From: Dan Pehoushek
Subject: Satisfiability Program
Message-ID: <1992Dec1.105309.11489@CSD-NewsHost.Stanford.EDU>
A while ago, I posted a notice of the availability of a satisfiability
program, in common lisp.  The response was large enough to warrant
posting the source code for general use.  It is in comp.lang.lisp, but
should end up in a source code repository before long.

In many instances, the Quine Tree algorithm is quite fast.  It is
eminently suitable for small to moderate sized, and some large sized
propositional inference problems.  If you do anything with the
program, I'd be interested in receiving a quick summary.  Also, if you
let me know that you are using it, I may be able to send you patches,
upgrades, etc.  I expect some descendent of this code to be accessible
via the Lisp or AI FAQs, until a clearly better algorithm is found.

So, here's the original new group msg plus the source code.  If you
are into benchmarks, please check out 5-5-regular problems, as
described below. If you'd like some hard, random, small (180 var),
satisfiable, instances of 3-sat, I can send them to you.  They are of
the 5-5-regular type described below, and seem significantly harder
than MSL prblems.

It's not "production quality" code; it was not meant to be read by
other than myself, but I figured that I could save some people alot of
development time by making it available. It is supposed to work on any
boolean expression, but was mainly designed for 3sat.  If you have any
comments, please send them to me.  Distribute this code as you like. 

While I've oscillated on the P=NP question, I have to firmly commit
myself to the NEGATIVE, based on several years of effort on the
problem. That is, I believe P<>NP.  As fairly clear evidence to anyone
who thinks they have a poly-time algorithm, I offer the random, almost
always satisfiable, 5-5-regular instances described below.  There are
many highly structured, hard, unsatisfiable formula, but I think the
5-5-regular instances have much to offer investigators of sat
algorithms, because they are hard, small, and satisfiable.  

I'll be around intermittently until Christmas to answer questions and
fix bugs.  After that, my network connection will be tenuous at best.

Satisfactorially yours,
Dan Pehoushek

Earlier Newsgroup msg posted by me:

I am making the source code to a satisfiability program available, and
if there's enough interest, I will post it in comp.lang.lisp (1500
lines of code).

The program is competitive with the fastest complete
algorithms that I know of.  If you use a propositional inference
engine in your work, give this one a try.  If you haven't put a
significant amount of time an effort into your inference system, this
program is probably faster in a majority of cases.

On Mitchell, Selman, Levesque hard spot problems, the program takes
from 1 minute to 15 minutes on 150 variable instances, including
unsatisfiable instances, averaging under 10 minutes.  The program
appears to run in time N*2^(N/22) on MSL hard spot instances. 

Easy Instances: Using the program, the author (me) discovered
empirically that almost all randomly generated 4-regular graphs (and
indeed, almost all randomly generated k-regular graphs, with
sufficiently many vertices), are 3-colorable.  Instances with
thousands of vertices were translated to 3-sat and then colored.
There is a fairly simple counting argument that proves this empiricaal
result.  Empirically, the 3-coloring problem on almost all (in
Bollobas sense) 4-regular graphs is easy (near linear time).

However, the main potential practical result is that, given a random
instance of an NP-complete problem, and then translating it to 3-sat,
does not make the resulting instance hard. The program appears to run
in near O(N) time on almost all of these 3-coloring instances.  Please
note, however, these so-called "easy" instances appear to be quite
hard for the Davis-Putnam algorithm.

Fairly Hard Instances: There is a simple method to generate instances
that are significantly harder than the MSL hard spot.  Generate random
3-clauses such that each variable appears 5 times positively and 5
times negatively. The resulting 3-cnf formulae tend to be harder and
smaller than MSL hard spot formulae, but also tend to be almost always
satisfiable, given more than 100 or so variables.  The program tends
to run in time 2^(N/17) or so on these instances, but they could get
even harder as N gets larger.  These "5-5-regular" instances are the
hardest, almost always satisfiable, 3-CNF problems that I know of.

Hardest Known Instances: The hardest (based on size of 3-CNF formulae)
of any instances are 6-5-regular (each variable occurs 6 times
positively and 5 times negatively), with many of these being
unsatisfiable.  150 variable instances of these problems can take
several hours.

I'm very interested in "in practice" kinds of instances.  I wonder how
hard the NP-complete instances that actually arise in areas outside of
CS theory really are.

If you'd like to trade "hard" instances, let me know.

I may not be on the net after Christmas, because the job hunting
situation in this area is very bad.  So if you'd like the source code
for the program, let me know soon. Also, if you have any pointers to
"research programming" type jobs, I'd very much appreciate them.

Dan Pehoushek

Source code for Quine Tree Algorithm:

(in-package "USER")
(proclaim '(optimize (safety 0) (speed  3) (space 0)))

;;; Formal Notice: This satisfiability program may be used by anyone,
;;; anywhere, anywhen, for any reasonably good purposes; you may charge
;;; money for it, or not, as you like.  It is not gauranteed to be bug
;;; free, of course.
;;; Signed, Dan Pehoushek.

;; The entry function is ACCEPT-P
;; The program either returns an assignment (when input is a conjunction),
;; or proves that none exists.
;; The input should be a conjunction of "small", but arbitrary, disjunctive
;; formulas.  e.g. (accept-p '(AND A (OR C B) (OR (NOT A) (AND C B)))).
;; While the program is optimized for large conjunctions of small disjunctions,
;; it should accept any boolean formula.

;; Caveats: There is little commenting.  The important pieces of code and data structure
;; are the zero-commx functions and the comm structures.  If their is any novelty in the
;; algorithm, that's where it is.  The rest is bureaucratic overhead.
;; (setf *verbosity* nil) for less verbosity while the program is running.
;; If the program breaks on your problem, then send me the input expression, and I'll fix it.
;; The parser is probably the most fragile, and it is unnecessarily complicated.

;; For test purposes, try: (accept-p *test*)
;; *test* is defvared at the end of the program.

(defvar *version* "distrib0")
(defvar *N* 0)

(defstruct assump
  (2comm-zeroes 0)
  (taut-count 0)

(defstruct comm
  (other-table 0)
  (stack-height 0 :type fixnum)
  stack ;;  vector used to reduce consing.  might add small penalty.
  ;; the "stack" can be at most 2^comm-size in height, because
  ;; the comm-table can only be "touched" that many times.

;; macroes for reduced type-checking.
;;(defmacro %svref (a i) `(lucid::%svref ,a ,i))

(defmacro mod& (x y) `(mod ,x ,y)) ;; `(lucid::mod& ,x ,y)
(defmacro logior& (x y) `(logior ,x ,y))
(defmacro =& (&rest rest) `(= ,@rest)) ;; `(lucid::=& ,@rest)
(defmacro +& (&rest rest) `(+ ,@rest)) ;; `(lucid::+& ,@rest)
(defmacro -& (&rest rest) `(- ,@rest)) ;; `(lucid::-& ,@rest)
(defmacro incf& (&rest rest) `(incf ,@rest)) ;; `(lucid::incf& ,@rest)
(defmacro decf& (&rest rest) `(decf ,@rest)) ;; `(lucid::decf& ,@rest)
(defmacro ash& (&rest rest) `(ash ,@rest)) ;; `(lucid::ash& ,@rest))
(defmacro logcount& (x) `(logcount ,x)) ;; `(lucid::logcount& ,x))
(defmacro lgbitp (i x) `(logbitp ,i ,x)) ;; `(lucid::logbitp& ,i ,x))
(defmacro ash1 (i) `(ash& 1 ,i)) 

(defmacro stack-comm (p assump)
  `(when (not (eq (comm-assump ,p) ,assump))
    (let ((stack (comm-stack ,p))
	  (h (comm-stack-height ,p)))
      (setf (svref stack h) (comm-assump ,p))
      (setf (svref stack (+& 1 h)) (comm-table ,p))
      (setf (comm-stack-height ,p) (+& 2 h)))
    (push ,p (assump-change-comms ,assump))
    (setf (comm-assump ,p) ,assump)))

(defmacro unstack-comm (p assump)
  ;;(when (eq ,assump (comm-assump ,p)));; should be no test.
    `(let ((h (decf& (comm-stack-height ,p) 2))
	  (stack (comm-stack ,p)))
      (setf (comm-assump ,p) (svref stack h))
      (if (eq (assump-save-p ,assump) 'PLUS)
	    (setf (comm-other-table ,p) (comm-table ,p))
	    (setf (comm-mark ,p) (assump-mark ,assump)))
	  (if (eq (comm-mark ,p) (assump-mark ,assump))
	      (setf (comm-other-table ,p) (logior& (comm-table ,p) (comm-other-table ,p)))))
      (setf (comm-table ,p) (svref stack (+& 1 h)))
      (setf (comm-done ,p) nil)))

;; Since the input to accept-p is really just a list of disjunctions, we don't
;; particularly need the bn heirarchy. Divide-conquer-unite left-overs.
(defstruct bn ;; boolean neighborhood
  lits        ;; all lits occurring within this bn neighborhood, including boundary.  Should eliminate this.
  connective  ;; AND or OR, or ATOM or NEGATOM
  all-vars-map ;; a map from all symbols in the subtree to var-numbers.

(defstruct info
  n ;; Initial number of vars, indexed from 0..(1- n)
  single ;; a simple vector of single-var comm structures.

(defvar *ksat* 5)
(defvar *generated-atoms* 5)
(defvar *plus-minus-counter* 0)
(defvar *verbosity* T)
(defvar *initial-assump* nil)
(defvar *num-lits* 0)
(defvar *expression* nil)
(defvar *exp* nil)
(defvar *logn* nil)
(defvar *NUM-BACKTRACKS* 0)
(defvar *info* nil)
(defvar *all-map* nil)
(defvar *zero-comm-counter* 0)
(defvar *investigate-comm-counter* 0)
(defvar *array-zero-comm-counter* (make-array (1+ *ksat*)))
(defvar *mark* 0)
(defvar *best* 0)
(defvar *best-local* 0)
(defvar *min-num-left* *N*)
(defvar *assigns* nil)
(defvar *print-symbols* nil)

(defvar *min-num-left-other*)
(defvar *clause-num* 0)
(defvar *RESULT*)
(defvar *ELAPSED*)
(defvar *TOTAL*)
(defvar *USER* )
(defvar *SYSTEM* )

(defmacro ptr (a) `(ash ,a 1))
(defmacro false (a) `(ptr ,a))
(defmacro true (a) `(1+ (ptr ,a)))
(defmacro vref (v i) `(sbit ,v ,i))  ;; could make these small integers instead of bit vectors. Microhack.

