil "~A-~A" (read-line) (gentemp "")))))

  Name it: testing

Of course, (read-line) or (read-from-string), using (intern)
may be all you need.