From: Douglas Rand
Subject: CLOS version of defsys
Message-ID: <>
Use with extreme caution.  I'm interested in comments,  but I don't currently
have time to commit to maintaining or extending this implementation.

There is work left to be done to make it perfectly extensible,  the basic-module
and basic-system classes should work ok.  The hacks for pathname in CMU
Common LISP should be removable for the newer versions is Rob informed 
me correctly.

;;; $Header: /hog/doug/lisp/RCS/defsys.lisp,v 2.3 89/02/21 19:55:48 doug Exp Locker: doug $
;;; A portable defsystem facility written in pure Common LISP using
;;; the Common LISP Object System (CLOS)
;;; Copyright (c) 1992 The MITRE Corporation, Bedford, MA 01730
;;; Copyright (c) 1987,1988,1989 Prime Computer, Inc., Natick, MA 01760
;;;                     All Rights Reserved
;;; Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works
;;; based upon this software are permitted.  Any distribution of this
;;; software or derivative works must comply with all applicable United
;;; States export control laws.
;;; This software is made available AS IS, and the MITRE Corporation makes no
;;; warranty about the software, its performance or its conformity to any
;;; specification.
;;; Any person obtaining a copy of this software is requested to send their
;;; name and post office or electronic mail address to:
;;; ····· (····· if mail bounces)
;;; $Log:	defsys.lisp,v $
;;; Revision 1.1  87/04/25  13:00:09  doug
;;; Initial Revision of non-clos defsystem
;;; Contains definitions for defsystem, undefsystem, load-system,
;;; compile-system and show-system.  See defsystem.doc for more
;;; information.

(defpackage "DEFSYS"
  (:use "PCL")
  (:nicknames "defsys" "defsystem" "DEFSYSTEM")
  (:import-from "PCL" "DESCRIBE-OBJECT")

(in-package "DEFSYS")

;;; Add the feature
(push :defsystem *features*)

;;; Many thanks to Gregor Kiczales for the list from PCL
(defvar *suffixes*
  #+Symbolics                         '("lisp"  . "bin")
  #+(and dec common vax (not ultrix)) '("LSP"   . "FAS")
  #+(and dec common vax ultrix)       '("lsp"   . "fas")
  #+KCL                               '("lsp"   . "o")
  #+Xerox                             '("lisp"  . "dfasl")
  #+(and Lucid MC68000)               '("lisp"  . "lbin")
  #+(and Lucid VAX VMS)               '("lisp"  . "vbin")
  #+excl                              '("cl"    . "fasl")
  #+(and CMU (or SUN4 SPARC))         '("lisp" . "sparcf")
  #+PRIME                             '("lisp" . "pbin")
  #+HP                                '("l"     . "b")
  #+TI                                '("lisp"  . "xfasl")

(defvar *downcase-path-from-module-name*
  #+UNIX T
  #+CMU T

(defvar *module-type-alist* 
  '((:module . basic-module)
    (:file . file-module)
    (:foreign . foreign-module)))

(defun class-from-module-alias (alias)
  (let ((classname (cdr (assoc alias *module-type-alist*))))
    (if classname

(defvar *defsystem-version* "$Revision: 2.3 $")
(defvar *defsystem-header* "$Header: /hog/doug/lisp/RCS/defsys.lisp,v 2.3 89/02/21 19:55:48 doug Exp Locker: doug $")
(defvar *current-system* nil)

(defclass system () 
   ;; Semi public ivs
   (name :initform ""
	 :initarg :name)
     :initform (pathname "") 
     :initarg :default-pathname
     :type pathname)
   (default-package :initform nil 
     :initarg :default-package
     :type symbol)
   (needed-systems :initform nil 
		   :initarg :needed-systems
		   :type list)
   (load-before-compile :initform nil 
			:initarg :load-before-compile
			:type list)
   ;; Private
   (module-list :initform nil 
		:type list)
   (needs-update :initform nil
		 :reader system-needs-update)
   (modules :initform (make-hash-table))

(defmethod print-object ((system system) stream)
  (with-slots (name) system
    (format stream "#<System ~A>" name))