(defmacro acceptable (comm i) `(lgbitp ,i (comm-table ,comm)))
(defmacro acc (table i) `(lgbitp ,i ,table))

(defmacro do-acceptable ((i comm) &rest rest) `(dotimes (,i (ash1 (comm-size ,comm))) (when (acceptable ,comm ,i) ,@rest)))
(defmacro do-unacceptable ((i comm) &rest rest) `(dotimes (,i (ash1 (comm-size ,comm))) (unless (acceptable ,comm ,i) ,@rest)))
(defmacro remove-bit (pos i) `(+& (ash& (ash& ,i (-& (+& 1 ,pos))) ,pos) (mod& ,i (ash1 ,pos))))
(defmacro insert-pos (pos i) `(+& (mod& ,i (ash1 ,pos)) (ash& (ash& ,i (-& ,pos)) (+& 1 ,pos))))
(defmacro complement-bit (pos i) `(if (lgbitp ,pos ,i) (-& ,i (ash1 ,pos)) (+& ,i (ash1 ,pos))))
(defmacro extract-bit (pos i) `(if (lgbitp ,pos ,i) 1 0))

(defmacro acceptable-bignum (comm i) `(logbitp ,i (comm-table ,comm)))
(defmacro acc-bignum (table i) `(logbitp ,i ,table))

(defmacro do-acceptable-bignum
    ((i comm) &rest rest) `(dotimes (,i (ash 1 (comm-size ,comm))) (when (acceptable-bignum ,comm ,i) ,@rest)))
(defmacro do-unacceptable-bignum
    ((i comm) &rest rest) `(dotimes (,i (ash 1 (comm-size ,comm))) (unless (acceptable-bignum ,comm ,i) ,@rest)))
(defmacro remove-bit-bignum (pos i) `(+ (ash (ash ,i (- (+ 1 ,pos))) ,pos) (mod ,i (ash 1 ,pos))))
(defmacro insert-pos-bignum (pos i) `(+ (mod ,i (ash 1 ,pos)) (ash (ash ,i (- ,pos)) (+ 1 ,pos))))
(defmacro complement-bit-bignum (pos i) `(if (logbitp ,pos ,i) (- ,i (ash 1 ,pos)) (+ ,i (ash1 ,pos))))
(defmacro extract-bit-bignum (pos i) `(if (logbitp ,pos ,i) 1 0))

(defmacro find-single (x) `(svref (info-single *info*) ,x))
(defmacro tautp (comm) `(let ((c ,comm)) (= (comm-table c) (1- (ash1 (ash1 (comm-size c)))))))
(defmacro sub-comm (comm i) `(svref (comm-sub-vector ,comm) ,i))

;; When some zero of comm is not "subsumed" return nil.
(defmacro subsumed-p (comm)
  `(let ((c ,comm))
    (or (tautp c)
     (dotimes (i (ash1 (comm-size c)) T)
       (unless (acceptable c i)
	 (unless (dotimes (k (comm-size c) nil) (when (not (acceptable c (complement-bit k i))) (return t)))
	   (return nil)))))))

;; hfind-comm is only called during initilization
(defun hfind-comm (vars assump)
  (or (cond
	((eq (length vars) 1) (find-single (car vars)))
	(T (gethash vars (info-htable *info*))))
      (let* ((size (length vars))
	     (comm (make-comm :size size :vars vars 
			      :table (1- (ash1 (ash1 size)))
			      :sup-list nil
			      :stack-height 0
			      :stack (make-array (ash1 (1+ size)))
			      :assump assump)))
	(setf (gethash (comm-vars comm) (info-htable *info*)) comm)
	  ((eq (length vars) 1) (setf (find-single (car vars)) comm)))
	;; could do > size 0 ...
	(when (> (comm-size comm) 1)
	  (let ((a (make-array size)))
	    ;; watch out for done comms. Bug.
	    (dotimes (i size) (setf (svref a i) (hfind-comm (remove-ith i (comm-vars comm)) assump)))
	    (setf (comm-sub-vector comm) a)
	    (when (> size 1) (dotimes (i size) (push (cons comm i) (comm-sup-list (sub-comm comm i)))))
	    ;; when creating a comm, init all relevant local assumps with respect to comm.
	    (when (> size 1)
	      (dotimes (i size)
		(let* ((sub (sub-comm comm i)))
		  (do-unacceptable (j sub)
		    (zero-comm comm (insert-pos i j) assump nil)
		    (zero-comm comm (+ (insert-pos i j) (ash1 i)) assump nil)))))))

(defun lit-symbol (i) (svref *print-symbols* i))
(defun remove-ith (i l) (if (<= i 0) (cdr l) (cons (car l) (remove-ith (1- i) (cdr l)))))

(defun donify (c assump)
  (unless (comm-done c)
    (stack-comm c assump)
    (setf (comm-done c) t)
    (when (=& (comm-size c) 2)
      (decf& (assump-2comm-zeroes assump) (-& 4 (logcount& (comm-table c)))))
    (when (=& (comm-size c) 1) (decf& (assump-num-vars assump)))
    (dolist (s (comm-sup-list c)) (donify (car s) assump))
    ;; Used to handle taut-vars here. It's Ok to do so, or not.
    (unless (or (=& (comm-size c) 1) (> (comm-size c) 4))
      (dotimes (i (comm-size c))
	(let ((sub (svref (comm-sub-vector c) i)))
	  (unless (comm-done sub)
	    (when (=& (comm-table sub) (1- (ash1 (ash1 (comm-size sub)))))
	      (unless (dolist (s (comm-sup-list sub))
			(unless (comm-done (car s)) (return t)))
		(when (=& (comm-size sub) 1)
		  ;;(decf (assump-num-vars assump))
		  (incf (assump-taut-count assump))
		  (push sub (assump-taut-vars assump)))
		(donify sub assump)))))))))

(defmacro zc-dispatch (comm zero assump)
  `(cond ((= (comm-size ,comm) 1) (incf *investigate-comm-counter*) (zero-comm1 ,comm ,zero ,assump))
    ((= (comm-size ,comm) 2) (zero-comm2 ,comm ,zero ,assump))
    ((= (comm-size ,comm) 3) (zero-comm3 ,comm ,zero ,assump))
    (T (zero-commk ,comm ,zero ,assump))))

(defvar *done-singles* nil)
(defvar *zc* 0)
(proclaim '(fixnum *zc*))
(defun zero-comm (comm zero assump donify-flag)
  (setf *zc* 0)
  (setf *done-singles* nil)
  (when (and (not (comm-done comm)) (acceptable-bignum comm zero)) (zc-dispatch comm zero assump))
  (when donify-flag
     (do ()
	 ((null *done-singles*))
       (let ((single (pop *done-singles*)))
	 (donify single assump)))
     (unless (or *done-singles*) (return nil))))
  (incf *zero-comm-counter* *zc*))

