From: D. Gerdemann
Subject: flushing buffer in Kyoto
Message-ID: <nnsge01.700243224@convex>
   I have a rather simple question but it's been a while since I've
used Lisp so I can't seem to figure it out. The Kyoto CL listener
requires you to hit <return> after closing a final paren. This
<return> character seems to hang around in the buffer then afterwards
so that when later you use (read-line) the value returned is this
return character. The code that I inherited uses (force-output),
apparently in an attempt to flush the buffer, but it doesn't work:

(defun read-line-default-message (stream default message)
"Prints message, reads line, and returns input or default"
  (let ((override ""))
    (format stream (concatenate 'string "~&??? " message ": [~S] ") default)
    (setq override (read-line))
    (if (string= override "") default override)))

Does anyone know how this can be fixed?
(Please email--I don't think this question is of general interest.)

Dale Gerdemann
Seminar fuer Natuerlich- Sprachliche Systeme
Universitaet Tuebingen
Wilhelmstr. 113
W-7400 Tuebingen

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