From: Brad Taplin
Subject: Best book? + Common or Xlisp?
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Hello. I've two questions really. First, what's the best BOOK for
learning lisp with a DOS box and cheap_or_free software? I acquired
xlisp today and need guidance. I use a Gateway 386sx16Mhz SVGA with
4mb RAM and only a few meg avail disk space. Prefer comprehensive
introduction for neophyte programmers that also contains advanced
stuff, organized to be absorbed along a sensible learning curve.

Second, please suggest SOFTWARE, given my currently limited hacking
experience and both hardware and budget constraints. I had a peek
at the four-disk PC-Scheme stuff from TI, but it seems disorganized
and not designed for the beginning programmer. There appear to be
many powerful lisps and schemes, but only a few may suit my needs.
Is the I just unzipped a very good place to begin? I
would prefer the software to match well the book I hope to find.

Mail or post, as seems most applicable. Thanks...
······· or simply ······· will
appreciate your intelligent suggestions, anecdotes, comments & offers.