;; comm-size=1
(defun zero-comm1 (comm zero assump)
  (declare (fixnum zero))
  (stack-comm comm assump)
  (incf& *zc*)
  ;; This is the only piece of code that zeroes out a comm element, or throws to empty.
  (when (=& 0 (decf& (comm-table comm) (ash1 zero)))
    (incf *zero-comm-counter* *zc*)
    (throw 'empty-ttable nil))
  ;;(decf& (assump-num-vars assump))
  (push comm *done-singles*)
  ;; Msgs to sup-comm; definitely insure two zero elts in each supcomm.
  (dolist (sup (comm-sup-list comm))
    (unless (comm-done (car sup))
      (let ((pos (insert-pos (cdr sup) zero)))
	(declare (fixnum pos))
	(when (acceptable (car sup) pos) (zero-comm2 (car sup) pos assump))
	(setf pos (+& (ash1 (cdr sup)) pos))
	(when (acceptable (car sup) pos) (zero-comm2 (car sup) pos assump))))))
;; comm-size=2
(defun zero-comm2 (comm zero assump)
  (declare (fixnum zero))
  (stack-comm comm assump)
  (incf& *zc*)
  (incf& (assump-2comm-zeroes assump))
  ;; This is the only piece of code that zeroes out a comm element, or throws to empty.
  (let ((table (comm-table comm)))
    (when (=& 0 (setf (comm-table comm) (decf& table (ash1 zero))))
      (incf *zero-comm-counter* *zc*)
      (throw 'empty-ttable nil))
    ;; Msgs to sub-comm
    (unless (acc table (complement-bit 0 zero))
      (let ((c (sub-comm comm 0))
	    (z (remove-bit 0 zero)))
	(declare (fixnum z))
	(when (acceptable c z) (zero-comm1 c z assump))))
    (unless (acc table (complement-bit 1 zero))
      (let ((c (sub-comm comm 1))
	    (z (remove-bit 1 zero)))
	(declare (fixnum z))
	(when (acceptable c z) (zero-comm1 c z assump)))))
  ;; Msgs to sup-comm; definitely insure two zero elts in each supcomm.
  (dolist (sup (comm-sup-list comm))
    (unless (comm-done (car sup))
      (let ((pos (insert-pos (cdr sup) zero)))
	(declare (fixnum pos))
	(when (acceptable (car sup) pos) (zero-comm3 (car sup) pos assump))
	(setf pos (+& (ash1 (cdr sup)) pos))
	(when (acceptable (car sup) pos) (zero-comm3 (car sup) pos assump)))))
  ;;(when nil (if (and rename-flag (or (= (comm-table comm) 6) (= (comm-table comm) 9)))(push comm rename-vars)))
;; size=3
(defun zero-comm3 (comm zero assump)
  (declare (fixnum zero))
  (stack-comm comm assump)
  (incf& *zc*)
  ;; This is the only piece of code that zeroes out a comm element, or throws to empty.
  (let ((table (comm-table comm)))
    (when (=& 0 (setf (comm-table comm) (decf& table (ash1 zero))))
      (incf *zero-comm-counter* *zc*)
      (throw 'empty-ttable nil))
    ;; Msgs to sub-comm
    ;; possibly, zero a bit in a sub comm.
    (unless (acc table (complement-bit 0 zero))
      (let ((c (sub-comm comm 0))
	    (z (remove-bit 0 zero)))
	(declare (fixnum z))
	(when (acceptable c z) (zero-comm2 c z assump))))
    (unless (acc table (complement-bit 1 zero))
      (let ((c (sub-comm comm 1))
	    (z (remove-bit 1 zero)))
	(declare (fixnum z))
	(when (acceptable c z) (zero-comm2 c z assump))))
    (unless (acc table (complement-bit 2 zero))
      (let ((c (sub-comm comm 2))
	    (z (remove-bit 2 zero)))
	(declare (fixnum z))
	(when (acceptable c z) (zero-comm2 c z assump)))))
  ;; Msgs to sup-comm; definitely insure two zero elts in each supcomm.
  (dolist (sup (comm-sup-list comm))
    (unless (comm-done (car sup))
      (let ((pos (insert-pos (cdr sup) zero)))
	(declare (fixnum pos))
	(when (acceptable (car sup) pos) (zero-commk (car sup) pos assump))
	(setf pos (+& (ash1 (cdr sup)) pos))
	(when (acceptable (car sup) pos) (zero-commk (car sup) pos assump))))))
;; size>= 4
(defun zero-commk (comm zero assump)
  (declare (fixnum zero))
  (stack-comm comm assump)
  (incf& *zc*)
  ;; This is the only piece of code that zeroes out a comm element, or throws to empty.
  (when (=& 0 (decf& (comm-table comm) (ash1 zero)))
    (incf *zero-comm-counter* *zc*)
    (throw 'empty-ttable nil))
  ;; Msgs to sub-comm
  (dotimes (i (comm-size comm))
    ;; possibly, zero a bit in a sub comm.
    (unless (acceptable comm (complement-bit i zero))
      (let ((c (sub-comm comm i))
	    (z (remove-bit i zero)))
	(declare (fixnum z))
	(when (acceptable c z)
	  (if (=& (comm-size c) 3)
	      (zero-comm3 c z assump)
	      (zero-commk c z assump))))))
  ;; Msgs to sup-comm; definitely insure two zero elts in each supcomm.
  (dolist (sup (comm-sup-list comm))
    (unless (comm-done (car sup))
      (let ((pos (insert-pos (cdr sup) zero)))
	(declare (fixnum pos))
	(when (acceptable (car sup) pos) (zero-commk (car sup) pos assump))
	(setf pos (+& (ash1 (cdr sup)) pos))
	(when (acceptable (car sup) pos) (zero-commk (car sup) pos assump))))))

;; should get rid of global vars here.
(defvar *best-other-local*)
'(defun investigate-single-comms (assump)
  (setf *best-local* nil)
  (setf *best-other-local* nil)
  (setf *min-num-left* 0)
  (setf *min-num-left-other* 0)
  (do ((comm-index 0 (mod (1+ comm-index) *N*))
       (num-no-change 0))
      ((>= num-no-change (assump-num-vars assump)))
    (when (= comm-index 0) (when *verbosity* (format t "S ")))
    (let ((comm (find-single comm-index))
	  (before (assump-num-vars assump)))
      (when (not (comm-done-single comm))
	(investigate-comm comm assump)
	(if (> before (assump-num-vars assump))
	      (setf num-no-change 0)
	      (setf *best-local* nil)
	      (setf *best-other-local* nil)
	      (setf *min-num-left* 0)
	      (setf *min-num-left-other* 0))
	    (incf num-no-change)))))
  (format t " Wt: ~3,4F ~3,4F" (float *min-num-left*) (float *min-num-left-other*)))

(defun investigate-single-comms (assump)
  (setf *best-local* nil)
  (setf *best-other-local* nil)
  (setf *min-num-left* 0)
  (setf *min-num-left-other* 0)
  (do ((comm-index 0 (+ 1 comm-index)))	;(mod (1+ comm-index) *N*)
      ((if (>= comm-index *n*)
	   (if (not *best-local* )
	       (if (comm-done (assump-comm *best-local*))
		     (setf *best-local* nil)
		     (setf *best-other-local* nil)
		     (setf *min-num-left* 0)
		     (setf *min-num-left-other* 0) (setf comm-index 0) nil)
	   nil))			;(>= num-no-change (assump-num-vars assump))
    (when (= comm-index 0) (when *verbosity* (format t "S")))
    (let ((comm (find-single comm-index)))
      (when (not (comm-done comm))
	(investigate-comm comm assump))))
  (when *verbosity* (format t " Wt: ~3,4F ~3,4F" (float *min-num-left*) (float *min-num-left-other*))))

(defun investigate-comm (comm assump)
  (let ((assump-T (make-assump 
		   :prev assump
		   :comm comm
		   :2comm-zeroes (assump-2comm-zeroes assump)
		   :zeroes 0
		   :num-vars (assump-num-vars assump)
		   :save-p 'PLUS
		   :mark (incf *mark*)))
	(assump-nil (make-assump 
		     :prev assump
		     :comm comm
		     :2comm-zeroes (assump-2comm-zeroes assump)
		     :zeroes 1
		     :num-vars (assump-num-vars assump)
		     :save-p 'MINUS
		     :mark *mark*)))
    (unless (simple-try-assump assump-t)
      (unless (simple-try-assump assump-nil)
	 (or (not *best-local*)
	     (> (min (assump-weight assump-t) (assump-weight assump-nil))
	     (and (= (min (assump-weight assump-t) (assump-weight assump-nil))
		  (> (max (assump-weight assump-t) (assump-weight assump-nil))
	   (setf *min-num-left-other* (max (assump-weight assump-t) (assump-weight assump-nil)))
	   (setf *min-num-left* (min (assump-weight assump-t) (assump-weight assump-nil)))
	   (if (< (assump-weight assump-t) (assump-weight assump-nil))
	       (setf *best-local* assump-t *best-other-local* assump-nil)
	       (setf *best-local* assump-nil  *best-other-local* assump-t))))))))

(defun simple-try-assump (a)
  (let* ((comm (assump-comm a)))
	(catch 'empty-ttable
	  (zero-comm comm (assump-zeroes a) a T)
	    (when (zerop (assump-num-vars a))
	      (setf *best-local* a)
	      (restore a)
	      (format T "~& ACCEPTABLE")
	      (throw 'done a))
	    (restore a))
	  (setf (assump-weight a) (+ (/ (float (assump-2comm-zeroes a))
					(float (assump-num-vars a)))
				     (/ *zc* (* *n* *n* *n*))))
      (restore a)
      (zero-comm comm (-& 1 (assump-zeroes a)) (assump-prev a) T)

(defun restore (cur-assump)
  (let* ((prev-assump (assump-prev cur-assump)))
    (dolist (p (assump-change-comms cur-assump)) (unstack-comm p cur-assump))
    (when (eq (assump-save-p cur-assump) 'MINUS)
      (dolist (p (assump-change-comms cur-assump))
	(when (eq (comm-mark p) (assump-mark cur-assump))
	  ;; THEN, BOTH neg and pos assumps touched comm, so hack it...
	  (unless (comm-done p)
	    (if (> (comm-size p) 4)
		(do-acceptable-bignum (i p)
		  (unless (logbitp i (comm-other-table p))
		    (zero-comm p i prev-assump T)))
		(do-acceptable (i p)
		  (unless (lgbitp i (comm-other-table p))
		    (zero-comm p i prev-assump T))))))))))

(defun simplify (assump)
  (if (zerop (assump-num-vars assump))
      (setf (assump-next assump) nil)
	(catch 'DONE
	  (investigate-single-comms assump))
	(setf (assump-next assump) (cons (assump-comm *best-local*) (assump-zeroes *best-local*))))))

(defstruct subspace


;; presumes *info* is in the state described by subspace c,
;; leaves *info* in *initial-assump* state.
(defun unbuild-subspace (c)
  (do ((a (subspace-leaf-assump c) (assump-prev a)))
      ((null a))
    (let ((l nil))
      (dolist (p (assump-change-comms a))
	(push (cons (comm-table p) (comm-done p)) l)
	(unstack-comm p a))
      (setf (assump-temp a) (reverse l)))))

;; presumes *info* is in *initial-assump* state.
(defun rebuild-subspace (c)
  (let ((assump-list nil))
    (do ((a (subspace-leaf-assump c) (assump-prev a)))
	((null a))
      (format t "a")
      (push a assump-list))
    (let ((y nil))
      (dolist (a assump-list)
	(let ((x (assump-next a)))
	  (when (member (car (comm-vars (car x))) Y) (break "var already in"))
	  (push (car (comm-vars (car x))) Y)
	  (format t " ~A ~A "
		  (if (eq (cdr x) 0) '+ '-)
		  (mapcar #'lit-symbol (comm-vars (car x)))))
	(mapc #'(lambda (p table.done)
		  (let ((stack (comm-stack p))
			(h (comm-stack-height p)))
		    (setf (svref stack h) (comm-assump p))
		    (setf (svref stack (+& 1 h)) (comm-table p))
		    (setf (comm-stack-height p) (+& 2 h)))
		  (setf (comm-assump p) a)
		  (setf (comm-table p) (car table.done))
		  (setf (comm-done p) (cdr table.done)))
	      (assump-change-comms a)
	      (assump-temp a))))))

(defvar *subspace-number* 0)