(defclass basic-module ()
  ((name :initform ""
	 :initarg :name)
   (load-before-compile :initform nil
			:initarg :load-before-compile)
   (compile-satisfies-load :initform nil
			   :initarg :compile-satisfies-load)
   (load-after :initform nil
	       :initarg :load-after)
   (recompile-on :initform nil
		 :initarg :recompile-on)
   (pathname :initform nil
	     :initarg :pathname)
   (package :initform nil
	    :initarg :package)
   (compile-function :initform nil
		     :initarg :compile-function)
   (funcall-after :initform nil
		  :initarg :funcall-after)
   (funcall-after-args :initform nil
		       :initarg :funcall-after-args)
   ;; Private
   (dtm :initform 0)
   (in-process :initform nil)
   (loaded :initform nil)    

(defmethod print-object ((module basic-module) stream)
  (with-slots (name) module
    (format stream "#<Module ~A>" name)

(defvar *all-systems* nil)
(defvar *loaded-systems* nil)

(defmacro undefsystem (system-name)
  `(setq *all-systems* (remove-if #'(lambda (x) (eql (car x) ',system-name))

(defmacro defsystem (system-name options &body module-descriptions)
  `(let ((system (make-instance 'system :name ',system-name ,@options))
	 (a-module NIL)
	 (mod-list NIL))
     (undefsystem ',system-name)
     (push (cons ',system-name system) *all-systems*)
     (with-slots (modules module-list) system
       ;; Scan list of modules and create
       (dolist (module ',module-descriptions)
	       ;; Module definition of one of three forms:
	       ;; module-name         - implies basic-module,  no init
	       ;; (module-name ...)   - implies basic-module, w/init
	       ;; (:type module-name ...)
	       ;;                     - implies :type basic-module, w/init
	       ;; First case: module-name
	       (if (symbolp module)
		   (setq a-module (make-instance 'basic-module :name module))
		 ;; (module-name ... or (:type module-name ...
		 (let ((module-class 'basic-module)
		   ;; If keywordp then the type is given
		   (when (keywordp (car module)) 
			 (setq module-class 
			       (class-from-module-alias (pop module)))
			 (when (keywordp module-class)
			       (setq module-class 
				     (intern (symbol-name module-class))))
		   ;; Extract other info
		   (setq module-name (pop module))
		   (if (keywordp module-name)
		       (error "Keyword found where symbol expected <~A>"
		   (setq module-initargs module)
		   (setq a-module (apply #'make-instance module-class
					 :name module-name
	       (with-slots (name) a-module
		 (push name mod-list)
		 (setf (gethash name modules) a-module)
       (setq module-list (reverse mod-list))

(defmacro do-default-system (system top-level)
  ;; Set system to *current-system* if NIL and set the
  ;; value of *current-system*
  `(if (and ,system ,top-level)
       (setq *current-system* ,system)
     (unless ,system
       (if *current-system*
	   (setq ,system *current-system*)
	 (error "Can't default, *current-system* has no value~%"))

(defun load-system (&optional system-name 
			      &key reload (include-components T) (top-level T)
			      &aux system-entry system *load-verbose*)
  (declare (special *load-verbose*))
  (do-default-system system-name top-level)
  (setq *load-verbose* nil)
  (setq system-entry (find-system system-name))
  (setq system (cdr system-entry))
  (with-slots (needed-systems
	       needs-update) system
    ;; Load subsystems
    (when include-components
	  (dolist (subsystem needed-systems)
		  (when (or reload (not (member subsystem *loaded-systems*)))
			(format T ";;; Loading System ~S~%" subsystem)
			(load-system subsystem :reload reload :top-level NIL
				     :include-components include-components))))
    ;; Load modules
    (dolist (module module-list)
	    (let ((module-description (getmod module system)))
	      ;; If already loaded then only reload if needed
	      (load-if-needed module-description system reload)
    (format T ";;; Done loading system ~S~%" system-name)
    (setq needs-update nil)
  (unless (member system-name *loaded-systems*)
	  (push system-name *loaded-systems*))

(defun compile-load-system (&optional system-name 
				      &key reload recompile
				      (include-components T) (top-level T))
  (do-default-system system-name top-level)
  (compile-system system-name :reload reload :top-level NIL
		  :recompile recompile :include-components include-components)
  (load-system system-name :reload reload :top-level NIL
	       :include-components include-components)

