From: Venu Dasigi
Subject: Collins English Dictionary on CD-ROM - question
Message-ID: <>
We recently acquired the DCI (Data Collection Initiative) CD-ROM distributed
by ACL (Association for Computational Linguistics), containing, among other
goodies, the Collins English Dictionary. I cannot make sense out of
the dictionary entries since there is no documaentation on their
format anywhere, and after some efforts to get more information, got
little help so far.

I did come to know that Prof. (?) Lloyd Nakatani and a student worked
to produce a parsed version of the entries, which was also included on
the CD-ROM. So I have also been trying to get in touch with Prof.
Lloyd Nakatani to see if he could help me.

I would appreciate any information in this regard, e.g., any
documentation on the format, the address (preferably e-mail or even US
mail) of Prof. Nakatani or the student who worked on it (his name was
not in the README file), etc.


--- Venu Dasigi (·······
Dr. Venu Dasigi      ·······    ·······
Dept. of CS&Eng, Wright State U, 3640 Col. Glenn Highway, Dayton, OH 45435