(defun bifurcate-subspace (c)
  (let* ((new (make-subspace
	       :loop-count 1
	       :loop-depth-sum 1.0
	       :work 1
	       :id (1+ (* (subspace-id c) 2))))
	 (oldrootc (subspace-root-assump c))
	 (newrootc (do ((a (subspace-leaf-assump c) (assump-prev a)))
		       ((eq (assump-prev a) oldrootc) a)))
	 (rootnew (make-assump
		   :prev (assump-prev newrootc)
		   :comm (assump-comm newrootc)
		   :2comm-zeroes (assump-2comm-zeroes newrootc)
		   :zeroes (assump-zeroes newrootc)
		   :num-vars (assump-num-vars newrootc)
		   :mark (incf *mark*)
		   ;; Here's the real difference: try other case of root's new assump var.
		   :next (cons (car (assump-next newrootc)) (- 1 (cdr (assump-next newrootc))))
		   :save-p NIL
		   :cnt 0
		   :taut-vars (assump-taut-vars newrootc)
		   :taut-count (assump-taut-count newrootc)
		   :change-comms (assump-change-comms newrootc)
		   :temp (assump-temp newrootc)
    (setf (subspace-root-assump new) rootnew)
    (setf (subspace-leaf-assump new) rootnew)
    (setf (subspace-root-assump c) newrootc)
    (setf (subspace-id c) (* (subspace-id c) 2))

(defun measure (s1)
  (/ (subspace-loop-depth-sum s1)  (subspace-loop-count s1)))

(defun search-control ()
  (when (= (assump-num-vars *initial-assump*) 0) (return-from search-control T))
  (let ((list-of-subspaces (list (make-subspace
				 :work 1
				 ;; start with non-zero to avoid division by zero
				 :loop-count 1
				 :loop-depth-sum 1.0
				 :id 1
				 :root-assump nil
				 :leaf-assump *initial-assump*))))
     (when (null list-of-subspaces) (return nil))
     (setf list-of-subspaces (sort list-of-subspaces #'(lambda (s1 s2)
							 (> (measure s1)
							    (measure s2)))))
     ;; when room for bifurcation, after one round of searching.
     ;; only bif smallest avg depth?
     (let  ((l list-of-subspaces))
       ;; cut out multiple subspaces.
       (when nil
	 (dolist (subspace l)
	   (when (> (length list-of-subspaces) *n*) (return nil))
	   (push (bifurcate-subspace subspace) list-of-subspaces)
	   (return nil))))
     (let ((x 1) (num (integer-length (length list-of-subspaces))))
       (dolist (subspace list-of-subspaces)
	 (rebuild-subspace subspace)
	 ;; work-before-switch: small for testing.
	 (setf (subspace-work-left-before-switch subspace)
	       (max 2 (- num (integer-length x))))
	 (subspace-search subspace)
	 (when (zerop (assump-num-vars (info-assump *info*))) (return-from search-control T))
	 (return-from search-control nil)
	 (unbuild-subspace subspace)
	 (when (eq (subspace-leaf-assump subspace) (subspace-root-assump subspace))
	   (when *verbosity*
	     (format  t "~% Subspace ~A done. ~A" (subspace-id subspace) (measure subspace)))
	   (setf list-of-subspaces (remove subspace list-of-subspaces)))
	 (incf x))))))

(defun subspace-search (subspace)
  (let ((depth 0)
	(assump (subspace-leaf-assump subspace))
	(base *zero-comm-counter*))
    (do ((a (assump-prev assump) (assump-prev a)))
	((null a))
      (incf depth))
    (when *verbosity*
      (format t " ~%~% Subspace: ~A Depth: ~A Nvars: ~A M: ~A"
	      (subspace-id subspace) depth (assump-num-vars assump) (measure subspace)))
     (incf (subspace-loop-count subspace))
     (incf (subspace-loop-depth-sum subspace) depth)
     (when (zerop (assump-num-vars assump))
       (setf (info-assump *info*) assump)
       (do ()
	   ((null assump))
	 (when *verbosity* (format t "~& EXIT: D: ~A ~A " depth (- *zero-comm-counter* (assump-cnt assump))))
	 (decf depth)
	 (setf assump (assump-prev assump)))
       (incf (subspace-work subspace) (- *zero-comm-counter* base))
       (return t))
     ;; Upon entry or beginning of the loop, assump-next contains a description
     ;; of the assump we are going to try next.  
     (let* ((a (assump-next assump)))
       (when (null a) (error "Probably Done, but Numvars is wrong"))
       (when *verbosity* (format t "~% Try Assumption: ~A ~A "
				 (if (eq (cdr a) 0) '+ '-)
				 (mapcar #'lit-symbol (comm-vars (car a)))))
       (if (catch 'EMPTY-TTABLE
	     (setf assump
		    :prev assump
		    :comm (car a)
		    :2comm-zeroes (assump-2comm-zeroes assump)
		    :zeroes (cdr a)
		    :num-vars (assump-num-vars assump)
		    :mark (incf *mark*)
		    :save-p NIL))
	     (incf depth)
	     (zero-comm (assump-comm assump) (assump-zeroes assump) assump T)
	     (simplify assump)
	   (progn (setf (assump-cnt assump) (+ (- *zero-comm-counter* base) (subspace-work subspace)))
		  (when *verbosity*
		    (format t
			    " ~% DEPTH: ~A Nvars: ~A " depth (assump-num-vars assump))))
	      (incf *num-backtracks*)
	      (decf depth)
	      (restore assump);;  Assump failed. So, negate it. 
	      (setf assump (assump-prev assump))
	      (decf (subspace-work-left-before-switch subspace))
	      (when (eq assump (subspace-root-assump subspace))
		(incf (subspace-work subspace) (- *zero-comm-counter* base))
		(return-from subspace-search nil))
	      (when *verbosity* (format t "~% Negating: ~A "
					(mapcar #'lit-symbol (comm-vars (car (assump-next assump))))))
		      (catch 'empty-ttable
			(zero-comm (car (assump-next assump)) (- 1 (cdr (assump-next assump))) assump T)
			(simplify assump)
			(unless (zerop (assump-num-vars assump))
			  ;; Safe to switch subspaces here.
			  ;; When more than X backtracks, and assump-next is
			  ;; set up, exit from subspace-search. 
			  (when nil (<= (subspace-work-left-before-switch subspace) 0)
			    (setf (subspace-leaf-assump subspace) assump)
			    (incf (subspace-work subspace) (- *zero-comm-counter* base))
			    (when *verbosity*
			      (format t "~% Exit Subspace: Current-work: ~A  Total-work: ~A M: ~A"
				      (- *zero-comm-counter* base)
				      (subspace-work subspace)
				      (measure subspace)))
			    (return-from subspace-search nil))
		    (when *verbosity*
		      (format t "~& EXIT: D: ~A ~A " depth (- (+ (- *zero-comm-counter* base) (subspace-work subspace))
							      (assump-cnt assump))))
		;; return from inner loop.
		(return t)))))))))

;; FIX.  For instance, bn is a tree, when it could be a flat-list of disjunctions.
(defun ttables-of-tt (bn)
  (setf *N* (length *all-map*))
  (setf *print-symbols* (make-array *n*))
  (dolist (x *all-map*) (setf (svref *print-symbols* (cdr x)) (car x)))
  (setf *initial-assump* (make-assump
			  :prev nil
			  :num-vars *N*
			  :mark (incf *mark*)
			  :cnt 0
			  :2comm-zeroes 0))
  (setf *info* (make-info
		:assump *initial-assump*
		:single (make-array *n*)
		:htable (make-hash-table :test #'equal :size (truncate (+ (* 4/3 *num-lits*)  *n* *n*)))
		:n *n*))
  (dotimes (i *n*) (setf (svref (info-single *info*) i) (hfind-comm (list i) *initial-assump*)))
  (catch 'EMPTY-TTABLE
    (setf  *clause-num* 0)
    (dotimes (i (length  *array-zero-comm-counter*))
      (setf (svref *array-zero-comm-counter* i) 0))
    (gen-ttables bn)
    (dotimes (i *n*)
      (let ((c (find-single i)))
	(when (not (comm-done c))
	  (when (< (comm-table c) 3) (donify c *initial-assump*)))))
    (simplify *initial-assump*)

(defun output-formula (file)
  (with-open-file (str file :direction :output :if-exists :overwrite :if-does-not-exist :create)
    (format str "(AND ")
	((clause (key comm)
	   (declare (ignore key))
	   (do-unacceptable (i comm)
	     (let ((e nil))
	       (dotimes (k (comm-size comm))
		 (if (logbitp k i)
		     (push (list 'NOT  (svref *print-symbols* (car (nthcdr k (comm-vars comm))))) e)
		     (push (svref *print-symbols* (car (nthcdr k (comm-vars comm)))) e)))
	       (format str "~% ~A" (cons 'OR e))))))
      (maphash #'clause (info-htable *info*))
      (format str ")"))))