(defun compile-system (&optional system-name
				 &key reload recompile (include-components T)
				 (top-level T)
				 &aux system-entry system
				 compiled-modules *load-verbose*)
  (declare (special system compiled-modules *load-verbose*))
  (setq *load-verbose* nil)
  (do-default-system system-name top-level)
  (setq system-entry (find-system system-name))
  (setq system (cdr system-entry))
  ;; Recompile included systems
  (with-slots (needed-systems
	       load-before-compile) system
    (when include-components
	  (dolist (subsystem needed-systems)
		  (format T ";;; Compiling System ~S~%" subsystem)
		  (compile-system subsystem
				  :recompile recompile :top-level NIL
				  :include-components include-components))
    ;; Load Compile subsystem dependencies
    (dolist (subsystem load-before-compile)
	    (when (or reload
		      (not (member subsystem *loaded-systems*))
		       (cdr (assoc subsystem *all-systems*)))
		  (format T ";;; Loading System ~S~%" subsystem)
		  (load-system subsystem
			       :reload reload :top-level NIL
			       :include-components include-components)))
    ;; Compile modules
    (dolist (module module-list)
	    (compile-if-needed module reload recompile)

(defmethod get-pathname ((module basic-module) system
			 &aux mpath sname bname sdtm bdtm)
  (with-slots (pathname name) module
    (with-slots (default-pathname) system
      (unless (setq mpath pathname)
	      (setq mpath
		    (setq pathname
#+CMU			   :device :absolute
			   :directory (pathname-directory default-pathname)
			   :name (mname-to-path name)))))
    (setq sname (make-pathname :directory (pathname-directory mpath)
#+CMU			       :device :absolute
			       :name (pathname-name mpath)
			       :type (car *suffixes*)))
    (setq bname (make-pathname :directory (pathname-directory mpath)
#+CMU			       :device :absolute
			       :name (pathname-name mpath)
			       :type (cdr *suffixes*)))
    (setq sdtm (file-write-date sname)
	  bdtm (file-write-date bname))
     ((and sdtm bdtm)			; Both exist take newer
      (if (> sdtm bdtm)
     (bdtm bname)
     (sdtm sname)
     (T					; no file around
      (error "Can't find any file for module named ~S" name))

(defmethod load-if-needed ((module-description basic-module)
			   system &optional reload &aux path)
  (setq path (get-pathname module-description system))
  (with-slots (name loaded dtm pathname) module-description
    (if (and loaded (not reload))
	(when (< dtm (file-write-date path))
	      (do-load module-description system path reload)
	      (setf dtm (file-write-date path))
      (progn (do-load module-description system path reload)
	     (unless pathname
		     (with-slots (default-pathname) system
		       (setq pathname
			     (make-pathname :directory (pathname-directory
#+CMU					    :device :absolute
					    :name (mname-to-path name)))
	     (setq dtm (file-write-date path))
	     (setq loaded T)

(defmethod do-load ((module basic-module) system
		    path &optional reload &aux package)
  (with-slots (load-after 
	       (module-package package)) module
    (when load-after
	  (when (symbolp load-after) (setq load-after (list load-after)))
	  (dolist (m load-after)
		   (getmod m system)
    (format T ";;; Loading file ~S~%" path)
    (with-slots (default-package) system
      (setq package (or module-package default-package)))
    (if package
	(let ((spackage *package*))
	      (progn (in-package package)
		     (load path))
	    (in-package (package-name spackage))))
      (load path))
    ;; do funcall after stuff
    (when funcall-after
	  (apply funcall-after funcall-after-args))

(defmethod compile-if-needed (module-name &optional reload recompile
					  &aux module)
  (declare (special system compiled-modules))
  (setq module (getmod module-name system))
  (compile-if-needed module reload recompile))

