From: Gerda Janssens
Subject: Call for Participation : PLILP 92, August 26-28, 1992, Leuven
Message-ID: <>
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           	Fourth International Symposium on

         	Programming Language Implementation

                and Logic Programming

                       August 26 - 28, 1992
                       Leuven, Belgium

Sponsored by :

Association of Logic Programming, 
Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research,

The aim of the symposium is to explore new declarative concepts, meth-
ods and techniques relevant for implementation of all kinds of program-
ming languages, whether algorithmic or declarative ones. The intension
is to gather researchers from the fields of algorithmic programming lan-
guages as well as logic,  functional and object-oriented programming.
PLILP 92 will take place in Leuven, Belgium, from August 26 till Au-
gust 28.

Sharing a common location, and thus a common history, the city and
the University have grown together through the centuries.  Leuven was
founded in the 9th century and the university in 1425. The center of the
city, in all its charm and commercial vitality, is a cluster of historical
monuments of which the 15th century Gothic City Hall forms the center
piece.  Many attractive cafes and restaurants add to the town's playful

PLILP 92's predecessors have been held in Orleans (1988), Linkoping
(1990) and Passau (1991).  The program of PLILP 92 contains 29 se-
lected talks out of 82 contributions.  Invited speakers are P. Cousot
(Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris) and M. Hanus (Universitaet des Saar-

In parallel to the talks there will be system demonstrations about new
implementations in the area of functional, logic and object-oriented pro-
gramming languages. Participants who are interested in presenting sys-
tems related to the topics of PLILP are requested to contact Bart De-
moen by e-mail (······· before June 22, 1992.


Wednesday, August 26
8h30    Registration
9h00    Invited Lecture: M. Hanus : Improving Control of Logic Programs by 
	Using Functional Logic Languages
Session: Parallelism
10h00   H. Kuchen, J.J. Moreno-Navarro, M.V. Hermenegildo: Independent 
	AND-Parallel Implementation of Narrowing
10h30   V'eron, M. Dorochevsky: Binding Techniques and Garbage Collection for 
	OR-parallel CLP Systems
11h00   Coffee Break
Session: Static Analysis
11h30   C.K. Gomard, P. Sestoft: Path Analysis for Lazy Data Structures
12h00   K.R. Apt, A. Pellegrini: Why the Occur-check is Not a Problem
12h30   Lunch
Session: Implementation I
14h00   I. Attali, J. Chazarain, S. Gilette: Incremental Evaluation of Natural 
	Semantics Specifications
14h30   F. Barth'elemy, E. Villemonte de la Clergerie: Subsumption-oriented 
	Push-down Automata
15h00   S. Kahrs: Unlimp, Uniqueness as a Leitmotiv for Implementation
15h30   Coffee Break
Session: Attribute Grammars
15h45   M. Pennings, D. Swierstra, H. Vogt: Using Cached Functions and 
	Constructors for Incremental Attribute Evaluation
16h15   M. Rosendahl: Strictness Analysis for Attribute Grammars
16h45   S. Saidi, J.-F. Boulicaut: Checking and Debugging of Two-level Grammars
17h30   Guided Tour

Thursday, August 27
Session: Transformation/Synthesis
8h30    A. Bossi, N. Cocco, S. Etalle: On Safe Folding
9h00    T. Amtoft: Unfold/Fold Transformations Preserving Termination Properties
9h30    F. Alexandre: A Technique for Transforming Logic Programs by 
	Fold-Unfold Transformations
10h00   J. Henrard, B. Le Charlier: FOLON : An Environment for Declarative 
	Construction of Logic Programs
10h30   Coffee Break
Session: Implementation II
11h00   W. Hans: A Complete Indexing Scheme for WAM-based Abstract Machines
11h30   A. Krall, T. Berger: Fast Prolog with a VAM1p based Prolog Compiler
12h00   C. Holzbaur: Metastructures vs. Attributed Variables in the Context of 
	Extensible Unification - Applied for the Implementation of CLP ······@
12h30   Lunch
13h45   Excursion
20h00   Conference Dinner

Friday, August 28
8h30    Invited Talk: P. Cousot: On the Galois Connection and 
	Widening/Narrowing Approaches in Abstract Interpretation
Session: Abstract Interpretation
9h30    K. Verschaetse, D. De Schreye: Derivation of Linear Size Relations by
	Abstract Interpretation
10h00   V. Englebert, B. Le Charlier, D. Roland, P. Van Hentenryck: Generic 
	Abstract Interpretation Algorithms for Prolog : Two Optimization 
	Techniques and Their Experimental Evaluation
10h30   Coffee Break
Session: Implementation III
11h00   A. Hui Bon Hoa: A Simple Abstract Interpreter for a Higher-order Logic 
	Programming Language
11h30   A. M"uck: CAMEL : An Extension of the Categorical Abstract Machine to 
	Compile Functional / Logic Programs
12h00   W. Hans, R. Loogen, S. Winkler: On the Interaction of Lazy Evaluation 
	and Backtracking
12h30   Lunch
Session: Debugging
14h00   M. Kamkar, N. Shahmehri, P. Fritzson: Interprocedural Dynamic Slicing
14h30   H. Nilsson, P. Fritzson: Algorithmic Debugging of Lazy Functional 
15h00   M. Ducass'e: A General Trace Query Mechanism Based on Prolog
15h30   Coffee Break
Session: Integration
16h00   J.A. Plaza: Fully Declarative Logic Programming
16h30   G. Lindstrom, J. Ma_luszy'nski, T. Ogi: Our LIPS Are Sealed : 
	Interfacing Functional and Logic Programming Systems
17h00   M. Alpuente, M. Falaschi, F. Manzo: Analyses of Inconsistency for 
	Incremental Equational Logic Programming
17h30   S.A. Rebelsky: I/O Trees and I/O Support for Equational Logic 

The Association of Logic Programming has provided a limited number
of grants for graduate students and people from Eastern Europe.  Ap-
plications using the enclosed form must reach us before June 22, 1992.