(defun accept-p (classical-logic-expression &optional (print-p nil)(trans-p t))
  (when (atom classical-logic-expression) (return-from accept-p classical-logic-expression))
  (setf *zero-comm-counter* 0)
  (setf *subspace-number* 0)
  (setf *plus-minus-counter* 0)
  (setf *investigate-comm-counter* 0)
  (setf *mark* 0)
  (setf *num-lits* 0)
  (setf *num-backtracks* 0)
  (setf *exp* classical-logic-expression)
  (setf *generated-atoms* nil)
  (when nil print-p (pprint *exp*) (terpri))
  (setf *expression* (if trans-p (parse classical-logic-expression) *exp*))
  (when nil print-p (pprint *expression*)(terpri))
  ;; If top-level is OR, then we can call accept-p on sub-expressions
  (if (eq (car classical-logic-expression) 'OR)
      (dolist (e (cdr classical-logic-expression)) (when (accept-p e) (return-from accept-p t)))
	(let* ((bn (parse-lform *expression*)))
	  ;; The total number of occurrences of all lits is a measure of the size of problem.
	  (setf *logn* (integer-length *num-lits*))
	  (when *verbosity* (format t "~% Number of literal occurrences (the size of the expression): ~A" *num-lits*))
	  (let ((bn (do-bn bn)))
	       (multiple-value-setq (*elapsed* *total* *user* *system*)
		 (time ;;use time1 in lucid common lisp, use time1 to get numbers for times.
		  (setf *result*
			(if (catch 'ACCEPTABLE
			      (and (ttables-of-tt bn)
				     (zerop (assump-num-vars (info-assump *info*))))))
			      (format t
				      "~%ACCEPTABLE. Counter: ~A BACKTRKS: ~A"
				      *zero-comm-counter* *num-backtracks* )
			      (format t
				      "~% Investigate-comm-counter: ~A : ~A deducts per investigation"
				       (/ *zero-comm-counter*
			    (progn (when (zerop (assump-num-vars (info-assump *info*)))
				     (incf (assump-num-vars (info-assump *info*))))
				   (format t
					   "~%UNACCEPTABLE. Counter: ~A  BACKTRKS: ~A"
					   *zero-comm-counter*  *num-backtracks*)

(defun save-data (name &optional (if-exists :append))
  (with-open-file (str (string-append "/u/pehoushe/boole/data/" name) :direction :output :if-exists if-exists
		       :if-does-not-exist :create)
    (terpri str)
    (prin1 (list :version *version*) str) (terpri str)
    (prin1 (list :BACKTRACKS *num-backtracks*) str) (terpri str)
    (prin1 (list :COUNTER *zero-comm-counter*) str) (terpri str)
    (prin1 (list :time-milliseconds (truncate (* *user* 1000))) str) (terpri str)
    (prin1 (list :assign (when (zerop (assump-num-vars (info-assump *info*))) (compute-assign))) str) (terpri str)
    (prin1 (list :expression *expression*) str) (terpri str)))

(defun truth-table (And-or-not-formula)
  (cond ((null and-or-not-formula) (error "NIL appears in formula"))
	((atom and-or-not-formula)
	 (values (list (get and-or-not-formula :num)) #*01));; True, single-var.
	((eq (car and-or-not-formula) 'NOT)
	 (multiple-value-bind (vars bits);; the vars don't change.
	     (truth-table (cadr and-or-not-formula))
	   (values vars (bit-not bits))))
	((eq (car and-or-not-formula) 'AND);; one side could have vars that the other doesn't.
	 ;; they need to merge.
	 (cond ((eq (length (cdr and-or-not-formula)) 0)
		(error "Empty And."));; could return () #*1, empty taut...
	       ((eq (length (cdr and-or-not-formula)) 1)
		(truth-table (cadr and-or-not-formula)))
		(multiple-value-bind (vars1 bits1)
		    (truth-table (cadr and-or-not-formula))
		  (multiple-value-bind (vars2 bits2)
		      (truth-table (cons 'AND (cddr and-or-not-formula)))
		    ;; merge vars1 vars2, ...
		    (and-bits vars1 bits1 vars2 bits2)
	((eq (car and-or-not-formula) 'OR);; one side could have vars that the other doesn't.
	 ;; they need to merge.
	 (cond ((eq (length (cdr and-or-not-formula)) 0)
		(error "Empty OR."));; could return () #*1, empty taut...
	       ((eq (length (cdr and-or-not-formula)) 1)
		(truth-table (cadr and-or-not-formula)))
		(multiple-value-bind (vars1 bits1)
		    (truth-table (cadr and-or-not-formula))
		  (multiple-value-bind (vars2 bits2)
		      (truth-table (cons 'OR (cddr and-or-not-formula)))
		    (or-bits vars1 bits1 vars2 bits2))))))))
(defun and-bits (x1 b1 x2 b2)
  (let* ((x3 (sort (union (copy-list x1) (copy-list x2)) #'<))
	 (b3 (make-array (ash1 (length x3)) :element-type 'BIT :initial-element 0)))
	((bit-gen (x1 a1 b1 x2 a2 b2 x3 a3)
	   (declare (fixnum a1 a2 a3))
	       ((v- (l) `(cdr ,l))
		(internal ()
		  `(let* ((len (length x1))(o1 (ash a1 len))(o2 (ash a2 len)))
		    (declare (fixnum o1 o2))
		    (dotimes (i (ash1 len))
		      (when (and (> (vref b1 (+ o1 i)) 0)
				 (> (vref b2 (+ o2 i)) 0))
			(setf (vref b3 a3) 1) (return)))))
		(tail (num x1 a1 b1);; x1=x3
		  `(when (> ,num 0)
		    (let* ((len (length ,x1))(o1 (ash ,a1 len))(o3 (ash a3 len)))
		      (declare (fixnum o1 o3))
		      (dotimes (i (ash1 len))
			(when (>  (vref ,b1 (+ o1 i)) 0)
			  (setf (vref b3  (+ o3 i)) 1)))))))
	       ((null x3) (internal))
	       ((null x1) (tail (vref b1 a1) x2 a2 b2))
	       ((null x2) (tail (vref b2 a2) x1 a1 b1))
	       ((= (car x1) (car x2))
		  ((= (car x1) (car x3))
		   (bit-gen (v- x1) (false a1) b1 (v- x2) (false a2) b2 (v- x3) (false a3) )
		   (bit-gen (v- x1) (true a1) b1 (v- x2) (true a2) b2 (v- x3) (true a3) ))
		  (T (error "In and-bits"))))
	       ((< (car x1) (car x2))
		  ((= (car x1) (car x3))
		   (bit-gen (v- x1) (false a1) b1 x2 a2 b2 (v- x3) (false a3) )
		   (bit-gen (v- x1) (true a1) b1 x2 a2 b2 (v- x3) (true a3) ))
		  (T (error "In and-bits"))))
	       (T;;(< (car x2) (car x1))
		  ((= (car x2) (car x3))
		   (bit-gen x1 a1 b1 (v- x2) (false a2) b2 (v- x3) (false a3) )
		   (bit-gen x1 a1 b1 (v- x2) (true a2) b2 (v- x3) (true a3) ))
		  (T (error "In and-bits"))))))))
      (bit-gen x1 0 b1 x2 0 b2 x3 0)
      (values x3 b3))))

(defun or-bits (x1 b1 x2 b2)
  (let* ((x3 (sort (union (copy-list x1) (copy-list x2)) #'<))
	 (b3 (make-array (ash1 (length x3)) :element-type 'BIT :initial-element 0)))
	((bit-gen (x1 a1 b1 x2 a2 b2 x3 a3)
	   (declare (fixnum a1 a2 a3))
	       ((v- (l) `(cdr ,l))
		(internal ()
		  `(let* ((len (length x1))(o1 (ash a1 len))(o2 (ash a2 len)))
		    (declare (fixnum o1 o2))
		    (dotimes (i (ash1 len))
		      (when (or (> (vref b1 (+ o1 i)) 0)
				(> (vref b2 (+ o2 i)) 0))
			(setf (vref b3 a3) 1) (return)))))
		(tail (num x1 a1 b1);; x1=x3
		  `(let* ((len (length ,x1))(o1 (ash ,a1 len))(o3 (ash a3 len)))
		    (declare (fixnum o1 o3))
		    (dotimes (i (ash1 len))
		      (when (or (> ,num 0) (>  (vref ,b1 (+ o1 i)) 0))
			(setf (vref b3  (+ o3 i)) 1))))))
	       ((null x3) (internal))
	       ((null x1) (tail (vref b1 a1) x2 a2 b2))
	       ((null x2) (tail (vref b2 a2) x1 a1 b1))
	       ((= (car x1) (car x2))
		  ((= (car x1) (car x3))
		   (bit-gen (v- x1) (false a1) b1 (v- x2) (false a2) b2 (v- x3) (false a3) )
		   (bit-gen (v- x1) (true a1) b1 (v- x2) (true a2) b2 (v- x3) (true a3) ))
		  (T (error "In or-bits"))))
	       ((< (car x1) (car x2))
		  ((= (car x1) (car x3))
		   (bit-gen (v- x1) (false a1) b1 x2 a2 b2 (v- x3) (false a3) )
		   (bit-gen (v- x1) (true a1) b1 x2 a2 b2 (v- x3) (true a3) ))
		  (T (error "In or-bits"))))
	       (T;;(< (car x2) (car x1))
		  ((= (car x2) (car x3))
		   (bit-gen x1 a1 b1 (v- x2) (false a2) b2 (v- x3) (false a3) )
		   (bit-gen x1 a1 b1 (v- x2) (true a2) b2 (v- x3) (true a3) ))
		  (T (error "In or-bits"))))))))
      (bit-gen x1 0 b1 x2 0 b2 x3 0)
      (values x3 b3))))

(defun extract-ttable (t1)
  (multiple-value-bind (v a)
      (truth-table (BN-expression t1))
    (let ((comm (hfind-comm (reverse v) *initial-assump*)))
      (dotimes (i (ash1 (comm-size comm)))
	(when (= 0 (sbit a i)) (zero-comm comm i *initial-assump* nil)))
      (incf *clause-num*)

(defun gen-ttables (bn)
    ((or (null (bn-subexp bn)) (member (bn-connective bn) '(or atom negatom))) (extract-ttable bn))
    (t (gen-ttables  (car (bn-subexp bn)))
       (gen-ttables  (cadr (bn-subexp bn))))))

