From: ken yip
Subject: Lisp implementations large organizations really use: A Summary
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If you like to add or correct an entry to this summary, please email me.
Thanks for all those who respond.

Organization                    Implementation         Machines
------------         	        --------------         --------

NASA Ames                       Allegro, Franz         Sun Sparc
Space Telescope                 Allegro, Franz         TI explorers 
SRI CS Lab                      Lucid, AKCL            Sun Sparc
U of Rochester, CS              Allegro (some Symbolics) 
NMSU                            CMU-CL      
Johns Hopkins, AP               Lucid, Allegro         Sun Sparc
		                MacIntocish CL
U of Karlsruhe                  Lucid                  Sun Sparc
American Express                Symbolics
Philips                         Lucid
Intellicorp                     Lucid
Ohio State U                    Allegro, Medley
Yale U, CS			Lucid                  Sun Sparc
From: Wayne Peterson
Subject: Re: Lisp implementations large organizations really use: A Summary
Message-ID: <>
Lispworks, on Sun at Honeywell.

Wayne Peterson
ATSD, Honeywell, Phoenix