From: Gary Hooyman
Subject: Re: Portability: Adding a slot to a class
Message-ID: <>
In response to a previous post by Nicholas Roquette, I am posting this clip of code for my solution to the problem of providing dynamic extension of class definitions.

The code is in two parts: design-object-class and dynamic-design-object-class

Some of the code specifically mentions objects of the class 'data-item.  These are the domain specific objects that I put into the initforms of the classes.  Their definitions exist elsewhere, but are not needed here.  The code can be easily modified to accomodate other types of objects.
The :after methods on the dynamic-design-object-class may seem a bit confusing.
 These are needed because overridden slots do not get updated by update-instance-for-redefined-class (possibly an error in CLOS).

Any questions or comments are eagerly sought.

ps - the lisp-script methods are for writing an evaluatable 'make-instance'
form of the data item objects
Gary Hooyman
Department of Civil Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15201
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;                                                                          ;;;;;;                                                                          ;;;;;;                       CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY                         ;;;;;;                                                                          ;;;;;;                   DEPARTMENT  OF  CIVIL  ENGINEERING                     ;;;;;;                            

                                              ;;;;;;                    COMPUTER-AIDED ENGINEERING GROUP                      ;;;;;;                                                                          ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;                                                                          ;;;;;;   FILE.... : DESIGN-OBJECT-CLASS.LISP                                    ;;;;;;                                                           

               ;;;;;;   AUTHOR.. : MAHER HAKIM & GARY HOOYMAN                                  ;;;;;;                                                                          ;;;;;;   CREATED. : JULY 1992                                                   ;;;;;;                                                                          ;;;;;;   ABSTRACT : This file contains the design object class definition for   ;;;;;;              the STandards REPresentation and Processing ENvironment     ;;;;;;          

    "STREPPEN"                                                  ;;;;;;                                                                          ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(defclass design-object-class ()
  ((satisfied          :accessor satisfied
                      :allocation :instance
                      (make-instance 'constant :name
                                   'satisfied :value 'satisfied
                                   :defined-in-class 'design-object-class))
   (not-satisfied      :accessor not-satisfied
                      :allocation :instance
                      (make-instance 'constant :name
                                   'not-satisfied :value 'not-satisfied
                                   :defined-in-class 'design-object-class))
   (not-applicable     :accessor not-applicable
                      :allocation :instance
                      (make-instance 'constant :name
                                   'not-applicable :value 'not-applicable
                                   :defined-in-class 'design-object-class)))
  (:documentation "the root class for all static design object classes in

;===============================================================================(defmethod class-name ((self design-object-class))
  "return the class name symbol"
  (clos:class-name (class-of self)))


(defmethod initialize-instance :after
                   ((self design-object-class) &rest initargs)
  "point each slot object to the new instance"
  (loop for slot-name in (mapcar #'clos:slot-definition-name
                              (clos:class-slots (class-of self)))
        do (eval (list 'setf (list 'parent-object (list slot-name self))

(defmethod defclass-form-slot-definitions ((self design-object-class))
  "write the defclass form of the slot definitions"
  (mapcar #'(lambda (x-slot-def)
               (list (clos:slot-definition-name x-slot-def))

               (list :allocation
                    (clos:slot-definition-allocation x-slot-def))
               (mapcan #'(lambda (x-slot-initarg)
                         (list :initarg x-slot-initarg))
                      (clos:slot-definition-initargs x-slot-def))

               (list :initform
                    (if (typep   ; if the initform evaluates to a data-item
                         (list (clos:slot-definition-name x-slot-def)
                       (lisp-script   ; then make clos printed form of the
                        (eval (list   ; object in the slot
                                     ; (assures an updated version)
                              (clos:slot-definition-name x-slot-def)

                      (clos:slot-definition-initform x-slot-def)))
                                        ; else, reassert the previous initform

               (mapcan #'(lambda (x-slot-reader)
                         (list :reader x-slot-reader))
                      (clos:slot-definition-readers x-slot-def))

               (mapcan #'(lambda (x-slot-writer-method)
                         (list :writer x-slot-writer-method))
                      (clos:slot-definition-writers x-slot-def))))

          (clos:class-direct-slots (class-of self))))

;===============================================================================(defmethod lisp-script-defclass-form ((self design-object-class))
  "returns a written representation of the defclass form of the instance"
  (list 'defclass (clos:class-name (class-of self))
        (mapcar #'clos:class-name
                (class-of self)))
        (defclass-form-slot-definitions self)
        (list ':documentation (documentation (class-of self)))))

;===============================================================================(defmethod list-all-di-names ((self design-object-class))
  "returns a list of all the slot names of the instance"
  (mapcar #'clos:slot-definition-name
          (clos:class-slots (class-of self))))

;===============================================================================(defmethod list-all-di-objects ((self design-object-class))
  "returns a list of all the slot objects of the instance"
  (mapcar #'(lambda (x-di-name)
              (eval (list x-di-name self)))
          (list-all-di-names self)))