(defun parse (f)
  (cond ((atom f) f)
	((eq (car f) 'not) 
	 (let ((form (parse (cadr f))))
	   (cond ((atom form) `(not ,form))
		 ((eq (car form) 'AND) (parse (cons 'OR (mapcar #'(lambda (f) (list 'NOT f)) (cdr form)))))
		 ((eq (car form) 'OR)  (parse (cons 'AND (mapcar #'(lambda (f) (list 'NOT f)) (cdr form))))))))
	((eq (car f) 'and) (cons 'AND (mapcar #'parse (cdr f))))
	((eq (car f) 'or)
	 ;; flat-list f,
	 ;; if any sub-exps of OR are ANDs, use a gensym.
	 (cond ((> (length (cdr f)) *ksat*)
		(let* ((k (length (cdr f)))
		       (g (gensym))
		       (fhalf (butlast (cdr f) (ash k -1)))
		       (shalf (nthcdr (- k (ash k -1)) (cdr f))))
		  (push g *generated-atoms*)
		  (parse `(AND (OR ,g ,@fhalf)  (OR (NOT ,g) ,@shalf)))))
	       (T (let ((e1 (cons 'OR (mapcar #'parse (cdr f)))))
		      ;; replace ANDs with gensyms.
		      (let ((e2  nil)
			    (ands nil))
			(dolist (e-sub (cdr e1))
			  (if (and (not (atom e-sub)) (eq (car e-sub) 'AND))
			      (let ((g (gensym)))
				(push g *generated-atoms*)
				(push g e2)
				(push `(AND ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (x) `(OR ,x (NOT ,g))) (cdr e-sub)))
			      (push e-sub e2)))
			(if e2
			    (if ands (parse `(AND ,@ands (OR ,@e2))) e1)
			    (parse `(AND ,@ands))))))))
	(T (error "in parse"))))

(defun parse-lform (lform)
      ((parse (f)
	 (cond ((atom f) (construct-atom f))
	       ((eq (car f) 'not) 
		(let ((form (cadr f)))
		  (cond ((atom form) (construct-neg-atom  form))
			((eq (car form) 'not) (parse (cadr form)))
			((eq (car form) 'AND) (parse (cons 'OR (mapcar #'(lambda (f) (list 'NOT f)) (cdr form)))))
			((eq (car form) 'OR) (parse (cons 'AND (mapcar #'(lambda (f) (list 'NOT f)) (cdr form))))))))
	       ((eq (car f) 'and) (construct-and (mapcar #'parse (cdr f))))
	       ((eq (car f) 'or)
		(cond ((> (length (cdr f)) *ksat*)
		       (let ((g (gensym)))
			 (push g *generated-atoms*)
			 (parse `(AND (OR ,(cadr f) ,(caddr f) ,g) (OR (NOT ,g) ,@(cdddr f))))))
		      (T (construct-or (mapcar #'parse (cdr f))))))
	       (T (error "in parse"))))
       (construct-atom (at) (incf *num-lits*) (make-bn :lits (list at) :connective 'ATOM :expression at))
       (construct-neg-atom (at) (incf *num-lits*) (make-bn :lits (list at) :connective 'NEGATOM :expression (list 'NOT at)))
       (construct-and (bns)
	 (cond ((= (length bns) 1) (car bns))
	       ((> (length bns) 1)
		(do ((old-bns bns (cddr old-bns)) (new-bns nil))
		    ((null old-bns) (construct-and new-bns))
		  (if (null (cdr old-bns)) (push (car old-bns) new-bns)
		      (push (make-bn :lits  (union (bn-lits (car old-bns))
						   (bn-lits (cadr old-bns)))
				     :connective 'AND :subexp (list (car old-bns) (cadr old-bns))
				     :expression (list 'AND (bn-expression (car old-bns)) (bn-expression (cadr old-bns))))
       (construct-or (bns)
	 (cond ((= (length bns) 1) (car bns))
	       (T ;; =2 or 3
		(do ((old-bns bns (cddr old-bns)) (new-bns nil))
		    ((null old-bns) (construct-or new-bns))
		  (if (null (cdr old-bns)) (push (car old-bns) new-bns)
		      (push (make-bn :lits (union (bn-lits (car old-bns))
						  (bn-lits (cadr old-bns)))
				     :connective 'or :subexp (list (car old-bns) (cadr old-bns))
				     :expression (list 'OR (bn-expression (car old-bns)) (bn-expression (cadr old-bns))))
    (parse lform)))

(defun do-bn (bn)
  (sort-out-boundary bn nil)
  (number-boundary bn (setf (bn-all-vars-map bn)
			    (setf *all-map* (mapcar #'(lambda (symbol) (cons symbol nil)) (bn-lits bn)))))
      bn ;(do-tt bn 1 (eq (bn-connective bn) 'AND) (bn-all-vars-map bn) nil)
    (dolist  (a *all-map*) (setf (get (car a) :num) (cdr a)))))

;; This sort-out-boundary/number-boundary is all (now) unecessarily complicated.
;; Left overs from divide-conquer-unite.
(defun sort-out-boundary (bn ext)
  (setf (bn-ext bn) ext)
  (cond ((null (bn-subexp bn))
	((= (length (bn-subexp bn)) 2)
	 (let* ((tree1 (car (bn-subexp bn)))
		(tree2 (cadr (bn-subexp bn)))
		(int (intersection (bn-lits tree1) (bn-lits tree2)))
		(set-diff (set-difference int ext)))
	   ;; good spot to number all of the variables
	   (setf (bn-int bn) set-diff);; elements of set-diff will be numbered from n to n+|set-diff|
	   (sort-out-boundary tree1 (union int (intersection ext (bn-lits tree1))))
	   (sort-out-boundary tree2 (union int (intersection ext (bn-lits tree2))))))))

; Want smallest numbers to go to deepest internal left-hand vars that also occur on the right.
(defun number-boundary (bn all-vars-map)
      ;; number vars from n down to n-|list|.
      ((sub-number (n list bn)
	 ;; if bn has subexp
	 ;; then for all list members that occur
	 ;;  in both subexp, l1, call sub-number on n, l1 and left tree.
	 ;;  And for all list members that occur only in left tree,
	 ;;  call sub-number on (- n |l1|) l2 left-tree.
	 ;;  And call sub-number on (- n (+ |l1| |l2|)) remaining-list-members, l3
	   ((not list) nil)
	   ((bn-subexp bn)
	    (let*  ((C1 (CAR (bn-subexp bn)))
		    (c2 (cadr (bn-subexp bn)))
		    (l1 (intersection (intersection list (bn-ext c1)) (bn-ext c2)))
		    (l2 (set-difference list (bn-ext c2)))
		    (l3 (set-difference list (bn-ext c1))))
	      (when l1 (sub-number (- n (+ (length l2) (length l3))) l1 c1))
	      (when l2 (sub-number (- n (length  l3)) l2 c1))
	      (when l3 (sub-number n l3 c2))))
	    (mapc #'(lambda (at) (setf (cdr (assoc at all-vars-map)) (decf n))) list))))
       (num-bound (bn n)
	    (sub-number (incf N (length (bn-int bn))) (bn-int bn) bn)
	    (setf N (num-bound (car (bn-subexp bn)) N))
	    (num-bound (cadr (bn-subexp bn)) N))
	   (t n))))
    (let ((x (num-bound bn 0)))
      (dolist (l all-vars-map)
	(unless (cdr  l) (setf (cdr l) x) (setf (get (car l) :num) x) (incf x))))))

(defun compute-assign ()
  (let ((assigns (make-array *N*))
	(renames (make-array *N*))
	(others nil))
    (setf *assigns* assigns)
	((handle-renames (assump)
	   ;(dolist (r (assump-rename-vars assump))(push r (svref renames (cadr (comm-vars r))))(push  (car (comm-vars r)) others))
	   (when (assump-prev assump) (handle-renames (assump-prev assump))))
	 (handle-tauts (assump)
	   (dolist (r (assump-taut-vars assump))
	     (add-to-assigns (car (comm-vars r)) NIL))
	   (when (assump-prev assump) (handle-tauts (assump-prev assump))))
	 (add-to-assigns (v val)
	   (when (svref assigns v) (error "shouldnt happen"))
	   (setf (svref assigns v) (list val))
	   (dolist (r (svref renames v))
	     (if (or (acceptable r 1) (acceptable r 2))
		 (add-to-assigns (car (comm-vars r)) (not val))
		 (if (or (acceptable r 0) (acceptable r 3))
		     (add-to-assigns (car (comm-vars r)) val)
		     (error "bad rename"))))))
      (handle-renames (info-assump *info*))
      (handle-tauts  (info-assump *info*))
      (dotimes (i *N*)
	(unless (member i others)
	  (let ((comm (find-single i)))
	    (when (< (comm-table comm) 3) (add-to-assigns i (acceptable comm 1)))))      )
      (dolist (b *all-map*)
	(setf (get (car b) :assign) (car (svref assigns (cdr b)))))
      (if (ap-exp *expression*)
	  (mapcan #'(lambda (b)
		      (unless (member (car b) *generated-atoms*) (list (cons (car b) (car (svref assigns (cdr b))))))) *all-map*)
	  (progn (dolist (e (cdr *expression*))
		   (unless (ap-exp e) (format t " ~A" e)))
		 (error "Something fishy."))))))

