Subject: some question about cmulisp
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I have some question about how to use cmulisp.

1.I am using cmulisp ver.16d(the new release) on sun sparc station 1.
  When I run command "(load-foreign "test.o")",the next error 
  message is displayed. (The program "test.o" is the object-file of 
  c-program "test.c" which is printed in the new release cmu common 
  lisp user's manual.)

  Error in function TRUENAME: The file "path:lisp" does not exist.

  I don"t know why. Can anyone help me? Anything is helpful at all.
  In fact I don"t know lisp well.

2.I want to install cmulisp to NEC ews4800.
  I don't know whether it is possible.
  If it is possible, can someone tell me how to install?
Thanks for your help in advance.