For the local accommodation there are two options. Either you contact
yourself one of the following hotels (the prices include breakfast and
taxes,  all the hotels accept American Express,  Eurocard/Mastercard
and Visa credit cards):
Hotel Arcade, Brusselsestraat 52-58, 3000 Leuven, tel. (32)16-29.31.11,
fax (32)16-23.87.92, ** hotel with 71 rooms, 2300 BF for a single room
and 2750 BF for a double room (15 minutes walk).
Hotel Begijnhof Congreshotel, Tervuursevest 70, 3000 Leuven, tel. (32)16-
29.10.10, fax (32)16-29.10.22, **** hotel with 67 rooms, 3500 BF for a
single room and 4250 BF for a double room, add.  credit card : Diners
Club (20 minutes walk).
Hotel Binnenhof, Maria Theresiastraat 65, 3000 Leuven, tel.  (32)16-
20.55.92, fax (32)16-23.69.26, *** hotel with 57 rooms, 2350 BF for a
single room and 2950 BF for a double room, add.  credit card : Diners
Club (15 minutes walk).
Hotel  Holiday  Inn,  Alfons  Smetsplein  7,  3000  Leuven,  tel.   (32)16-
29.07.70, fax (32)16-29.12.29, *** hotel with 100 **** rooms, 3800 BF
for a single room and 4200 BF for a double room, add.  credit cards :
Diners Club, JCB (2 minutes walk).

Or you stay in a student room for one person (5 minutes walk).  We
have an option on 50 rooms which expires on June 22, 1992. The room
is like a hotel room except that toilets and showers have to be shared
and that breakfast is not included (but it is served in a nearby student
restaurant). In the latter case you have to make a reservation using the
enclosed registration form before June 22, 1992. You pay in advance
the fixed price of 3000 BF (500 BF will be refunded on return of the key).
Rooms are available from August 25 (6 pm) till August 29 (10 am).

Social Program
Apart from leisurely enjoying the summer evenings and nights in one or
more of the many Leuven outdoor cafes, the social program includes the
following :

    o  Wednesday evening, guided (walking) tours through Leuven are
       organised, including a visit to the University Library bell Tower.
       This tower houses one of the world's largest carillons, which will
       be presented to you by the Leuven town carilloneur.  Afterwards,
       you will be able to enjoy a concert on the carillon, specially offered
       to the participants of PLILP 92, from one of the nearby outdoor

    o  Thursday afternoon, a bus trip to Limburg (Flandres' "green province")
       is planned, including a visit to the Bokrijk open air museum. Here,
       a number of typical buildings from Flanders' past have been as-
       sembled in the green setting of a beautiful park. Old farms, mills,
       inns, schools, ... with their original interior provide a good impres-
       sion of life in the recent and distant past.  Moreover, several inns
       and cafes provide excellent opportunity to sample the wide range
       of famous Belgian beers.

    o  The conference dinner on Thursday night takes place in the first
       class  University  restaurant  "Faculty  club",  situated  in  the  en-
       chanting environment of the medieval "Groot Begijnhof" (great
       beguinage). (Weather permitting, it will probably be an open air

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			August 26-28, 1992

                        Registration  form

Last Name  ............................ First Name  .............

Affiliation .....................................................

Postal address ..................................................


e-mail address  ............... Telephone number  ...............

                                Fax number ..........

 Registration fee includes :
        lunches, excursion, conference dinner and proceedings.
	I will have vegetarian meals.		Yes/No
 Early registrations (received before June 22)  	... x 8500 BF =  ... BF
 Late Registrations  					... x 10000 BF = ... BF 
 Extra proceedings   					... x 1200 BF =  ... BF
 Extra excursion tickets (limited number)       	... x 400 BF =   ... BF
 Extra dinner tickets                                   ... x 2000 BF =  ... BF 
 I want to stay at a student room                       ... x 3000 BF =  ... BF
 and pay now a fixed price for the whole stay.
 Date of Birth  ................ Nationality  ................

(!!! Reservations for student rooms must reach us before June 22, 1992)

 Total cost                                               		 ... BF

Either include a bankers draft or Euro-check in Belgian Franks or fill in the 
form below.



Type (please circle one).      VISA               MASTERCARD

Card Number :  .......... .......... Expiration Date :  ..........

Name as it appears on the card :  ...............................

Authorised Signature ...........................................

Send to :    Brigitte Gelders, PLILP 92,
             Department of Computer Science, K.U.Leuven
             Celestijnenlaan 200A, B-3001 Heverlee, Belgium
             Tel. : (32)-16-20 10 15  extension 3640
             Fax : (32)-16-20 53 08

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		      August 26-28, 1992

                      Grant application form

                      Deadline :  June 22, 1992

We have a limited number of grants, financed by the Association for Logic Pro-
gramming, for graduate students and people form Eastern Europe. Priority will
be given to authors of papers. The grants are paid at the symposium.

Last Name ....................................First Name ..................

Affiliation ...................................................................

Postal address ...............................................................


e-mail address ......................Telephone number ......................

                                          Fax number .......................

Motivation for request :

 Send to :  Brigitte Gelders, PLILP 92,
            Department of Computer Science, K.U.Leuven
            Celestijnenlaan 200A
            B-3001 Heverlee, Belgium.
            Tel.: (32)-16-20 10 15 extension 3640
            Fax : (32)-16-20 53 08