(defun ap-exp (exp)
  (cond ((atom exp) (get exp :assign))
	((eq (car exp) 'and)
	 (dolist (e (cdr exp) t)
	   (unless (ap-exp e) (return nil))))
	((eq (car exp) 'or)
	 (dolist (e (cdr exp) nil)
	   (when (ap-exp e) (return t))))
	((eq (car exp) 'not) (NOT (ap-exp (cadr exp))))))

        '(AND (OR X35 (NOT X65) (NOT X66)) (OR X77 (NOT X44) (NOT X18))
          (OR X75 (NOT X28) (NOT X42)) (OR X85 X76 (NOT X98))
          (OR X43 X15 (NOT X97)) (OR (NOT X10) (NOT X72) (NOT X89))
          (OR X9 X18 (NOT X5)) (OR X39 X86 (NOT X95))
          (OR (NOT X98) (NOT X62) (NOT X13))
          (OR (NOT X50) (NOT X18) (NOT X69)) (OR X67 X46 (NOT X82))
          (OR X1 (NOT X59) (NOT X83)) (OR X82 X3 (NOT X37))
          (OR X13 X53 (NOT X25)) (OR X97 (NOT X18) (NOT X48))
          (OR X64 (NOT X91) (NOT X36)) (OR X30 X53 (NOT X20))
          (OR X6 X76 (NOT X17)) (OR X5 X70 (NOT X63))
          (OR (NOT X46) (NOT X49) (NOT X24)) (OR X77 X68 X73) (OR X29 X33 X9)
          (OR X34 (NOT X15) (NOT X73)) (OR X52 X85 X18)
          (OR X15 (NOT X73) (NOT X90)) (OR X43 X85 (NOT X23))
          (OR X12 (NOT X77) (NOT X69)) (OR X59 X90 (NOT X62))
          (OR X61 X23 X39) (OR X91 X83 (NOT X95))
          (OR (NOT X57) (NOT X10) (NOT X92)) (OR X22 X96 (NOT X18))
          (OR X52 (NOT X75) (NOT X28)) (OR X44 X55 X18)
          (OR (NOT X90) (NOT X52) (NOT X16)) (OR X44 X85 (NOT X20))
          (OR (NOT X9) (NOT X98) (NOT X66)) (OR X48 X13 (NOT X31))
          (OR X51 X28 (NOT X76)) (OR (NOT X15) (NOT X20) (NOT X66))
          (OR X2 (NOT X93) (NOT X78)) (OR X69 X56 (NOT X27))
          (OR X70 (NOT X76) (NOT X24)) (OR X98 X76 X65)
          (OR X88 X91 (NOT X5)) (OR X5 (NOT X95) (NOT X88))
          (OR X45 X70 (NOT X21)) (OR X4 (NOT X60) (NOT X1))
          (OR X88 X48 (NOT X16)) (OR X90 (NOT X98) (NOT X97))
          (OR X27 X74 (NOT X51)) (OR X5 X75 (NOT X33))
          (OR X84 X64 (NOT X16)) (OR X69 (NOT X25) (NOT X43))
          (OR X95 X7 (NOT X24)) (OR (NOT X30) (NOT X20) (NOT X22))
          (OR X56 X94 (NOT X99)) (OR X27 X0 (NOT X64))
          (OR (NOT X30) (NOT X65) (NOT X80)) (OR X5 X44 (NOT X96))
          (OR X1 X55 (NOT X45)) (OR X96 (NOT X39) (NOT X86))
          (OR X42 (NOT X14) (NOT X31)) (OR X5 X3 (NOT X59))
          (OR X4 X50 (NOT X17)) (OR (NOT X90) (NOT X75) (NOT X24))
          (OR X45 X25 (NOT X40)) (OR X30 (NOT X77) (NOT X38))
          (OR X85 X26 (NOT X67)) (OR X32 X97 (NOT X5))
          (OR (NOT X99) (NOT X96) (NOT X21)) (OR X17 X97 (NOT X6))
          (OR X70 X73 (NOT X8)) (OR X91 (NOT X75) (NOT X17))
          (OR X35 X27 (NOT X69)) (OR X79 X26 X44)
          (OR X41 (NOT X9) (NOT X60)) (OR X56 (NOT X70) (NOT X94))
          (OR X48 (NOT X88) (NOT X40)) (OR X87 X78 (NOT X54))
          (OR X6 (NOT X14) (NOT X44)) (OR X16 (NOT X90) (NOT X48))
          (OR X17 X47 X61) (OR X5 (NOT X65) (NOT X81))
          (OR X83 (NOT X25) (NOT X72)) (OR X72 X23 (NOT X47))
          (OR X66 (NOT X47) (NOT X30)) (OR X73 (NOT X57) (NOT X19))
          (OR (NOT X32) (NOT X22) (NOT X23)) (OR X45 (NOT X0) (NOT X34))
          (OR X43 X2 (NOT X22)) (OR X0 (NOT X3) (NOT X95))
          (OR X74 (NOT X38) (NOT X8)) (OR (NOT X83) (NOT X40) (NOT X87))
          (OR X37 X72 (NOT X4)) (OR X43 (NOT X70) (NOT X87))
          (OR (NOT X13) (NOT X54) (NOT X45)) (OR X10 X15 (NOT X28))
          (OR X62 (NOT X42) (NOT X94)) (OR X33 X32 (NOT X30))
          (OR X57 (NOT X58) (NOT X25))
          (OR (NOT X40) (NOT X21) (NOT X20)) (OR X5 X38 X77)
          (OR X56 X68 (NOT X37)) (OR (NOT X60) (NOT X63) (NOT X81))
          (OR X69 (NOT X22) (NOT X88)) (OR X96 (NOT X8) (NOT X94))
          (OR X11 (NOT X57) (NOT X82)) (OR X0 (NOT X87) (NOT X95))
          (OR X23 (NOT X4) (NOT X88)) (OR X24 (NOT X43) (NOT X52))
          (OR X30 X7 (NOT X41)) (OR X45 X11 (NOT X44))
          (OR X76 (NOT X26) (NOT X86))
          (OR (NOT X63) (NOT X44) (NOT X91))
          (OR (NOT X68) (NOT X53) (NOT X42)) (OR X16 (NOT X13) (NOT X52))
          (OR X93 X51 (NOT X55)) (OR X26 X97 X38)
          (OR X6 (NOT X61) (NOT X89)) (OR X88 (NOT X23) (NOT X54))
          (OR X10 X32 X21) (OR X63 X83 (NOT X35)) (OR X94 X18 X20)
          (OR X18 (NOT X72) (NOT X79)) (OR X87 X93 (NOT X90))
          (OR (NOT X70) (NOT X67) (NOT X23)) (OR X34 (NOT X7) (NOT X55))
          (OR X64 X21 (NOT X14)) (OR X31 X16 (NOT X62))
          (OR X71 (NOT X97) (NOT X28)) (OR X65 X39 (NOT X94))
          (OR X37 (NOT X90) (NOT X86)) (OR X43 X80 X58)
          (OR X88 (NOT X32) (NOT X74)) (OR X28 (NOT X96) (NOT X78))
          (OR X42 X69 (NOT X16)) (OR X31 (NOT X0) (NOT X3))
          (OR (NOT X26) (NOT X99) (NOT X8)) (OR X53 X39 (NOT X66))
          (OR X24 X64 (NOT X37)) (OR X95 X17 X55) (OR X80 X9 (NOT X27))
          (OR X74 (NOT X62) (NOT X75)) (OR X43 (NOT X65) (NOT X14))
          (OR X11 X0 (NOT X5)) (OR X72 X8 X93) (OR X28 X41 (NOT X74))
          (OR X83 (NOT X4) (NOT X91)) (OR X7 X25 (NOT X40))
          (OR X64 X76 (NOT X32)) (OR X81 X27 (NOT X51))
          (OR X48 X27 (NOT X72)) (OR X10 X36 (NOT X82))
          (OR X91 (NOT X3) (NOT X19)) (OR X23 (NOT X70) (NOT X87))
          (OR X58 X86 (NOT X77)) (OR X90 (NOT X22) (NOT X56))
          (OR X69 (NOT X21) (NOT X97)) (OR X85 (NOT X54) (NOT X55))
          (OR X58 (NOT X88) (NOT X83)) (OR X39 X95 (NOT X69))
          (OR X2 X86 X80) (OR (NOT X75) (NOT X70) (NOT X22))
          (OR X41 X16 X32) (OR (NOT X56) (NOT X15) (NOT X28))
          (OR X43 (NOT X71) (NOT X21)) (OR X98 X95 (NOT X83))
          (OR X41 (NOT X94) (NOT X6)) (OR X77 (NOT X43) (NOT X67))
          (OR X39 X80 (NOT X61)) (OR X29 (NOT X15) (NOT X63))
          (OR X27 (NOT X72) (NOT X56)) (OR X22 X52 (NOT X19))
          (OR X64 (NOT X85) (NOT X97))
          (OR (NOT X64) (NOT X82) (NOT X26))
          (OR (NOT X95) (NOT X68) (NOT X42)) (OR X52 X17 (NOT X69))
          (OR X71 (NOT X18) (NOT X15)) (OR X30 X16 X76)
          (OR (NOT X99) (NOT X25) (NOT X73)) (OR X32 (NOT X26) (NOT X88))
          (OR X27 (NOT X26) (NOT X76)) (OR X67 (NOT X70) (NOT X52))
          (OR X78 X10 X76) (OR X43 X78 (NOT X92))
          (OR X85 (NOT X44) (NOT X37)) (OR X3 (NOT X15) (NOT X64))
          (OR X55 (NOT X35) (NOT X98)) (OR X97 (NOT X95) (NOT X2))
          (OR X93 (NOT X43) (NOT X6)) (OR X28 X26 (NOT X33))
          (OR X0 (NOT X82) (NOT X78)) (OR X4 (NOT X64) (NOT X67))
          (OR X53 X16 (NOT X83)) (OR X78 X94 (NOT X51))
          (OR X61 (NOT X70) (NOT X36)) (OR X16 X77 (NOT X39))
          (OR X64 X56 (NOT X35)) (OR X80 X90 (NOT X49))
          (OR X1 (NOT X66) (NOT X76)) (OR X30 (NOT X91) (NOT X17))
          (OR X0 X28 X88) (OR X74 (NOT X13) (NOT X52))
          (OR X4 (NOT X29) (NOT X71)) (OR X75 X30 X86)
          (OR (NOT X11) (NOT X25) (NOT X86)) (OR X14 X28 (NOT X90))
          (OR X3 (NOT X70) (NOT X75)) (OR X47 X30 (NOT X76))
