From: Randy Coulman
Subject: (SUMMARY) Lisp Style Guide
Message-ID: <>
Thank you to everyone who responded to my query about style 
guides for programming in Lisp.  All but one gave me a pointer
to the following book:

"Lisp Style and Design" by Molly M. Miller & Eric Benson, ISBN
1-55558-044-0, published by Digital Press, 1990.

The other, Jim Meehan, sent me a style guide that he wrote for 
his company.  I'm not sure if I can make it available, but if
anyone is interested, let me know and I'll get in touch with him.

Randy A. Coulman                    |
Department of Computational Science | 
University of Saskatchewan          | ·······         
Saskatoon, SK   S7N 0W0             | ·······