(defmethod compile-if-needed ((module basic-module) &optional reload recompile
			      &aux mpath sname bname
			      sdtm bdtm ddtm ddtms package)
  (declare (special system compiled-modules))
  (with-slots ((module-package package)) module
    (with-slots (default-package) system
      (setq package (or module-package default-package))
  ;; Do our dependents
  (with-slots (recompile-on in-process) module
    (if (or (null recompile-on) in-process)
	(setq ddtms '(0))
	  ;; We don't want to recurse infinitely if one module has
	  ;; a reciprocal compile relation with another so we set the
	  ;; in-process flag to cause this to bottom out.  The
	  ;; unwind-protect makes sure it's cleaned up on error cases.
	  (progn (setq in-process T)
		 (dolist (mod recompile-on)
			 (push (compile-if-needed mod) ddtms)
	(setq in-process nil)
  (setq ddtm (apply #'max ddtms))
  (with-slots ((module-pathname pathname)
	       (module-name name)) module
    (with-slots (default-pathname) system
      (unless (setq mpath module-pathname)
	      (setq mpath
		    (setq module-pathname
#+CMU			   :device :absolute
			   :directory (pathname-directory default-pathname)
			   :name (mname-to-path module-name)))))
  (setq sname (make-pathname :directory (pathname-directory mpath)
#+CMU			     :device :absolute
			     :name (pathname-name mpath)
			     :type (car *suffixes*)))
  (setq bname (make-pathname :directory (pathname-directory mpath)
#+CMU			     :device :absolute
			     :name (pathname-name mpath)
			     :type (cdr *suffixes*)))
  (setq sdtm (file-write-date sname)
        bdtm (file-write-date bname))
  (unless bdtm (setq bdtm 0))
  (with-slots (in-process 
	       name) module
    (unless sdtm
	    (error "Can't find the source file for ~S~%" name))
    (if (and (or (< bdtm sdtm) (< bdtm ddtm)
		 (and recompile (not (member module-name compiled-modules))))
	     (not in-process))
	;; Recompiling.. load necessary files
	  (dolist (name recompile-on)
		  (load-if-needed (getmod name system) system reload)
	  (dolist (name load-before-compile)
		  (load-if-needed (getmod name system) system reload)
	  (format T ";;; Compiling ~S..." name)
	  (unless compile-function (setq compile-function #'compile-file))
	  (if package
	      (let ((spackage *package*))
		    (progn (in-package package)
			   (funcall compile-function sname))
		  (in-package (package-name spackage))))
	    (funcall compile-function sname))
	  (when compile-satisfies-load
		(setq loaded T))
	  (format T "~%")
	  (push name compiled-modules)
	  (with-slots (needs-update) system
	    (setq needs-update T))
	  ;; recompiling produces a new file so...
      ;; Not recompiling or in process..
      (max bdtm sdtm))

(defun show-system (&optional system-name &aux system system-entry)
  (do-default-system system-name T)
  (setq system-entry (find-system system-name))
  (setq system (cdr system-entry))
  (describe system))

(defmethod describe-object ((this system) stream)
  (with-slots (name
	       module-list) this
    (format stream ";;; System: ~S~%;;;~%" name)
    (format stream ";;; Needed Systems: ~S~%" needed-systems)
    (format stream ";;; Default Package: ~S~%" default-package)
    (format stream ";;; Default Pathname: ~S~%" default-pathname)
    (format stream ";;; Load-before-compile: ~S~%" load-before-compile)
    (format stream ";;; Needs update: ~S~%" needs-update)
    (format stream ";;;~%")
    (dolist (module-name module-list)
	    (let ((module (getmod module-name this)))
	      (describe module)))
    (format stream ";;; ---------------------------------")

(defmethod describe-object ((module basic-module) stream)
  (with-slots (package
	       load-after) module
    (format stream
	    ";;; Module: ~S  Package: ~S  Loaded: ~S  Compile-satisfies-load: ~S~%"
	    name package loaded
    (format stream ";;;    Load-before-compile: ~S ~%" load-before-compile)
    (format stream ";;;    Load-after: ~S~%" load-after)
    (format stream ";;;    Recompile-on: ~S~%" recompile-on)
    (format stream ";;;    Pathname: ~S~%" pathname)

(defun getmod (m s &aux md)
  (with-slots (modules) s
    (setq md (gethash m modules))
    (if md
      (error "Module ~S not present in System ~S~%"
	     m s)

(defun mname-to-path (module)
  ;; Convert module to entryname
  ;; Under UNIX downcase by default
  (if *downcase-path-from-module-name*
      (string-downcase (string module))
    (string module)

(defun find-system (system-name &aux system-entry)
  (setq system-entry (assoc system-name *all-systems*))
  (unless system-entry
    (error "No such system description loaded.  System ~S"

Douglas S. Rand <·····>		OSF/Motif Dev.
Snail:         11 Cambridge Center,  Cambridge,  MA  02142
Disclaimer:    I don't know if OSF agrees with me... let's vote on it.
Amateur Radio: KC1KJ