From: David Yost
Subject: Lisp dialect as front end to PostScript
Message-ID: <>
Imagine PostScript, but with lisp syntax and lisp macros.
I.e. a lisp dialect that translates more or less directly
to PostScript.

Has anyone done such a thing?

 --dave yost
From: john peterson
Subject: Re: Lisp dialect as front end to PostScript
Message-ID: <>
I made a Common Lisp front end for Postscript called PLisp a few years
ago.  This translates many common lisp functions to postscript as well
as manage the environment and many lispisms (&optional and &rest
arguments, multiple values, macros, ...).  I'm not working on this
thing anymore but it's available for anyone that wants it.  It's
available via anonymous ftp in pub/plisp/plisp.tar.Z on (

   John Peterson
   Yale Haskell Project