;===============================================================================(defmethod list-local-di-names ((self design-object-class))
  "returns a list of the locally defined slot names of the instance"
  (mapcar #'clos:slot-definition-name
          (clos:class-direct-slots (class-of self))))
;===============================================================================(defmethod list-local-di-objects ((self design-object-class))
  "returns a list of the locally defined slot objects of the instance"
  (mapcar #'(lambda (x-di-name)
              (eval (list x-di-name self)))
          (list-local-di-names self)))


;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;                                                                          ;;;;;;                                                                          ;;;;;;                       CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY                         ;;;;;;                                                                          ;;;;;;                   DEPARTMENT  OF  CIVIL  ENGINEERING                     ;;;;;;                            

                                              ;;;;;;                    COMPUTER-AIDED ENGINEERING GROUP                      ;;;;;;                                                                          ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;                                                                          ;;;;;;   FILE.... : DYNAMIC-DESIGN-OBJECT-CLASS.LISP                            ;;;;;;                                                           

               ;;;;;;   AUTHOR.. : MAHER HAKIM & GARY HOOYMAN                                  ;;;;;;                                                                          ;;;;;;   CREATED. : JULY 1992                                                   ;;;;;;                                                                          ;;;;;;   ABSTRACT : This file contains the dynamic design object class          ;;;;;;              definition for the STandards REPresentation and Processing  ;;;;;;          

    ENvironment "STREPPEN"                                      ;;;;;;                                                                          ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(defclass dynamic-design-object-class (design-object-class)
  (:documentation "a mixin for design object class to support the dynamic
class definition in STREPPEN"))


;; this function asserts a class definition of a class that is
;; in the design-object-class-hierarchy

(defun make-dynamic-design-object-class (name &key
                                  (parents '(dynamic-design-object-class))
                                  (slot-definitions '())
                                  (documentation "nil"))
   (list 'defclass name
         (list :documentation documentation))))

;; this method will add any named dependents to the class as
;; slots if they do not exist already

(defmethod add-ingredients-to-di :before
                 (ingredients di (self dynamic-design-object-class))
  (loop for ingredient in ingredients
            when (not (slot-exists-p self ingredient))
            do (add-di ingredient 'data-item self)))

(defmethod add-di (name type (self dynamic-design-object-class))
  "add a slot filled with a data item of the name and type specified"
   (list 'defclass (class-name (class-of self))
         (mapcar #'clos:class-name
                 (class-of self)))
         (append (defclass-form-slot-definitions self)
                (list (list name
                      (concatenate 'string
                          ":" (write-to-string name)))
                      :accessor name
                      :initform  (make-instance type
                                    :name name :defined-in-class
                                    (class-name (class-of self))))))
         (list :documentation (documentation (class-of self))))))

; will signal an error if the slot name is already in use locally

; sets the parent object of the newly added data-item and
; writes an :after method for (setf slot-name) that assures that
; any data-item put into the slot maintains the appropriate name,
; parent object, and the name of the class defined in

(defmethod add-di :after (name type (self dynamic-design-object-class))
  "for the new slot, insert the new initform into the prototype instance
and define a setf method to assure the slot object maintains the proper name,
parent-object, and class-defined-in"
  (eval (list 'defmethod  (list 'setf name) :after
              (list 'arg (list 'self (class-name self)))
              (list 'if (list 'typep 'arg (quote 'data-item))
                   (list 'progn
                        (list 'setf (list 'slot-value
                             (list name 'self) (quote 'name))
                             (list 'quote name))
                        (list 'setf (list 'parent-object 'arg) 'self)
                        (list 'setf (list 'defined-in-class 'arg)
                                     (list 'quote (class-name self)))))))
  (eval (list 'setf (list name self)
              (list name (list 'make-instance
                             (list 'quote (class-name self)))))))


(defmethod remove-di (name (self dynamic-design-object-class))
  "reassert the defclass without the specified slot"
   (list 'defclass (class-name (class-of self))
        (mapcar #'clos:class-name
                (class-of self)))
        (remove-if #'(lambda (x-slot-def)
                      (equal (first x-slot-def) name))
                  (defclass-form-slot-definitions self))
        (list :documentation (documentation (class-of self))))))

(defmethod remove-di :after (name (self dynamic-design-object-class))
  "for an overridden slot, remove the local setf method and retrieve the
   inherited slot initform"
  (if (member name (list-all-di-names self))
         (list 'defmethod  (list 'setf name) :after
               (list 'arg (list 'self (class-name self)))))
        (eval (list 'setf (list name self)
                   (list name (list 'make-instance
                                  (list 'quote (class-name self)))))))))


(defmethod set-class-parents
             (parents-list (self dynamic-design-object-class))
  "redefine the class with a new set of parents"
  (if (null parents-list)
      (setq parents-list (list 'dynamic-design-object-class)))
  (eval (list 'defclass (class-name (class-of self))
              (defclass-form-slot-definitions self)
              (list :documentation (documentation (class-of self))))))


(defmethod set-class-documentation
              (documentation-string (self dynamic-design-object-class))
  "set the documentation string of the class"
  (setf (documentation (class-of self)) documentation-string))


(defmethod class-documentation ((self dynamic-design-object-class))
  "return the documentation string of the class"
  (documentation (class-of self)))