          (OR X2 X68 X26) (OR X14 X17 X89)
          (OR (NOT X12) (NOT X86) (NOT X62)) (OR X19 X27 (NOT X1))
          (OR (NOT X31) (NOT X80) (NOT X39)) (OR X86 X49 (NOT X18))
          (OR X2 X11 (NOT X25)) (OR X91 X15 (NOT X46))
          (OR X29 (NOT X19) (NOT X28)) (OR X68 X63 (NOT X46))
          (OR X57 (NOT X47) (NOT X40)) (OR X40 X61 (NOT X86))
          (OR X81 (NOT X11) (NOT X36)) (OR X87 X11 (NOT X43))
          (OR X81 X17 (NOT X99)) (OR X55 X54 X35) (OR X77 X54 X17)
          (OR X43 X74 (NOT X18)) (OR (NOT X46) (NOT X85) (NOT X59))
          (OR X84 X85 (NOT X37)) (OR X74 (NOT X31) (NOT X80))
          (OR X85 (NOT X82) (NOT X41)) (OR (NOT X2) (NOT X94) (NOT X3))
          (OR X11 X58 (NOT X61)) (OR X96 (NOT X88) (NOT X50))
          (OR X60 X6 (NOT X86)) (OR X18 (NOT X27) (NOT X59))
          (OR X91 (NOT X36) (NOT X9)) (OR X85 X2 (NOT X74))
          (OR (NOT X24) (NOT X69) (NOT X84)) (OR X97 X25 (NOT X61))
          (OR X94 (NOT X67) (NOT X11)) (OR X11 X25 (NOT X49))
          (OR X76 (NOT X57) (NOT X37)) (OR X68 X82 (NOT X43))
          (OR X84 X21 (NOT X34)) (OR (NOT X87) (NOT X41) (NOT X50))
          (OR (NOT X64) (NOT X63) (NOT X77)) (OR X12 X73 (NOT X54))
          (OR X83 (NOT X52) (NOT X79)) (OR X16 (NOT X43) (NOT X9))
          (OR X33 X64 (NOT X34)) (OR X39 (NOT X85) (NOT X73))
          (OR X57 (NOT X58) (NOT X54)) (OR X69 X77 (NOT X24))
          (OR X98 X41 (NOT X51)) (OR X11 (NOT X56) (NOT X39))
          (OR X26 (NOT X66) (NOT X27)) (OR X51 (NOT X38) (NOT X25))
          (OR X31 X85 (NOT X47)) (OR X62 (NOT X87) (NOT X13))
          (OR (NOT X78) (NOT X62) (NOT X83)) (OR X88 (NOT X20) (NOT X56))
          (OR X52 (NOT X58) (NOT X31)) (OR X8 X93 (NOT X82))
          (OR X33 X69 X52) (OR X64 (NOT X96) (NOT X49))
          (OR X22 (NOT X31) (NOT X89)) (OR X91 (NOT X27) (NOT X42))
          (OR X30 X69 (NOT X5)) (OR X47 X29 (NOT X14))
          (OR (NOT X86) (NOT X18) (NOT X7)) (OR X21 (NOT X53) (NOT X35))
          (OR X99 X28 X55) (OR X94 X47 (NOT X39))
          (OR X53 (NOT X2) (NOT X35)) (OR X60 (NOT X71) (NOT X97))
          (OR X95 X0 X7) (OR X6 (NOT X97) (NOT X67)) (OR X2 X75 (NOT X61))
          (OR X5 (NOT X61) (NOT X65)) (OR (NOT X64) (NOT X75) (NOT X76))
          (OR (NOT X0) (NOT X59) (NOT X81))
          (OR (NOT X36) (NOT X68) (NOT X41)) (OR X76 X26 X0)
          (OR X16 X10 X32) (OR X41 X36 (NOT X58))
          (OR X32 (NOT X35) (NOT X34)) (OR X16 (NOT X51) (NOT X33))
          (OR X40 X89 (NOT X79)) (OR X89 X59 (NOT X66))
          (OR X23 (NOT X44) (NOT X71)) (OR X86 (NOT X33) (NOT X9))
          (OR X25 X10 X75) (OR X70 (NOT X57) (NOT X43))
          (OR X47 X99 (NOT X48)) (OR X35 (NOT X0) (NOT X16))
          (OR X85 X26 (NOT X65)) (OR X95 (NOT X25) (NOT X90))
          (OR X2 X96 (NOT X93)) (OR X96 X50 (NOT X33))
          (OR X0 (NOT X72) (NOT X59)) (OR X58 X10 (NOT X51))
          (OR (NOT X83) (NOT X71) (NOT X53)) (OR X2 (NOT X54) (NOT X97))
          (OR X48 (NOT X2) (NOT X20)) (OR X33 X19 X67)
          (OR X32 X44 (NOT X50)) (OR X45 X51 (NOT X49))
          (OR X20 (NOT X76) (NOT X96))
          (OR (NOT X53) (NOT X37) (NOT X98)) (OR X44 X91 (NOT X77))
          (OR X13 X47 X54) (OR X29 (NOT X31) (NOT X78))
          (OR (NOT X52) (NOT X26) (NOT X87)) (OR X92 X56 X85)
          (OR X26 (NOT X81) (NOT X46)) (OR X30 (NOT X32) (NOT X33))
          (OR X91 X92 (NOT X0)) (OR X53 X17 (NOT X72))
          (OR X99 (NOT X65) (NOT X31)) (OR X92 (NOT X99) (NOT X28))
          (OR X11 X25 (NOT X72)) (OR X28 X52 X22) (OR X61 X13 (NOT X29))
          (OR X5 X61 X73) (OR X68 X31 X67) (OR X46 (NOT X3) (NOT X80))
          (OR X70 (NOT X30) (NOT X65))
          (OR (NOT X22) (NOT X38) (NOT X28)) (OR X24 X93 (NOT X87))
          (OR X4 (NOT X48) (NOT X94)) (OR X12 (NOT X49) (NOT X42))
          (OR X69 (NOT X83) (NOT X99)) (OR X53 X65 (NOT X35))
          (OR X67 X80 (NOT X33)) (OR X81 (NOT X32) (NOT X68))
          (OR X58 (NOT X11) (NOT X16)) (OR X81 (NOT X52) (NOT X29))
          (OR (NOT X59) (NOT X34) (NOT X28)) (OR X87 (NOT X83) (NOT X37))
          (OR X91 (NOT X68) (NOT X10)) (OR X65 X37 (NOT X88))
          (OR X39 (NOT X95) (NOT X80)) (OR X39 (NOT X74) (NOT X72))
          (OR X75 X31 X49) (OR X64 (NOT X67) (NOT X48))
          (OR X16 (NOT X67) (NOT X7)) (OR X65 X15 (NOT X21))
          (OR (NOT X98) (NOT X13) (NOT X70))
          (OR (NOT X95) (NOT X35) (NOT X44)) (OR X76 X30 (NOT X70))
          (OR X28 X41 (NOT X90)) (OR X33 X83 (NOT X87))
          (OR X53 X33 (NOT X62)) (OR X29 (NOT X13) (NOT X79))
          (OR X31 X91 (NOT X37)) (OR X18 (NOT X87) (NOT X57))
          (OR X88 X26 X63) (OR X8 X11 (NOT X82)) (OR X70 X83 X77)
          (OR (NOT X71) (NOT X59) (NOT X76)) (OR X15 (NOT X76) (NOT X22))
          (OR X36 (NOT X14) (NOT X71)) (OR X71 (NOT X42) (NOT X47))
          (OR X80 (NOT X12) (NOT X47)) (OR X10 X98 (NOT X42))
          (OR X76 X48 (NOT X68)) (OR X18 X94 X40) (OR X67 X32 (NOT X20))
          (OR X47 X55 (NOT X21)) (OR (NOT X15) (NOT X5) (NOT X6))
          (OR X58 X3 X60) (OR X19 (NOT X79) (NOT X53)) (OR X76 X53 X39)
          (OR X21 X51 (NOT X90)) (OR X87 (NOT X6) (NOT X69))
          (OR X37 (NOT X69) (NOT X36)) (OR X48 X79 (NOT X59))
          (OR X98 (NOT X97) (NOT X28)) (OR X37 X15 X85)
          (OR X23 (NOT X40) (NOT X99)) (OR X81 X10 X17)
          (OR (NOT X36) (NOT X94) (NOT X91)) (OR X23 (NOT X21) (NOT X80))
          (OR X13 (NOT X76) (NOT X54)) (OR X89 (NOT X22) (NOT X40))
          (OR X44 (NOT X93) (NOT X95)) (OR X92 X34 (NOT X87))
          (OR X20 (NOT X41) (NOT X88)) (OR X10 (NOT X69) (NOT X49))
          (OR X98 X21 X76) (OR X50 (NOT X98) (NOT X43))
          (OR (NOT X31) (NOT X93) (NOT X46)) (OR X35 (NOT X60) (NOT X38))
          (OR X30 X7 (NOT X15)) (OR X0 X98 (NOT X68))
          (OR X44 (NOT X84) (NOT X74)) (OR X97 (NOT X57) (NOT X29))
          (OR X14 X53 (NOT X59)) (OR X59 (NOT X94) (NOT X46))
          (OR X29 X69 X94) (OR X91 X62 (NOT X64))
          (OR X29 (NOT X36) (NOT X67)) (OR X19 X62 (NOT X99))
          (OR X20 X22 (NOT X30)) (OR X65 X45 (NOT X75))
          (OR X14 X6 (NOT X93)) (OR X43 (NOT X42) (NOT X56))
          (OR X0 X47 (NOT X66)) (OR X98 X64 (NOT X49))
          (OR X23 (NOT X68) (NOT X19)) (OR X1 X41 X61)
          (OR X5 X77 (NOT X45)) (OR X1 (NOT X45) (NOT X30))
          (OR X76 (NOT X73) (NOT X52)) (OR X64 (NOT X18) (NOT X70))
          (OR X71 X41 (NOT X42)) (OR X68 X89 (NOT X73))
          (OR X26 X4 (NOT X34)) (OR X73 X46 (NOT X25))
          (OR X23 X68 (NOT X81)) (OR X29 (NOT X32) (NOT X2))
          (OR X83 X59 X45) (OR X47 (NOT X48) (NOT X2))
          (OR X23 (NOT X39) (NOT X85)) (OR X61 X76 (NOT X44))
          (OR X31 (NOT X94) (NOT X83)) (OR X79 X32 (NOT X77))
          (OR X90 (NOT X25) (NOT X43))))